Emma Fry; Emma Hardy; Sarah Harper;
Debbie Ireland; Carole Jones; Mathew Livingstone;
Nicole Ramsey
Associates: / Andrew Moffatt; Martin Tate
In Attendance: / Zoe Dobbins(Clerk to the Governors)
1.Apologies for AbsenceApologies for absence were accepted from Newman Holt.
2.Declaration of pecuniary interests relevant to this agenda
Governors were asked to declare any pecuniary interests relevant to the agenda. No one declared any interests relevant to this agenda.
3.Confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting and report on matters arising from the minutes
Resolved:That the minutes of the meeting held on 19 January2016
be approved and signed.
Matters arising from the minutes
School were unable to claim on the Insurance for the repair to the stone wall.
SEF will be included on next FGB Agenda
4.School Places Consultation
David Ward from School Places Planning Team attended the meeting to
speak to Governors and give them the opportunity to ask questions or
make comments on the proposals regarding additional school places
for 2-11 age range at Ecclesall Infant School.
David confirmed it is still at proposal stage nothing has been finalised
and is still work in progress.
Consultation will be ongoing until 22 June 2016 and will include Parents,
Governors and local residents.
Consultation workshops have been organised and up to present 30.
People have booked a place following the letter that has been sent out.
School have received a mixed response with some concerns around
additional build on the school site. There has also been positive support
for additional school places.
Bents Green and Ecclesall pre-school are being consulted as
consideration is being made to include Early Years provision on the site.
This allow an opportunity to explore the right decisions to make with 3
Options on the table
- 2-11 age range
- 4-11 age range
- Infant age range
will focus on HR, Leadership, Finance and Transition.
Governors asked about the new build and how this will be managed while
children are still in school. Governors would like more information on the
building plans for the future and how the original build will be integrated
with the new build.
Governors also asked about how much outside space will be lost. It is
envisaged that space will be lost but it still leaves a large outside play
area and part of the building will be on an area that is not fully utilised at
Governors asked what the impact of the new build will have on Local
Residents in the surrounding houses.
Governors raised concerns about managing Contractors on site once the
build is underway due to already having access and parking issues.
Governors are keen to communicate and engage with Local Residents.
Governors said the Frequently asked question document is very useful
and works well. David confirmed this will be reviewed weekly and
updated on the SCC website.
Governors are keen to retain the nice welcoming feel of the school and
Remain Environmentally Friendly in line with ethos of being a Green Flag
David updated Governors on the pressures on places at other schools
in the area which are affecting Dobcroft, Greystones, Holt House, Clifford
Carterknowleand Ecclesall Juniors.
Dobcroft have had a temporary expansion. Clifford require a Junior phase
but problems with extending as they do not own property next door.
Ecclesall Junior being considered to reduce in size but remain open as
Junior School.
David is keen to encourage and engage people in the Consultation
Governors thanked David for attending the meeting.
Ecclesall Infants and Ecclesall Juniors will continue to work together. The
Soft Federation will continue for 2 years to allow for the Transition to be as
Smooth as possible. The current proposal will reduce the Juniors to a 1
Form intake.
This will have HR implications as the Juniors will need to reduce staff and the infants will need to increase staffing.
Currently early stages of discussion: the whole process will need to be managed and Emma Hardy will be deciding on Staffing structures required linking into financial Modelling and meetings with finance are being arranged.
£11k has been allocated for furniture and approx. £20k has been allocated for new toilet facilities for the additional 30 Reception places this September 2016..
Cabinet Meeting in July will confirm the decision and temporary interim arrangements will be put in place.
Building Completion is estimated for Sept 2018.
Governors discussed that a lot more detail will need to be worked through:
- Finance
- Capital Funding
- Staff structures
- Leadership
- Planning Consultation
- New Build
- Communication with Local Community
5.Headteacher’s Report
The Headteacher’s report was received and the following points were discussed:
5.1 Ofsted Inspection at Junior School
The School is Good with credit given to Leadership and strong Governance they were impressed with the work done by Kevin Corke who is National Leader of Governance. Ecclesall Infants are expecting Ofsted from July 2016 onwards after three years since last inspected.
5.2 Outreach Work
South West Improvement Partnership (SWIP) group are doing lots of
great work and creating exciting opportunities.
Meetings with Secondary heads have been arranged to discuss levels
and Transition.
5.3 Leadership and Management
Currently judged as Good but close to Grade 1 border. Governors to
discuss in more detail at next Curriculum Meeting.
5.4 Staffing Structure
Governors were given the current updated Staffing Structure and Kevin
Corke has been involved in recent Recruitment of new staff and
appointments made have been of a high standard.
6.To approve the budget spending plan for the financial year 2016-17
The Budget spending plan was discussed in detail at the Resources Committee and Governors recommended approval.
Governors approved the Budget spending plan for 2016/17
/ To discuss at Curriculum meeting
7.Annual report on Safeguarding
The Chairperson confirmed that everything is up to date. DBS to be updated for all Governors and the Full report is available online.
8.Confirm or appoint the reviewers for the Performance Management of the Headteacher and to appoint an external adviser to support the process
It was confirmed that the following willcompletePerformance management of the Headteacher:
- Roger Watkin
- Emma Fry
- Kevin Corke
9.Staffing Review
This item was covered under Headteacher Report.
10.Playground Feedback
Monkey Bars have been removed. These will be replaced by traverse wall (Climbing wall) which is waiting to be installed soon.
11.Date and Time of the Next Meeting
Resolved:That the next meeting is to be confirmed
12.Any Other Urgent Business
a. Academy White Paper discussion was deferred.
b. Curriculum Meeting 14 June cancelled another meeting to be arranged.
c. Consultation Meetings to be held
- 7 June 16 for Local Residents/Parents at Ecclesall Infants
- 8 June 16 Meeting for Parents at Ecclesall Infants
- 10 June 16 Meeting for Parents at Clifford CE Infants
- 14 June 16 for Local Residents/Parents Meeting at Ecclesall Juniors
- 15 June 16 Meeting for Parents at Ecclesall Juniors
Clifford parents can utilise priority booking system.
e. Breakfast Club
To be considered to be held on Infant site there is room and
Level 3 T.A to facilitate. Discussions have taken place with
Andrew Newman (Chair of Kids Club) and Faye Cooper (Finance
Manager at Kids Club). Governors discussed offering more rooms to
allow separate EIS and EJS Kids Club for before / after school.
f. EPTFA Summer Fair
Sat 2ndJuly Governors all welcome to join and help out if possible.
Meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.
G:\CYPD\ILS\Access and Pupil Services\Governors Service\Masters\MINUTES TEMPLATE\2016\Summer 2016 Minutes (table).doc
………………………………………… Chairperson
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