This document is a template created in Microsoft Word and is designed to be completed and printed from your computer.

1. Please read through the entire document before filling out the “Application” section. To scroll down through the document, use the mouse wheel or "sliders" on the side of the page to navigate through the pages.

2. In the “Application” section, click on the first shaded field and type in requested information. Move to next shaded field using “TAB” key. For items 1-5, there is no limit on the amount of information you may provide for each question. When the last shaded field is completed, using “TAB” key brings the cursor to the top of the document. Your application is now ready to print.

3. Item 6 details Transcript Requirements.

4. Item 7 details Letter of Recommendation requirements. To ensure correct format, please forward the instructions included in the last page of this document to those who will be providing letters of recommendation.

5. Item 8 details the Essay requirements. Please enclose your essay as a separate document.


Mail application and required documentation by March 24, 2017 to:

Fort Lewis Family Member Scholarship

ATTN: Scholarship Committee

P.O. Box 331037

JBLM, WA 98433

Fort Lewis

Family Member


** for graduating high school seniors **

Application Packet


Application packets are available for download at:

Fort Lewis Family Member Scholarship

ATTN: Scholarship Committee

P.O. Box 331037

JBLM, WA 98433

Dear Applicant:

The Fort Lewis Family Member Scholarship Committee will offer several scholarships this year for graduating seniors who plan to continue their education at an accredited institution of higher learning. If you are interested in applying for one of these scholarships, please complete the attached application and mail it no later than March 24, 2017 (must be postmarked by March 24, 2017) to:

Fort Lewis Family Member Scholarship

ATTN: Scholarship Committee

P.O. Box 331037

JBLM, WA 98433

Please see the requirements below to determine if you are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

You are eligible if you:

·  Have a valid military ID card


·  Are the child of an active duty Army Soldier assigned to and residing within a fifty mile radius of JBLM

·  Or are a surviving child of an Army Soldier last assigned to JBLM or a surviving child of an Army soldier residing within a fifty-mile radius of JBLM.

·  Or are a child of a retired Army Soldier residing within a fifty-mile radius of JBLM.

·  Will be a graduating senior from an accredited high school or home schooled through an accredited program this year or have graduated from high school within the past two years and have not yet attended college

·  Maintained a cumulative GPA of 2.5 through the first semester of the current academic year

You are not eligible if you:

·  Are active duty personnel

·  Have accepted any four-year scholarship (examples include, but not limited to, military academy appointment, ROTC, academic or athletic scholarships) for your education

·  Are a prior recipient of a Fort Lewis Family Member Scholarship

Any questions about the application or selection process may be emailed to the scholarship chairperson at: .

Applicant’s Rules and Instructions

Winners of Fort Lewis Family Member Scholarships must comply with the following guidelines:

·  A student who receives a four-year ROTC Scholarship, an appointment to one of the service academies, a fully funded scholarship or fully funded grant is not eligible to receive monetary assistance from the Fort Lewis Family Member Scholarship Fund. Such students should immediately notify the committee in writing so it may distribute funds to alternate winners.

·  If awarded a scholarship, students must furnish proof of acceptance/enrollment in an institution of higher learning no later than July 14, 2017.

·  If awarded a scholarship, students may defer it for up to one year by submitting a request for deferral in writing to the scholarship committee. The committee must receive this written request no later than July 14, 2017.

·  Fort Lewis Family Member Scholarships are one year awards and are not renewable. The committee sends a check for the amount awarded directly to the institution of higher learning on July 31, 2017. This money may be used for tuition, room and board, books and supplies. Awardees must provide all necessary information to the committee so that funds can be mailed directly to the school (i.e., student ID number or proof of acceptance/enrollment and the school’s Financial Aid Office mailing address). This information is due to the committee no later than July 14, 2017.

Applicant Checklist

o  Completed application

o  High school transcript

o  Two current letters of recommendation (written within the last year)

o  Personal essay

o  Signed Privacy Act Statement

o  Copy of military ID card

Fort Lewis Family Member Scholarship

2016-2017 Scholarship Application

Complete each item by clicking on the shaded block and typing your answers. The number of characters you may type in each block is unlimited. Advance to the next shaded block by using “TAB” key.

