Liberty Christian AcademyStudent Handbook
I. Administration
A. Relationship of the Academy to the Church
Liberty Christian Academy is one of the educational ministries of Liberty Lighthouse Church, and therefore falls under the leadership of the pastor. The Academy staff are however independent employees of Liberty Christian Academy.
B. Pastor
The Pastor is ultimately responsible for the church’s education, including the Academy. He is not involved in the daily operation of the Academy. The pastor may recommend items to the school board of LCA on all matters relating to the ministry of education. The pastor may hire administrators and principals to assist him in carrying out the ministry of education.
C. School Board
The following are the members of the school board of Liberty Christian Academy:
Stan McNutt – Senior Pastor
Dr. C. D. Ballard
Barry Walker
Rick Arnold
The board shall assist and advise the pastor and principal on matters relating to the Academy. The board also shall hear matters and disputes that may arise and shall advise the pastor and principal accordingly. The board may create and recommend to the pastor policies for governing the Academy consistent with the Biblical principles.
D. Administrator / Principal
The Administrator / principal of Liberty Christian Academy works closely with and under the direction of the pastor. The principal oversees the daily operation of the Academy. The principal also has the primary decision-making authority for the Academy. Presently, Stephanie McNutt serves as the principal of the Academy. She has 3 years of experience in Christian education. She became associated with Liberty Christian Academy in the fall of 2014. Mrs. McNutt is a registered nurse and graduated with a degree in nursing from Grayson County College. She has completed administrator training through Accelerated Christian Education.
E. Supervisors
At LCA, teachers are called supervisors. A supervisor is a professional educator who has been trained and certified exclusively for this position by Accelerated Christian Education, Inc. The supervisor must be active in a local, Bible-believing church. The supervisor has the responsibility to oversee the academic progress of students. They prescribe the students’ academics and assist the students in their academic issues. The supervisor also is responsible to inspire achievement in the students. They encourage and motivate students to maximize their potential in their daily academic work. Since LCA is committed to train young people in a Christian environment, with the emphasis on matters of eternal value, the supervisor will work closely with the pastor, principal, and the parents in the training and development of the whole child.
F. Monitor
A monitor, who is a paraprofessional, serves as a teacher’s aide. They have at least a high school education and are active in a local, Bible-believing church. Their primary responsibility is to assist the supervisor in Learning Center activities. They provide procedural assistance to maintain a quiet and pleasant learning environment for the students. They are the supervisor’s eyes and ears in the learning center by keeping alert and attentive to specific needs and relaying these to the supervisor in private. The monitor works in agreement with the supervisor—in prayer, attitudes and actions toward fulfilling students’ needs and progress.
II. Admissions Policies
Attendance at Liberty Christian Academy is a privilege and not a right. All new students are admitted on a probationary basis for the first six (6) weeks. The goal of the Academy is to train Christian youth in the principles of God's Word, stressing such vital areas as: leadership, self-discipline, responsibility, integrity, good citizenship, and consistency. The church, as does the Academy, holds the Bible as our standard and expects the highest standards of morality, honesty, and genuine Christian character from its staff and students.
A. Kindergarten Learning Center
Liberty Christian Academy has a selected open enrollment policy for kindergarten. LCA will accept children who turn 5 years of age by September 1st of that calendar year.
B. Elementary Learning Center
LCA also has a selected open enrollment policy for students who are of elementary age, grades K-4th. All transfer students coming from 1st grade and up with curriculum other than the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum will be given diagnostic tests to assess math, English, and reading proficiency. Since each curriculum has its own uniqueness, the diagnostic tests will detect any learning gaps a student may have acquired so that an accurate performance level can be prescribed.
C. Upper Learning Center
Even though LCA may have an open enrollment, it reserves the right to be more selective in accepting high school students. LCA expects a high standard of behavior and moral character. The Academy will welcome any student whose parents/guardians enroll their child in the Academy to obtain a Christian based education.
LCA reserves the right to accept or deny credits as the administration deems necessary. Generally, most, if not all, credits from the previous high school(s) are accepted and recorded on the student’s permanent transcript. LCA accepts transfer credits in no less than half-year increments. The student must then complete the minimum required course of study to receive a LCA diploma. LCA does not offer high school credit by examination.
All transfer students coming from curricula other than the A.C.E. curriculum are tested for academic placement. LCA diagnoses each student in math, English, and reading proficiency prior to placing the curriculum order. Diagnostic testing will detect any learning gaps a student may have acquired so that an accurate performance level can be prescribed.
D. Racial Nondiscrimination
Liberty Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, and national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to the students at the Academy. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, and national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, athletics, and other school-administered programs.
E. Selection of Students
Liberty Christian Academy is an educational ministry of Liberty Lighthouse Church. Liberty Christian Academy ultimately reserves the right to enroll or deny enrollment of any student.
F. Admissions Committee
The admissions committee of LCA will review applications and determine which students are admitted to the school and which students will need to be reviewed by the school board prior to acceptance.
Any student, returning, presently enrolled or new, that is arrested must be interviewed by the board of trustees for admission or re-admission to the school. All aspects of this student will be reviewed before a decision is made.
G. Admissions Procedures
Before a student is officially admitted, the following steps must be taken:
1. Parents/guardians visit the school.
2. Pastor’s reference may be required for elementary age students. Pastor’s reference is required for HS students.
3. Application is submitted accompanied by registration fee and testing fee.
4. Parents/guardians will be notified of a six-week probationary acceptance.
5. The following items are to be submitted to the school office:
· Enrollment papers
· Birth Certificate
· Shot Record
· Social Security Card
· Financial Agreement/Tuition Contract
· Medical Information form
· Texas Law requires that each student’s personal immunization record be retained on file in the school office. All immunizations must be validated by a doctor or health clinic. In accordance with this law, no child will be admitted without certification of the required immunizations. The state of Texas law grants and acknowledges the right of parents to exempt their children from vaccination requirements for day care, school, and college for reasons of conscience including a religious belief or for medical reasons. The official Texas Department of State Health Services affidavit form must be notarized and submitted to school officials. The form must be submitted within 90 days from the date it is notarized.
