Confirmed Minutes of the 4th BBNP Local Access Forum Meeting held
at 14.00 on Thursday 12th January at the BBNPA Headquarters, Brecon
Chairman: - Mike Scott Archer (MSA)
Secretary: - Richard Ball (RB)
Colin Woodley (CW)
Ian Mabberley (IM)
Denis Murphy (DM)
Pam Bell (PB)
Hilda Williams (HW)
Gwyn Gwillim (GG)
David Thomas (DT)
Janet Bailey (JB)
Julian Atkins (JA)
Eifion Jones (EJ) Rights of Way Officer, BBNPA
Avril Barnes (AB) Rights of Way Assistant BBNPA
John Harvey (JH) Chairman Monmouthshire LAF
Stacey Delbridge (SD) Secretary RCT LAF
C Davies (CD) Definitive Map Officer RCT
Steve Carter (SC) Chairman RCT LAF
Karen Burch (KB) Chairman Carmarthenshire LAF
Michael Smith (MS) CCW
Charles De Winton (CDW) Chairman Powys LAF
Graham Cowden(GC) Conservation Officer BBNPA
- Welcomes and Apologies
MSA welcomed members and observers. Apologies for absence were received from David Sharman and Pav Vitek
- Confirmation of Minutes from the first and second Meetings on the 20TH October 2011
The Minutes were accepted with no alterations and it was agreed MSA should sign them as a true record.
- Matters arising not otherwise appearing on the Agenda
MSA welcomed other LAF chairs present and invited them to give a brief introduction to their areas and the issues they face.
- BBNPA Countryside Directorate Restructure
JA explained that the last restructure had taken place in 2007 and there were four
Main objectives for the new restructure, the BBNPA should:
- Work more effectively with park communities
- Become more enabling
- Focus more on becoming more commercially astute and to attract more external funding
- Focus more on conservation and park management.
JA informed members of the consultation process that had been carried out to Implementthe restructure; he also produced organisational charts to illustrate the changes, new positions created and their roles.
JA invited any questions.
MSA enquired about use of volunteers as a resource.
DM suggested using volunteers that were based outside of the Park with reference to university and college students.
JA informed members that the BBNPA already used volunteers to undertake practical works and was in the process of developing a research prospectus with links to Universities and Colleges.
The new restructure will create a new volunteer co coordinator position to put more emphasis on the issue. Members welcomed this development and DM offered support in terms of student volunteers.
- Establishment of a single environment body for Wales.
MS informed members that a decision has been made by The Welsh Government to merge The Countryside Council for Wales, Forestry Commission Wales and Environment Agency.
RB asked whether the Forestry Commissioners would be retained.
MS informed RB that due to the process being at a very early stage, he could not give any more details.
- Decadal review of CROW Access Maps.
MS explained that the CROW Act required CCW and NE to undertake a review of CROW Access maps every 10 years. It was anticipated that the review will provide an opportunity to correct any anomalies on existing maps and to update changes that may have occurred such as a forestation of Open Country. Comments will be invited by CCW between July – November of 2012 and provisional maps will be produced by August 2013, the Conclusive maps will be produced by 2014.
- Rights of Way consultation and ROWIP update
EJ had invited comments on four consultations; MSA had emailed LAF comments on the consultations and all were happy with them.
EJ suggested he should be copied into emailsfrom members to MSA with reference to consultations, members agreed.
EJ presented an update on the ROWIP funding and explained that half of it had been claimed by December. The Countryside Council for Wales had offered an extra £16,500 bring the total funding for 2011 – 12 Financial year to £70,000, the money was spent in the across the Park on path improvements to the Beacons Way (on the Carmarthen Fans), in the Llanthony area and on the southern fringe of the Park, .It is understood that Funding of £55,000 will be available from the WG next financial year.
MSA enquired if the Rights Of Way department was using volunteers for works to be carried out.
EJ explained this was the case but only on small projects, due to the fact that larger projects were contracted out.
JA proposed that EJ and RB make a small presentation on some of the projects carried out using ROWIP funding and the volunteer involvement.
- Enjoying the outdoors newsletter and questionnaire.
MS informed members that the deadline for the questionnaire regarding the content and effectiveness of the Enjoying the Outdoors Newsletter had been extended to the end of the month. MS expressed disappointment about the lack of response from the various LAFS and feels the different ways the LAFS communicate may have had an impact on the questionnaire. It was agreed that RB would supply contact details of Members and that in future the link to the publication would be sent directly to them by email where appropriate.
- Phytophthora out breaks in the BBNP.
GC explained his role within the BBNP.
GC gave a brief description of the various strains of Phytophthora within the UK and the various symptoms to be aware of and the precautions to take when walking in or near an affected area, two of which fall within the BBNP. He also informed members of the possible reasons for increased infections such as mild winters and wet summers. GC also informed members that it appeared possible for dwarf shrub heath plants such as heather and bilberry to be affected.
GC told members that they should inform the Forestry Commission Wales if they came across any suspected out breaks and explained how risks of spreading contamination could be minimised such as ensuring mud and pine needles were removed from boots and clothing.
- Questions from members of the public and observers
No questions were received
MSA gave a brief report on the SPLASH Activity Week and congratulated SPLASH Officer Gez Richards on a very successful series of events.
The issue of BBNP LAF members visiting other LAFs was discussed.MSA explained to members that there had to be a consideration of the cost of observers visiting other LAFs and the benefits that such visits bring. JA informed members that the budget allocated to the LAF will not support observer expenses visiting every neighbouring LAF meeting.
JA suggested a buddy up system with other LAFS using email and telephone to Communicate on relevant issues and that only occasional attendance would then be necessary. CM, (Rhondda CynanTaff) JB, (Monmouthshire) DM, (Merthyr Tydfil) MSA, (Carmarthenshire) RB (Herefordshire) volunteered.
DM gave a brief summary of his visit to the Merthyr Tydfil LAF giving details of a health and safety audit on the Taff Trail and a new mountain bike centre within the Gethin Wood which may link up to the north of the county. There was also some discussion of access to inland water issues and RB pointed out that the BBNPA (as a Special Purpose Local Authority) had to follow the findings of the National Assembly for Wales Inquiry that had concluded that there was not a general right of access to inland water in Wales.
- Dates for future meeting
The next meeting will be held 14.00 on Thursday 26th April at the BBNP headquarters