Please do NOT use staples when submitting your packet.




PHONE NUMBER(s): Home: Cell:



Status of sponsor (select one by clicking on appropriate box with mouse):

Active Duty Retired Deceased

Current duty assignment (unit) of Sponsor (if Active Duty):

High School Currently Attending:

List names of schools to which you have applied and designate those from which you have received notification of acceptance:

Parent’s address, if different from above:

PROOF OF ELIGIBILITY: Please enclose a copy of the applicant’s valid military identification card

* Judges are not provided applicants’ names or unit affiliations to prevent any conflicts of interest or demonstration of favoritism.

For Scholarship Committee Use only:

_____ Completed application received

_____ Transcript received

_____ Two current recommendation letters received (written within the last year)

_____ Personal essay received

_____ Privacy Act Statement signed

_____ Copy of valid military identification card

Scholarship Application

Complete each item by clicking on the shaded block and typing your answers. The number of characters you may type in each block is unlimited. Advance to the next shaded block by using “TAB” key.

Please do NOT use staples when submitting your packet.

1. State the course of study you intend to pursue

2. List all high school related extracurricular activities in which you have participated; include the year(s) or season(s) involved. Indicate positions of leadership or offices held.

3. List any honors/awards you have earned or any honorary organizations to which you belong (e.g., National Honor Society, Boy/Girl Scouts, Eagle Scout, etc.), and list year(s) or date(s) of involvement. Please specify if a particular award is a local, regional, state, or national award.

4. List all volunteer activities in which you have participated (e.g., Red Cross, church, service organizations, etc.), and include year(s) or date(s) of involvement.

5. List employment history, if applicable (after school, weekends, or summer employment). Give a brief description of your duties.

6. Attach a complete official transcript with your application. The transcript must contain your current grade point average, to include fall semester grades for the current academic year. Please ensure your transcript specifies if a class is a higher level course (i.e., honors, AP). The transcript must be in a sealed envelope, signed and dated by the school official providing the information.

7. Include two current letters of reference (written within the last year) recommending you for a scholarship based on your character, ability and potential. These letters should not be from relatives, and at least one letter should be from a high school faculty member. Consider asking a coach, youth group leader, volunteer organizer or other adult with whom you’ve worked for a recommendation as well. These letters must also be in a sealed envelope, signed and dated by the person providing the recommendation. Additional instructions for the person writing your recommendation letter are provided with this packet.

8. Please write a ONE PAGE essay describing your career goals and how this scholarship will help you achieve them. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

·  Use Times New Roman with a 12 pt font

·  Double space (limit to one page)

Your essay is a very important part of this application. It will be evaluated based upon clarity of thought, creativity and individuality, and grammatical soundness.


The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC Sec 522) requires that you be informed of the following information:

The information supplied on this application is for local scholarship

consideration and will be used in selecting individuals for awards.


I approve release of application information to the Scholarship Committee.


Signature of Applicant Date


Printed Name of Applicant


I hereby grant full permission to use my name and likeness in publicity releases or displays as a winner of a Fort Lewis Family Member Scholarship.


Signature of Applicant Date


I hereby state that the essay included with this application is exclusively the work of the applicant.


Signature of Applicant Date

Page 4 Packet #HS- ______

Fort Lewis Family Member Scholarship

2016-2017 Scholarship Application


Thank you for agreeing to write a letter of recommendation on behalf of this scholarship applicant. Your recommendation is an important part of his/her application package and we appreciate you taking the time to write this letter. The Fort Lewis Family Member Scholarship Committee would like to request that you follow the guidelines listed below:

·  Please provide your letter directly to the applicant, in a sealed envelope, prior to March 15, 2017.

·  Please type or clearly print your letter.

·  Please comment on the applicant’s character, ability and potential

Page 1 Packet #HS- ______