Turun Rotukissayhdistys – Åbo Raskattförening TUROK ry

Welcome to Turku and to our shows!

Dates:8 and9April2017

Place:MetsämäenRavirata, VanhaTampereentie 235, Turku

Veterinary control

and check in:On Saturday from 7.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.

On Sunday from 7.30 a.m. to 8.30 a.m.

Judging begins:On Saturday 9.30 a.m. and on Sunday 9.00 a.m.

Show closes:Both days 16.00 p.m. at the latest

Open for public: Both days from 10.00 a.m. to 16.00 p.m.

On Sunday all cats must be in the show place latest at 8:30 a.m.

You should print out the confirmation email and leave it to the veterinary check. If you are coming both days, please print both emails! Make sure to arrive in good time!

Veterinary control and check in
Every cat must go through the veterinary control, also cats that aren't in competition. Provide the vaccination certificate for each cat. If you are exhibiting on both days you do not need to attend the veterinary control again if you have both confirmations stamped on Saturday. Remember to check in on Sunday, by leaving the stamped confirmation to the entrance hall.

All cats must be vaccinated againstpanleukopeniaand cat flues. It is not allowed to show a cat that has had a vaccination or booster less than 15 days prior to the show and the first cat flu vaccination has to be boosted. The vaccination certificate must be given by a vet and include the following information: vaccination date, name of the vaccine and the validity of the vaccination. The cat flu vaccinations are valid for maximum of one year from the date of vaccination, other vaccinations according to validitystated by the veterinarian.

Catalogue and achieving titles
Catalogues are sold in the info desk for 5 €. If you have paid for the catalogue in advance you get yours from the entrance hall in the morning. Let us know if there are mistakes in the catalogue. The secretariat ison the main floor and therewillbeclearinstructionsthat help you to findit. If your cat can get a title please come to the secretariat after you have gotten the diploma.

The size of our cages is 65 x 65 x 56cm. We do not have double cages.If you bring your own cage, it must fit on the space of a normal cage.Remember to keep your cage and the surroundings tidy during and after the show. The cages are not numbered, but each row is marked for a specific breed. Please attach your cat’s number to the cage. Own alcohol is not permitted in show hall.

Leaving the show early
Every cat must stay in the show hall until the show closes. In special circumstances you may apply for a permit to leave early from the show manager: PäiviKatajisto, tel +358-44 321 7253,. The permit must be applied in writing before judging starts, ask the info desk for help. Cats that have applied permission to leave early are no permitted to take part in nominations.

In this show the owners are allowed to present their cats to the judges themselves. Only one person, who must be at least 15 years old, is allowed into the judging area. If the owner is unable to present the cat him/herself, the steward is there to help.

Stewards are always wanted, contact the chief steward: SamuliMustonen,.


Certificate and HP rosettes do cost, other rosettes and prizes for free. You can also collect stamps, 10 stamps equal free entry for one cat.