International Conference: Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP’TUNISIA) “for sustainable water management”

Coordinator : Latifa Bousselmi

E-mail :

Tel +21698459366

Conference Web site:

Organizer: CERTE & Partners


Water is considered a natural wealth and has to be protected and reused to guarantee the sustainable satisfaction of all needs of citizens and economic sectors. However in Tunisia, and in the Mediterranean region, the pressure on water resources is high, so there is no water to “waste”. Water is becoming a limiting factor for agricultural, and even for industrial development. Treated wastewater is part of the community’s water resources and one component of sustainable water management approach which acts at the source at the smallest possible level. The direct reuse, instead of wastewater discharge in the network, reduces costs of treatment and throwing of recalcitrant compounds into a water stream (prevention of pollution and protection of water system). To reach this purpose, water treatment technologies should target (i) pollutants degradation, (ii) multi-purpose water use and (iii) sustainability of the technologies advanced.


Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) are progressing rapidly all over the world as they have proved to be successful in degradation of recalcitrant compounds and a tool to meet increasingly stringent global regulations as well as protecting public health and the environment. Thus AOPs appears in many research as strong alternatives in many applications for complete elimination of recalcitrant compounds in water and/or to improve the biodegradation of wastewaters by partial oxidation.


Our motivation is, first, to group researchers and their partners in this topic for better interaction, synergy and national/ African/ Mediterranean/ international impacts. Second motivation is to exchange and to discuss the latest results on Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) in the field of pollutant, water and wastewater with international research community. Finally to construct a network in this topic with the purpose to develop projects, to overcome the drawbacks of AOPs, and improved focus on research, development and application.

4-Key words

Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), Ozonation, Electrochemical oxidation, photocatalyse, Fenton, Persistent and recalcitrant pollutants, Industrial wastewater, Wastewater treatment, Anthropogenic micropollutants, POPs, combined processes, oxidation processes.

5- National Partners

(non exhaustive list)

-CERTE, ENIS-L3E, CBS, ENIG, Fac. Sc. Gafsa, Fac. Sc. Gabes

6- International Partners

(non exhaustive list)

-  CNRS-LRGP (Nancy-France)

-  LISE (CNRS, UPMC, Paris)

-  POLITO (Italy)

-  TUB (Germany)

-  University of Nancy

-  LACCO, University of Poitier

-  University of Aveiro (Portugal)

7- Programme

The topic is related to Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) (including ozonation) in the field of pollutant, water and wastewater treatment. The programme is fourfold:

-  Mechanisms & interface behaviours

-  Materials development

-  Process and reactors

-  Others oxidation process


Researchers, stakeholders, engineers

9-Dates & Location

21-22/3/2011 (world water day),

LAICO HAMMAMET Hotel, Hammamet, Tunisia




-  to increase the interest and the participation of south Mediterranean and African countries

-  to generate via the network, join projects in AOPs topics and enhance researchers and students exchanges

-  to enhance research and publication at the national and international level as well as industrial application

-  to construct a platform with high scientific level to build young researchers expertise.

12-Scientific Committee

E. Angelini, POLITO, Italy

L. Bousselmi, CERTE, Tunisia

M. Dachraoui, Fac. Sc. Tunis, Tunisia

S. U. Geissen, TUB, Germany

A. Ghrabi, CERTE, Tunisia

M. KSibi, ENIS, Tunisia

A. Ouederni, ENIG, Tunisia

P. Pichat, ECL, France

S. Sayadi, CBS, Tunisia

E. Sutter, LISE, France

C. Tizaoui, Swansea University UK

O. Zahraa, CNRS-LRGP, France


-  H. Akrout

-  L. Bousselmi

-  A. Ghrabi

-  M. Ksibi

-  L. Mansouri

For Information :

E-mails: ,

L. Bousselmi (CERTE) AOP-TUNISIA (Draft 1) 2/3