Monique B and her two children were with us for 8 months. During that time she was able to find stable full time day employment so she could be with her children in the evenings and weekends. This was essential due to her lack of support structure which she could rely on for assistance. She struggled with a previous job which required all shifts including nights, early morning hours and weekends. She obtained a reliable car for transportation. Her daughter was tutored as a service provided by a volunteer at MH to assist with reading and her school work reflected improvement. She participated in Budgeting workshops for financial counseling. She saved her money and understood requirements for monthly expenses. This allowed her to regain living independent and move into her own apartment within a short time frame. We assisted her with furniture and many household items needed for their new home. When I went to visit her, she had incorporated her knowledge by paying ahead for some utilities and bills with a tax refund and saving the balance.

Elaina G Elaina stayed with us for 9 months. She was a young single girl when she came to our program. Even though she has been on her own since her early teenage years, she was without many life skills necessary to live independently. She had a great work ethic and never missed assigned schedules at her part time job at Super Fresh. During her stay I built a relationship which encompassed cooking, shopping, advice on any/all subject matters, but especially reliability. This was something which she had not known in the past. She participated in Budgeting workshops to learn working with expenses on her small income. She obtained her license and was able to really grow as a young woman. Her maturity and responsibility was recognized by her grandmother who invited her to move into her house. This was a big step and she was encouraged to work out expectations of both parties prior to accepting the invitation. She would pay agreed upon rent and assist with housework. She would continue to save money as well. When Elaina moved, she started a second part time job cleaning and was able to purchase her own car. She stated she was very proud of herself and never thought she would have come this far when she first came to our program.

Tiffany G was with us for 1 ½ years. During that time she accomplished so many goals which reflected the incredible woman she was when she left us for independence. Tiffany needed housing. Once that was available, she found full time employment. Over the course of her stay, her life began to stabilize and her dream of being reunited with her young daughter was at long last realized. With the financial counseling she received this enabled her to save money which allowed when ready, with assistance her path to a permanent home: a beautiful spacious apartment with an awesome view. As well as providing furniture and many household items needed for start up, staff and volunteers assisted to physically help her and her daughter move into their new home. Tiffany stays in communication with staff and is doing very well. Recently she had obtained a car which really cuts down the time required to take two buses each way to work. She is extremely great full for the Martha House program which gave her the opportunity she needed to get her life back in order.

Carol K-D was with us for 10 months. Carol was a great resident who assisted with any request from staff as well as being a resource to some of the other residents. She completed a training course at Good Will and was looking for employment. She was able to receive Food Stamps and Medical benefits but no cash. She had been living with her daughter but they were evicted. They had no choice but to split up. Carol being the mother wanted her daughter, college age to be taken care of first and worked to find placement for her. Carol had been hurt on a previous job and was in the process of a Workman’s Comp lawsuit. Her injury restricted her type of employment and she constantly had procedures and pain management issues to deal with. Even so, she was a very pleasant woman. She participated in budgeting workshops and attended classes for her GED. Carol found part time employment with temporary assignments and then permanently with a cleaning company. She received W/C settlement and was able to look for independent housing. I spoke to Carol who stated she is doing quite well and is still employed cleaning. She said Martha House gave her a chance when no one else would and she had nowhere to go.

Kelly C and her daughter stayed with us for a year and 3mnths. Kelly came to us from a shelter. She had lost her apartment and had no family as support structure. She obtained Food Stamps, TANF, Medical and POC (child care) benefits which enabled her to job search. She was hired within a few months full time at a good company. However, after a month, mandatory schedules included evenings till 9pm and Saturdays and she had absolutely no assistance beyond regular daycare hours. Eventually she was let go due to inability to keep those requirements. She participated in Budgeting workshops for financial counseling and was working on debt repayment plans. Kelly immediately started the job search once again with encouragement from staff to communicate actual availability to job requirements. After some time and discouragement, she was hired at an incredible company with excellent pay and benefits. The job was full time with the hours of 9-5 and no mandatory nights along with being very close to the daycare since they relied on public transportation. We assisted her with proper business attire and coat along with hair cut and style. She continued to save money and was able to once again find independent housing for her and her family. Once again we provided furniture and household items along with physical assistance to move them into their new home. Staff stays in

communication with Kelly and volunteers have also taken some needed items to them since they have moved. Kelly constantly tells everyone about her positive experience in our program and is extremely great full to have been given the opportunity. She said words cannot even begin to express the thank you enough…..

Sherry Stirk

Case Manager