Minutes for BC Meeting 2/19/15

In Attendance:

Hao Liu (treasurer)

Tierney Werner

Will Jackson


Manny Morales

Marie Lambert

Richard Park

RJ Kermes

Vivian Yee (minutetaker)

1. Pride Alliance (rep by Silvia)

  • In club budget, wanted to bring 5 people for panel but got rejected for it, so wanted to work w the 5 colleges
  • Event will be at umass
  • Will fund 1 of the speakers, got everything covered except for plane ticket
  • May also be coming to speak at Amherst also, but not sure
  • RJ – is there a way to make sure she will come to speak
  • Hao – don’t think we fund speakers off campus
  • QRC is funding transportation from airport to the area
  • Karen – should make sure and come back on Monday
  • Event is march 10
  • Motion to table – 8,0,0

2. TWLOHA (rep by Seewai)

  • A spring benefit on sun at powerhouse
  • Want to invite a panel of people to speak
  • Spoken word poet, a comedian, an integral member of the TWLOHA
  • Speak about essential issues
  • Already got some food for catering
  • Confirmed for Mar 8
  • Will be a HopeBenefit
  • Need more for audio
  • Hao - Need a breakdown of honorarium and travel
  • Manny – should figure out exact numbers first
  • Also will have 2 bands – moments worth and rare occasions
  • Motion to table – 8,0,0

3. Quiz Bowl (rep by Corey)

  • Going to national tournament in Atlanta Georgia for a 2 day event
  • Need hotel for 2 nights and registration fees
  • Pay for plane tickets themselves out of pocket
  • Hao – how many people?
  • For 4 people
  • Quiz bowl national is a 2 day event w 2 portions, so need 2 registration fees
  • Motion to fund – 8,0,0

4. Taste Magazine (rep by Vivian)

  • Got funding for it in fall 2013 from discretionary
  • Making from scratch so didn’t get to publish it
  • In the process of finishing it now though, so plan on publishing it now
  • Hao – how many copies?
  • Will be only 50-60 pages for 300 copies
  • Motion to fund – 8,0,0

5. Culinary Club (rep by Manny)

  • Hosting an event that’s a cheesecake extravaganza
  • Need food, materials, publicity
  • Marie – when is this happening?
  • Will be the weekend after spring break in cohan
  • Motion to fund – 8,0,0

6. Outing Club (rep by RJ)

  • Need 12 sets of hiking traction slipons
  • Microspikes that can slip onto any shoes, so can use for anyone for the duration of its use
  • Will allow them to do more winter hiking
  • Students will be able to borrow this and have an inventory system for it
  • Hao – do they have past ones?
  • These are new items. Will expand number of winter activities they can do
  • Motion to fund – 8,0,0

7. Film Society (rep by George)

  • Having a meeting next week and need publicity for it
  • Motion to fund – 8,0,0

8. Amherst College Gospel Choir

  • Want to bring in an artist, the walls group
  • Need 3 rooms because there are 2 men in the group, 2 women in the group, and also a manager and a parent
  • Rental vehicle is from Bradley to here
  • Manny – do we pay for parents and managers?
  • Don’t usually fund non-performers
  • Bringing parents and managers is non-negotiable part of contract
  • Tierney – may be other sources who can fund this
  • Hao – only fund travel and lodging for performers
  • Karen – policy is the ½ honorarium 1st time around to seek cosponsorship
  • Motion to halve honorarium, fund 2 hotel rooms, 4 plane tickets, and rental vehicle – 8,0,0

9. Virginia Hassel (rep by Tierney)

  • Want to get publicity for moose mascot suit design competition
  • Would do senate fund but need it more urgently
  • Motion to fund – 8,0,0

10. Amherst College Public Health Collaborative (rep by RJ)

  • Brining in a speaker from Boston
  • Only need funds for transportation fee ($50)
  • Don’t know how the speaker will be coming in
  • Motion to fund – 8,0,0

11. Arting Club (rep by Joe)

  • Need art supplies for the club and publicity and food for the club intro meeting
  • RJ – what is this? Event? Are these materials?
  • Want to have weekly meetings
  • Motion to fund – 8,0,0

12. Wrestling Club (rep by Theo)

  • Doing a tournament, national qualifiers
  • National qualifier fee depends on qualifying for nationals
  • Need rooms, entry fee
  • Tierney – how many people are going? Typically funding for 4 people per room
  • 3 people with a coach
  • Want to request food since its for 2 days
  • Richard – don’t fund food for students
  • Tierney – also don’t fund money for gas
  • Using school vans
  • Motion to fund all but food and gas – 8,0,0

13. Amherst Association of Computing Machinery (rep by Marie)

  • Having an event next Monday (not sure which so might have to emergency fund)
  • Is a discussion learning based workshop event to teach people coding
  • Want get $50 for pizza for the workshop
  • Karen – is this an intro meeting?
  • Isn’t, but will be a discussion and will be happening during dinner
  • Motion to fund – 3,0,5
  • RJ – this isn’t necessarily breaking precedent since we are fund food for events where people discuss an issue
  • Tierney – this would be judging the nature of the event
  • Do you really need pizza for coding to foster discussion

14. ACEMS (rep by Tierney)

  • Need 110 for grandfathered reimbursement
  • Motion to fund – 8,0,0

At most other nescac schools determine club coaching salaries by looking at local school districts

May also have a tiered system