ACS Test 1 Review

Level 1


ACS Mrs. Salvati

Answer to the following questions:

1. What temperature should the water be when washing your hands?


2. When washing your hands, how long should you scrub your hands for?

30 seconds (15 seconds on each side)

Use the following instructions to answer the next 3 questions.

Dilution: Dilute 2 oz of disinfectant per gallon of water.

3. How much disinfectant would you need for 1 gallon of water?

2oz X 1gallon of water =

4. How much water would you need for 2 gallons of water?

2oz X 2gallons of water =

5. How much disinfectant would you need to add to a spray bottle of water?

2oz / 4 =

6. When diluting disinfectant what should you add first?


7. What are some signs that a dog may bite you?

Growling, showing teeth, ears pinned back, body tense

8. What are some signs that a dog is a fear biter?

. Tail between legs Body tense, lowered

Eyes following your every move

9. What are some signs that a cat may attack you?

Ears pinned back Eyes wide open, following you

Lunging toward you

10. How do you properly put a choke chain on?

Like a “p”

11. Which collar puts the least pressure on the neck?


12. What is the goal of animal handling?

Use the least amount of restraint possible Be able to complete task

Do not get injured or hurt animal

13. What is the best way to lift a small dog?

One hand under head, one arm over chest

14. What is the best way to lift a large dog?

2 person lift

15. What are some safety precautions to remember when lifting dogs?

Lift with your legs not your back Always control dogs head

Use 2 person lift when lifting large dogs

16. What tools can you use to help restrain an aggressive dog?

Muzzle Large blanket


17. What tools can you use to help restrain an aggressive cat?

Muzzle Towel

Cat bag

18. How do you restrain an aggressive cat?


19. Which factor will influence the comfort of animals?

Temperature humidity

Air exchanges

20. What is a comfortable temperature for small animals?


21. What is a comfortable humidity level for small animals?


22. How many air exchanges per hour should there be in an animal facility?


23. How can disease be spread?

Through the air Through poop to mouth contact

Through nasal discharge

24. What is the number 1 client turn off?


25. List 3 different types of disinfectant.

Bleach Phenol


26. Which disinfectant can have toxic fumes?


27. What is the dilution for bleach?

32 parts water to 1 part bleach

28. Which disinfectant is the least toxic?


29. Which disinfectant is toxic to cats?


30. Which type of disinfectant is Lysol?


31. List 3 things that can be a carrier of virus and bacteria?

Hair Blood


32. What are the steps to cleaning the floor?

Sweep then mop

33. When should you set up a new mop bucket?

After cleaning a large job When the water is dirty

34. How wet should the mop be when mopping?


35. When should you rinse the mop?

Both before and after you use it

36. Why should you keep the mop clean and dry?

Because bacteria will grow Because mold will grow

Because it will cause an odor

37. Where should you keep the mop when you are not using it?

Out of the water

38. What is the purpose of disinfectant?

To sanitize the area

39. What should be done if a potentially sick pet enters the hospital?

Disinfect floors Disinfectant any cages it was in

Disinfect any rooms that the animal was in

Number the steps to cleaning cages in order #1-4

__ Disinfect cage __Wipe __ Allow for contact time

__ Remove animals & items __ Remove urine and feces