2015 Singapore International 3D Printing Competition: Vintage Toys

Design Brief

Before the rise of the computer and digital age, children of the world have been playing with traditional toys, from simple blocks of wood to tracks of train, jigsaw puzzles to mechanical robots. Most children have been said to play with whatever they can find, giving to the wide range of toys including dolls and miniatures, vehicles, puzzles, collectables and toys for construction, pretend play and physical activities. And not forgetting the toys which were based on the interesting cultures from different parts of the world.

In the current society where tech-savvy children bury their heads in gadgets and games consoles, a new challenge comes on how we can use 3D Printing to reinvent our traditional and vintage toys to draw children (even adults) back to appreciating and playing these functional toys which have been around for years. In this competition, we seek designs adapted from vintage toys, with new creative and engineering elements injected but at the same time retaining the unique cultural and historical significance of the toys.


·  The design should be submitted to Singapore Centre for 3D Printing by 24 April 2015.

·  This competition only accepts printed physical parts as submissions. The entry package should contain the following:

1.  3D printed physical part for submission.

2. A description of your design and fabrication process, in English, printed on a single A4 size page. Please include description on the toy design, new elements, assembly method (if any), cultural background of the toy (if any), and how to play.

3. A printed and signed Registration Form.

4. A CD containing the softcopy of the original design file (.stl format), the description and the registration form.

·  Please send the entry package to:

2015 Singapore International 3D Printing Competitions

Singapore Centre for 3D Printing
School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Nanyang Technological University

65A Nanyang Drive
Unit No: HW3-01-01
(Manufacturing Processing Lab 2, beside SimTech)
Singapore 637333

Attn: Ms Koh Shu Min

Terms and Conditions:

·  The design must be 3D printable.

·  The final printed part should not measure more than 20x20x20 centimetres in volume.

·  The final object should be functional as is. It should not require any additional electronics or non 3D printed parts.

·  There is no limitation on the chosen materials.

·  The final printed product should require minimal manual assembly. If manual assembly is required (e.g. snap fit, bolts, screws or glue), please provide a description on the techniques used to assemble the final part.

·  All entries must be participants’ original work, have not been in production or otherwise previously published or exhibited.

·  The design including picture, icon, symbol within, shall not in any way infringe any third party’s right, including but not limited to copyright, logos, trademark, or other proprietary rights.

·  There is no limit to the number of submissions from each participant. However, each submission can only be registered under one category.

·  Team entries are welcome. If a team wins, there will be only 1 prize per team and the cash prize will be transferred to the team leader, who will be solely responsible for the distribution of prize among team members.

·  All entries sent to this competition will be retained by the organizer. The winning design and printed winning design belong to the organizer who reserves the right to print, use and alter it in any manner deemed fit, without payment of any fee.

·  The winner or a representative from the winning team must be present in person to collect the prize in Singapore at the award giving ceremony.


·  There are three categories for participation. Each design can only be submitted under one category.

·  The categories are:

Category / Eligibility
Open category / All, regardless of age, gender, nationality etc.
Singapore school student category / Students from Singapore primary schools, secondary schools, junior colleges and Institute of Technical Education (ITE).
Singapore tertiary student category / Students from Singapore polytechnics, universities and tertiary institutes e.g. LASALLE College of the Arts and Raffles Design Institute.

·  Employees of Nanyang Technological University are not eligible to participate.

Judging Criteria

·  The design should fit the theme of the competition.

·  The judges will be looking for the new creative elements injected into the vintage toy but at the same time retaining the unique cultural and historical significance of the toy, and how it is taking advantage of 3D printing technology.

·  It should inspire and enable discussion on the implications of 3D printing for the world.

·  The panels of judges include experts in 3D printing, engineering, art and design.


·  Only one winning design from each category will be selected.

Category / Prizes
Open category / Top prize of $10000
Singapore school student category / Top prize of $5000
Singapore tertiary student category / Top prize of $5000

·  The winning design will be displayed in Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

·  Winning designs will be mentioned and showcased as examples during speaking engagements, demonstrations, displays and interviews pertaining to the subject.

Fine Print

·  NTU reserves the right to amend these rules at any time. Any amendment to competition rules will be announced.

·  The decision of the jury will be final.