· The school will accept only official affidavit forms developed and issued by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Immunization Branch. No other forms or reproductions will be allowed.
6. New parent orientation must be attended by both parents/guardians, unless not feasible due to divorce, etc.
7. All above items must be turned in before the student will be considered a non-probationary student.
8. Diagnostic tests will be given to all transfer students coming from curricula other than the A.C.E. curriculum for academic placement and learning gap detection.
H. Re-Enrollment
Liberty Christian Academy encourages parents/guardians to re-enroll their students earlier than general registration to guarantee acceptance. Re-enrollment for existing families begins in April. A re-enrollment form will be sent home to be completed and returned prior to May 1st. New enrollment begins in May. Registration fees must be paid for returning and new students. No student is automatically re-accepted but acceptance is based at the sole discretion of the school.
III. Withdrawal Policies
A. Notice
Parents have the right to withdraw their student from LCA at any time and for any reason. Likewise, the Academy also has the right, for any reason, to ask the parents to withdraw the student. LCA will give parents prior notice before requiring withdrawal of their student.
IV. Financial Policies
The parent or guardian is responsible for all fees incurred by enrolling in LCA, whether in the form of the registration fee, tuition fee, or any other fees that may apply. These fees must be paid in full to receive requested services from LCA.
· Pre-Paid tuition, registration fees, and testing fees, are non-refundable for any reason.
· The full registration fee is due upon acceptance into Liberty Christian Academy, regardless of what time in the school year the student enters Liberty Christian Academy.
· Tuition and Fees can be made by cash, check, or money order made payable to Liberty Christian Academy. Returned checks will be charged a $25.00 fee.
· Ten month installment plan payments are due on the 1st of each month (Aug-May). A $10.00 late fee will be assessed if payment is not received by the 10th of each month.
· Two equal installment plan payments are due on Aug 1st and Jan 1st. A $25.00 late fee will be assessed if payment is not received by the 10th of those months.
· A student is not considered enrolled until all fees are paid and paperwork is turned in to the office.
· A student's learning center space cannot be held until the registration fee is paid.
· Only registration and tuition payments may be combined into the same check. All other incidental fees must be paid separately (field trips, convention fees, fund raisers, etc.).
· Any student with outstanding tuition at 60 days will be withdrawn unless an arrangement has been made with the business office. Any student withdrawn for non-payment of tuition will be required to reapply, pay a new re-enrollment fee of $50.00, and must pay one month in advance for the remainder of that school term.
· Any family with one returned check may be placed on a "cash only" basis to ensure the student's continuation in Liberty Christian Academy.
· There will be a $10.00 fee for each repeat or lost PACE. This requires us to reorder your child’s PACE at a cost to the school, which is why we pass the cost on to the parent.
· For early withdrawal or expulsion, tuition is NON REFUNDABLE.
· The Academy reserves the right to change these guidelines as needed.
A. Tuition Schedule
Student(all grades) / Individual Total per year / August 1 – May 1
10 month Plan / Aug 1 and Jan 1
Two Payment Plan
1st child / $3,500.00 / $350.00 / $17500.00
2nd child / $3,150.00 / $315.00 / $1575.00
3rd child / $2,800.00 / $280.00 / $1400.00
4th child / $2,450.00 / $245.00 / $1225.00
5th + child / $1,750.00 / $175.00 / $875.00
Pastor’s child 1st child only / $1,750.00 / $175.00 / $875.00
Liberty Christian Academy Fee Structure 2017-2018
B. Additional Fees:
· Registration Fee – Returning student $50.00
· Registration Fee – New student $100.00
· Diagnostic Testing Fee $50.00
· Standardized Testing Fee $50.00
· Activity Fee $20.00 per semester
(Covers cost of PE equipment and transportation to field trips, does not include field trip admission cost)
· Repeat PACE Fee $10.00
· Parent requested Pace change $100.00
· High School Graduation Fee $150.00 (covers cost of cap, gown, diploma, tassel etc.)
Once enrolled in LCA, all high school students are required to earn all their credits through LCA. The purpose of this policy is to protect the integrity of our academic program.
C. After School Care
Liberty Christian Academy provides after school care Monday through Friday 3:00pm-5:45pm except on half days. The fee for this program is $800 for the school year. This is based on 32 full weeks of school at $25.00 per week. If you choose this program the fee will be added to the tuition and paid according to the payment option you chose for tuition (10 installments or two installments).
The students in this program will be provided with an after school snack and a staff member of LCA will be on duty until all students are picked up. All students must be picked up no later than 6:00pm.
V. General Policies
A. Church Attendance
It is the desire of the staff, faculty, and administration of Liberty Lighthouse Church to have each student travel in the direction that God would lead them. There are two important ways in which we encourage our students to live for the Lord Jesus Christ. The first way is to challenge them through personal contact with other believers who are serving God (Hebrews 10:25). Secondly, we can build their faith, confidence, and trust in God by requiring them to be under the teaching and preaching of God's Word during weekly services (Romans 10:17). It is encouraged that all students attend services of Liberty Lighthouse Church, or their home church. Additionally, we strongly recommend that our students become actively involved in various youth ministries of their church such as teen soul-winning, bus ministry, Jr. Church, and rescue mission services. Students and parents/guardians are expected to belong to, and attend regularly Liberty Lighthouse Church of Sherman; or another Bible-believing, Bible-practicing church.