Introduction to Business Analytics

MGSC 207 (5875)

Spring 2018

Instructor: Dr. Z. Goldstein

Class time: Tuesday, Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 p.m.

Classroom: BK 206A.

Prerequisite: MATH109, or MATH110, or MGSC208

Instructor’s Office: BK 303S

Office hours: M, W, 8:30 a.m. – 10 a.m.

Telephone: 714 657 2284


Academic Integrity Policy

Chapman University is a community of scholars that emphasizes the mutual responsibility of all members to seek knowledge honestly and in good faith. Students are responsible for doing their own work and academic dishonesty of any kind will be subject to sanction by the instructor/administrator and referral to the university Academic Integrity Committee, which may impose additional sanctions including expulsion. Please see the full description of Chapman University's policy on Academic Integrity at

Equity and Diversity Policy

Chapman University is committed to ensuring equality and valuing diversity. Students and professors are reminded to show respect at all times as outlined in Chapman’s Harassment and Discrimination Policy: Any violations of this policy should be discussed with the professor, the Dean of Students and/or otherwise reported in accordance with this policy.

Course description:

This course focuses on building models and describing data in spreadsheets to support the solution for business problems. Basic financial models, probabilistic models, in the form of linear and nonlinear models are covered. Emphasis is placed on theory, application of theory and managerial interpretation of mathematical results.

Testing Procedures:

·  Course Score =
(0.7)Three midterm Exams‘ Average + (0.3)Quizzes’ Average

Comment: The third midterm takes place at the date when the final exam is scheduled by the school.
Grade Chart: A 100-90

B 89-75

C 74-60

D 59-50

F Below 50

Exam dates time, and location:

Exam 1 – Thur, Feb 22nd; class time; Location – classroom
Exam 2 – Thur, Apr 5th; class time; Location – classroom
Exam 3 – On the day the final exam is scheduled by the school

Exams - general information:

Exams are…

·  Closed book

·  Handwritten and computational.

·  All written and/or electronic notes are allowed. Your PC or laptop can be used, so power-point files, solutions, and other saved files can be used too.


Essentials of Business Analytics 2e, by Camm, Cochran, Fry, Ohlman Anderson,

Sweeney, and Williams.
ISBN 978 – 305 – 86171 – 8

Software used in the course: Excel - Data Analysis; Excel – Solver;
Excel – specialized templates.

General Remarks:

·  Make-up exams policy: N/A

·  Excel files will be provided frequently in class, for the purpose of class and home training. Bring your laptop to class.

·  Use the course website; go to "Course material" to obtain homework assignments, solutions, and additional supportive material.

·  A friendly advice: take your homework assignment very seriously. Although assignments are not graded, passing the course without constantly work on the homework assignments (on lecture-by-lecture basis) is highly unlikely.


Topic Chapter

1.  Decision Analysis:
Decision Analysis without probabilities: Maximax, MaxiMin, MiniMax Regret 15
Decision Analysis with probabilities: The Expected value criterion

Quiz #1

2.  Forecasting Models – Stationary models, Linear Trend models, seasonal model 8.1 – 8.4

Exam #1 (Feb 2)


3. Spreadsheet Modeling Influence Diagram, Building a model with Excel Functions 10.1 – 10.3

4. Linear programming – Graphical presentation, Modeling, Software, 11.1 – 11.3

Sensitivity Analysis 11.5

Quiz #2

Linear Programming – Applications in marketing, finance, production, logistics 11.6
Integer programming - Optional 12

Exam #2 (Apr 5)


5. Inventory Models – Introduction, the EOQ model, Quantity discount,

Quiz #3

The (Q,R) Service level model, Production lot size, Planned shortage, Single period inventory model

6. Queueing Models The M/M/1; M/M/k; M/G/1 9

7. Simulation Processes with random events 14
Generating random numbers with different distributions
Building Simulation models with Excel

Exam #3 (Scheduled date of the final Exam)