Summer Academy on
Intercultural Creativity

Scholarship Application Form 2017
Application Form PART I – Personal Data
Please register on
You can hold back your payment until you have notice on your scholarship application. If you are selected for a scholarship you will receive further information about payment procedures. If you are not selected, we still hope for your participation but you are free to withdraw from your registration.
I apply for a: / Full tuition scholarship 1.500 Euro (for EU-European and Chinese candidates only)
Partial tuition scholarship 750 Euro (for other European and Asian candidates)
Online Reg. #
First Name:
Last Name:
Full home address:
City and Country of Residence:
City and Country of birth:
Gender: / male
Current employment status: / I am a high school student
I am a college/university student
I am employed
I am unemployed/doing a gap year/or similar
Field of study and university: / at (university)
current semester
I finished my studies in (year)
Application Form PART II – Information
  1. How would you describe your cultural identity (key words)?

  1. Have you spent time abroad (school exchange, semester abroad, internship abroad,…; please list only stays over one month duration, the type of stay and exact period of time and country)

  1. What are your experiences, background and expertise related to the topic of Intercultural Creativity? If you don’t have any expertise in this field, why are you interested in it?(about 100 characters)

  1. Are you a volunteer or involved in a youth exchange organization?
Yes, with the following youth exchange organization:
→If yes, please describe your active involvement (type, period of time) with about 100 characters
  1. Please describe your active involvement within the civil society (e.g. community service programs, volunteer work, school/class representative → type, period of time, organisation/field). (about 100 characters)
  1. For participation we highly recommend English proficiency level C1 (CEFR) or higher. How would you describe your English proficiency level according to CEFR/ TOEFL / IELTS?
Please provide certificates etc. in attachment to this application form
Type of the certificate:
Grade/points in an English certificate:
  1. What is the average of your academic records in the last two years (please also indicate highest and lowest possible grade in your university grading system)?
Please provide transcripts of records in attachment to this application
  1. Academic Qualification
    Please select the qualifications which apply to you.
    If you are currently pursuing another academic degree, kindly fill in both sections
I have obtained the following academic degree(s)
Undergraduate /Bachelor
Name of Degree (with major) Year :
Institution :
Diploma /Master
Name of Degree (with major) Year :
Institution :
Name of Degree (with major) Year :
Institution :
I am currently pursuing my academic degree
Name of Degree (with major) Year of study
  1. Do you receive any financial support (educational assistance (BAföG), sponsorships, public assistance etc.)
If yes, please provide confirmation in attachment of this application. Please note that financial support of any kind does not reduce your chances of being awarded a scholarship.
Application Form - PART III – Letter of motivation
Please provide us with a letter of motivation for your participation (approx. 1 page).
Please include the following topics in your letter of motivation:
  • Why do you want to participate in the Summer Academy?
  • What are you hoping to gain from your participation?
  • How are you intending to use the experiences from the Summer Academy in the future?
  • Why should you be awarded a scholarship?

Please attach transcripts of records of your academic career, your letter of motivation andyour proof of English language ability to this application.
I have attached:
Letter of motivation
Transcript of records (of two years)
English certificate
Confirmation of financial support
Please return the application form and the attachments by May 31, 2017 to