Conbust 2017 Artist Table Registration Form

March 24th - 26th

Please submit this form before February 28th. Please print clearly and fill the form as completely as possible. Tables are assigned on a rolling basis of first-paid, first-served, based on when checks are received. Checks should be made out to Smith College. If a table reservation is not paid, additional artists may be admitted off the wait list. Questions and comments should go to Artist/Dealer liaison Ina Liang() with “Conbust Artist” as the subject line.

Full (legal) Name: ______

Badge Name: ______

Company Name: ______

Address 1: ______

Address 2:______

State: Zip: Home/Business Phone: ( ) .

Cell Phone: ( ) . Email:______

A short description of your table (1-2 lines to be printed in the ConBook):


Number of Artist Tables (max 2 per person):

These tables are meant for individuals vending items that do fall into the “artist” category - the selling of original work. Your reservation includes entry to the con for two people for the weekend. You may register more people at a discounted rate.

One Table ($45): Two Tables: ($65):


Only Check This Year

Please make all checks payable to Smith College. This form and payment should be mailed to:

Kristina Liang

PO Box 7161

1 Chapin Way

Northampton, MA 01063

I agree to be completely responsible for any and all damage I cause to convention property. I further understand that violation of convention rules will result in the loss of my convention badge and forfeiture of my convention membership. I understand that access to all convention function requires a convention badge worn in plain sight. I also understand that ConBust is not responsible for any of my personal property that I have brought to ConBust.

Signature: ______

Date: ______

I will not sell anything that is illegal in the state of Massachusetts