July 25, 2013

WYHA Board Meeting Agenda

Location: Desert Rose

Time: 6:00pm

600pm-605pm--Review and approve minutes from 6-13-13 meeting

Motion Made to approve minutes from 6-13-13 by Talia Carey

Motion 2nd:Amber Barber

Minutes approved


Status of the 501 c 3: Gail says the application is coming along. It is taking a little longer than planned she is getting all needed information put together and making sure everything is complete.

Treasurer report passed out and reviewed:

using the website online program for payment- waiting on vote for form of payment

1,000 dollar check from Phoenix Coyotes- being deposited

6:30pm-7:15pm- General Membership

Open House:

What do we need to make sure this is a successful open house?

Talia: Power Point: will need equipment to show the power point on the screen.- reviewed draft of Power point. Looks good just a few things to clean up. If you have any photos of the kids playing games or any photos of you and your sponsor boys please send them to Talia to create a slideshow that will run during the Open House.

Last year Mr. Ferre had a projector???-Kelly will bring projector for open house.

Board Members arrive 1230p at room for set up

Melissa: Post Cards (done), Posters (done) The only negative feedback received about the postcards is that they do not indicate that the Ventana Room is located at the student Union. Patty will check website for location info to state it is at the Student union

Coaching: please attend to answer questions, fill our applications (get copies)-Ryan/Garrick will be there

Email reminder for equipment swap; All families may participate: equipment must be marked prior to arriving. Marked as items to be sold, and or traded.-Patty will send out email reminder

WYHA equipment: Jim to bring, priced to sell!!!!-

Vote on Board approval for selling items and pricing as Jim sees fit-

Motion Made to allow Jim to price items from the equipment closet as he sees fit by Talia Carey

2nd Patty Moreno

All in favor


Cash box for change for selling items- get bank bags for change and keeping money- Patty will get

Raffle? What kind, old left over jerseys-Talia got an NHL Banner for raffle. Patty has raffle tickets still from past events.Cost of raffle will be $2.00 each or 3 for $5

Fundraising? Val will do poster for raffle and send to Patty for facebook page and to Diane to put on website. Val will look into also getting some pizza cards to sell.

Learn to Skate: Gail to go over her program. Flyers, packages, have volunteers at the open house. Any videos of Tucson skaters? Pictures of Tucson skaters?—Gail will email the newest flyer to Christina to send out with minutes—LTS will be 2 days this year, wed—530 or 600/sun-before WYHA practice, this will be determined after WYHA receives it official times for Ice time. Gail has some new coaches this year and will set up a meeting to get everything organized. This year LTS will offer a drop in rate and also allow parents to sign up for 1 class or 2. There will also be offered 30min practice session for kids to practice their skating, this is open to everyone and will have instructors out on the ice to assist but will not be structured class. LTS is also giving T-shirts for kids when they sign up and will add WYHA info to shirt also. Gail has set up a package offer for equipment needed for LTS. Gail will send package info to Talia to put on power point. Gail will send pictures of skaters to add to power point.

We will have laptops/ipads for parents to register online at registration. Talia/Christina will bring Ipads. If anyone else has laptops or Ipads please bring to assist.


WaterTalia will get from Costco—5 cases

Candy—big bags of candy-2 no chocolate

Pens-talia will buy

Coolers/ice—Talia/Phil/Val/Christina will all bring coolers

Copies—Christina will make copies-- 30
registration form-30

coaching application--10

Christina will make sign in sheet—parent name/address/email/phone/childs name/age

Our registration form: Final copy—done once get final cost

Online registration: get it up and running--

Status of Summer sessions?

Number attending?16

Number purchasing Big Surf tickets?—not big seller

Learn to Skate Flyer:

See attachement

League in Gilbert

Go over minutes from the board meeting in Gilbert—

See attached—Talia/Patty will attend next meeting.Ryan would like to attend. Denver team agreed to play all games on the road-- Aug.18th 5pm next meeting—they are trying to make it a conference call

SIHC---Southwest Independent Hockey Cooperative

2x2 USA Hockey

Starts August 27th

Go over brochure

Passed around everyone reviewed—

Hold 2 learn to play free hockey days—gets WYHA free equipment

Fan Experience:

Top Choices, Waiting to see what is assigned to us.

November 30 Chicago

March 22 Boston

November 9 Washington

Feb 1 Pittsburg

WYHA will participate in 2 rink of Dreams sessions this year. This requires for the team to sell a certain number of tickets for the Coyotes game in order to participate. We will also need to find an opponent for the game, they also can help us sell tickets in order to meet the requirement and participate .The $250 deposit has already been made to participate.

Adopting a team from Australia

Patty attended a hockey camp this summer with her son on the airforce base. She met a very nice family that is from Australia and would love to get a Pen Pal program in place with our kids and become brother teams with another peewee or squirt team from Brisbane

Pen Pals, swap tshirts. The Board thought this was a great idea. Patty can get set up for our families to do with Squirt teams/bantams etc.


Status on donated Jerseys—No updates—group donating is Beta Phi—They have a mandate to get involved in community and they vote on what they will do and provide for the community. They do not meet until August for the final vote at this point. They will be voting on giving WYHA money to purchase jerseys.

