NAME: ______APRIL 28, 2010



INSTRUCTIONS: All questions (1-6) are 20 points each. Max on this test is 110. Type ALL answers in a separate Word file, print it, and hand it in. The test begins at 3 PM on 4/28/10 and ends at 3 PM on 4/30/10. Assignments not handed in by 3 PM on Friday the 30th will be graded as 0. You may hand this in early, but it must be handed to me. DO NOT PLACE YOUR WORK IN MY MAILBOX!

  1. In the rush to prove intelligence to traditionally non-intelligent agents, sometimes scientists mistakenly attribute a capacity to an agent when the capacity is supplied by the environment.
  2. Identify one of the two situations discussed in class which applies here.
  3. Discuss the circumstances of the case selected. Be sure to include the “intelligence” attributed to the agent.
  4. Discuss why your selection appeared to behave intelligently, but did not possess the capacity their behavior suggests.
  1. Noah Chomsky placed linguistics at the core of studies of the mind.
  2. Discuss his position on linguistic theory and similarities between all languages.
  3. Did he believe that all children are able to learn language fluently? Explain.
  4. Would his claimslean toward the cognitive or behavioral sciences? Explain.
  1. John Searle has long been a critic of Strong AI.
  2. Name and discuss his counter theory to the Turing Test.
  3. Some have countered Searle with the notion of emergence. Discuss emergence and give an example.
  1. Regarding the Brain Prostheses Experiment
  2. Who devised it? What belief does he hold?
  3. Describe the experiment.
  4. Do you think you would notice a difference, or would you consciousness slowly degrade? Explain.
  1. Please insert your essay from the Little Lost Robot reading here.

Question 6 is on the next page.

  1. Complete the following chart, comparing the story and movie The Bicentennial Man.

Question / Story / Movie
Why is the robot named Andrew?
Who says the last dying words and what are those words?
What is the company that makes Andrew?
Who is the head of that company when Sir and Andrew visit the first time?
Who does most of the upgrades on Andrew?
Is there a character named Harley Smythe-Robertson?
Is there a character named Galatea?
How many attempts before the World Court did it take for Andrew to be declared human?
Give the name of Little Miss’ son, his occupation, and his feelings toward Andrew.
Was Andrew alive when the court ruled him to be human?