Pat Wilde asked for Board Approval to receive the money from Theta Chi once voted on so they can get the Jerseys ordered immediately.

Motion Made: Talia Carey

2nd Christina Hood


Talia Carey/Christina Hood/Patty Moreno/


Per Melissa Swanson:

1. Newsletter - July newsletter was well received. People are starting to click on the embedded links for more information.

2. Newsletter: Is there anything specific to go into the August Newsletter? All write ups must be email by July 31st.

3. Next month we will have the cover of the Tucson Parent Magazine August Edition

4. We have already had several new families contact us about having their kid play hockey.

5. Show post cards and hand them out for people to distribute. We really need to push and get these in peoples hand NOW to advertise for the open house. Encourage kids to hand out to their friends.—Talia is working on approval in he sons school district to get the flyers distributed. They will need a disclaimer that basically states the school does not endorse WYHA

6. Show and hand out posters: More can be printed up if needed. We already have 40+ in distribution around Tucson. Target businesses: Sports stores, grocery stores, gyms, pediatricians, schools. Any place where kids (or parents of kids might frequent)/

7. Discuss using a simpler web address. We have purchased www. WildcatIceHockey.com. This can be used to send people to our current (new) website. The user will not have to do anything but type in this domain and it will take them directly to our website. This is not a complicated thing and it will help people remember our website better. is a very long web address for someone to remember and even if they do not remember it, they might not remember that the word league is not properly spelled. We are early enough in the release of our new website that this would be great timing.

8. I am working on press releases for different media outlets to cover the Hockey open house as well as the beginning of our season. If anyone already has any contacts established please email them to me.

9. Please call me prior to the meeting if you have any questions or need further clarification.

9thAnnualLake Tahoe Invitational

See Attachement—Make copies for Open house


Vote on Payment Plan:

Option 1:

Payment in full on August 11th: 10% discount: $675.00

Payment schedule: 5% discount:

Payment in full in 2 payments,

1ston Aug 11,

2nd due by Sept 11th 5% discount $712.50

(Half each time $356.25)

3 Payments, (250.00 per month) Due by November 1,

No Discount $750.00August 11th: $250

October 11th: $250

November 11th: $250

Payment for multiple children families:The first child must pay the regular price of $750.00, the second child will receive a 5% discount and payment will be $712.00, the third child will also have a 5% discount $712.00.

Option 2:

Payment Plan:

Payment in full: 5% discount: $712.50

Payment schedule: without 5% discount:

August 11th: $250

October 11th: $250

November 11th: $250

Payment for multiple children families:

The first child must pay the regular price of $750.00, the second child will receive a 5% discount and payment will be $712.00, the third child will also have a 5% discount $712.00.

Discussion was held on the 2 payment options. Due to the uncertainty of number of kids we will have the Board is reluctant to give too big a discount.

Motion made for Option 2 by Christina Hood

2nd by:Wayne White

All in favor: Patty Moreno/Wayne White/Talia Carey/ Gail Carey

740p-755p—Ryan DeJoe

Vote on discount for Goalies:

50% discount—Some associations do free dedicated Goalies. Some do 50% discounts. Due to the cost of the extra equipment needed for goalies.

Motion Made by Talia Carey no on 50% discount for Goalies.

2nd:: Patty Moreno

Talia Carey- no

Christina Hood-No

Patty Moreno- No

Ryan DeJoe- Yes

Amber Barber-No

Motion Not Passed

Ryan DeJoe-Motion for 15 % discount for Fulltime Goalie—this excludes any additional discount and can pay on same payment schedule—must sign up at registration as dedicated Goalie for the year. Discount will not apply if child decides later in season to be a Goalie. If child decides to change position from Goalie parent will be responsible for re-pay of the discount.



Patty Moreno/Christina Hood/Talia Carey/Amber Barber/Ryan DeJoe/Wayne White/

Motion Approved for 15% discount for dedicated Goalies

Ryan would like to purchase some newHockey skates: Ryan has found some deals online:

I saw Easton Synergy youth skates (sizes 4 and 5) for 30 and Bauer youth skates (sizes 1 and 3) for 40. They also have free shipping. I want to allocate $700 for 10 pairs.

Discussion on the purpose of the skates and what they will be used for, Ryan thought we could purchase and have available for selling at Open House. Also could be used for the LTS program and LTP program.

This year all hockey players must supply their own equipment. WYHA will not have the equipment closet “open” for people.

Motion made Ryan DeJoe to allocate $700 for new Hockey Skates for the association

2nd: Christina Hood

No—Talia Carey/Amber Barber/Patty Moreno/Gail Carey/Christina Hood/Wayne White

Yes-Ryan DeJoe

Motion Not passed:

Val/Phil were on vacation in Wisconsin Val talked to a gentleman that was in charge of one of the associations there. She asked how he grew the organization and got kids interested in hockey. He said they always try to supply equipment as a rental when able to allow kids to try Hockey and see what it is all about. Kids talking to other kids and advertising.

Next Meeting: August.15, 2013 1st hour all members. 2nd hour voting members Only