Lone Tree Arts Center Guild

Board of Directors Meeting

January 13, 2016

Lone Tree Arts Center Guild

Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bank SNB

IN ATTENDANCE: Tonya Fallows, Susan Riehl, Shelley Bryant, Margie O’Boyle, Lori Maddox, Leslie Modesitt

ABSENT: Susan Stiff

  1. Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order by Tonya at 10:15 AM.

  1. Welcome New Board Members

Tonya welcomed new members Shelley and Leslie. Susan Stiff was unable to attend due to a previous commitment.

Tonya then asked if there were any conflicts of interests and there were none.

ACTION: Tonya will distribute a list with Board member email addresses and phone numbers.

  1. Rules and Regs

Susan Riehl suggested that the new bylaws be amended to reflect the need for a second signer on all checks be revised to a higher limit than the current limit of $100. Additionally, Susan asked that the Treasurer’s Report be added to all BOD agendas. She distributed the 2015 Statement of Activity.

ACTION: Tonya will add access to the Drop Box (dropbox.com) for all new Board members. This will facilitate all sharing of documents.

  1. BOD Monthly meeting time/day/place

Because Susan Stiff is unable to attend meetings at 10:00 AM, it was suggested by Tonya that the monthly BOD meetings be held on the second Tuesday, 9:00 – 10:30 or second Thursday, 9:00 – 10:30.

MOTION: Lori made the motion that monthly BOD meetings be moved to the second Thursday, 9:00 – 10:30 and held at Bank SNB. The motion was seconded by Susan and it was approved. Tonya will distribute the new meeting schedule to Board members.

  1. January Guild Meeting

Tonya asked that all BOD members be present at the January 19th meeting because the new Board will be presented at the lunch.

  1. BIOS

Tonya stated that she is missing Susan Stiff’s Bio but will request it for the meeting on the 19th.

  1. Proposed Guild Meeting Schedule for 2016

Tonya has met with Lisa Rigsby Peterson re the tentative 2016 event schedule. While some of the dates have been approved, she stressed that many are to be determined. Discussion followed re the possibility of late afternoon meetings for guild members that are unable to attend mid-day lunches.

Events at LTAC that were approved:

  • Guild Annual Meeting – January 19, 11:30 AM, Lunch.

ACTION: There will be one table with signup sheets for each of the committees.

  • Guild 2016 Kickoff–February 22, 7:00 PM, Heavy appetizers.

ACTION: Each committee will have its own table with the committee chair in attendance to discuss the committee’s responsibilities. There will be two sign-up sheets per table. Shelley will donate a gift basket as a give-away.

  • Season Preview – April 19, 11:30, Lunch
  • Guild Night Out – April 22, 6:00 PM Dinner before Cyrano
  • Art Center Tour – May 25, 7:00 PM
  • Fashion Show – June 21, 11:30, Lunch. Discussion followed re changing the time of the event and possibly not serving lunch. Because Shelley was the chair of this event last year, she made several recommendations for 2016: find the merchant earlier, perhaps change the time to an evening event or an afternoon tea. Another suggestion was to recruit members for the 2017 Fashion Show committee.

ACTION: Tonya will contact Cathy for Park Meadows Mall contacts, Shelley will make calls to Anthropology and Soft Surroundings, Lori will talk with Talbots.

  • Tailgate Party –August 19, 6:30 before the Tunes on the Terrace.

Regarding any changes or suggestions to dates and times changing, Tonya will discuss these with Lisa.

  1. Additional Potential Fundraising Events 2016
  1. Lone Tree Bracelet – Tonya suggested a bangle bracelet similar to the very popular Alex and Ani bracelets. Perhaps a new bangle could be created each year. This would be an ongoing fundraiser.
  1. 2016 Budget and Goals
  1. Primary Goal

Because one of the primary goals is to grow awareness of the Center, we discussed the possibility of developing a brochure which could be displayed in the lobby near the ticket office.

  1. Draft Budget

Susan stated that the Holiday Party expense line item be moved to Membership.

MOTION: Shelley made the motion that the budget be approved with the change. Lori seconded the motion and the 2016 budget was approved.

  1. Membership
  2. Benefits of Membership

Shelley made the suggestion that a letter be sent to people who have dropped their membership with the Guild to promote rejoining. The dues levels were discussed. All levels will get an invitation to the Holiday Party and the Tree Lighting. At the Patron Level, members receive a $25 dining card to a local restaurant.

MOTION: Margie made the motion to retain the membership dues as they are. Susan seconded the motion and it was approved.

ACTION: Tonya will contact Parry’s Steak House and Flemings.

  1. Pricing for Lunches / Events

We discussed raising the cost of the lunches to $17 or $20. If the price is to be raised, then the quality of the food must be raised. Lori has talked to Flying Horse to “ramp up” the quality. The price will remain the same ($15 for lunches) and the issue will be revisited mid-year.

  1. Committees for 2016

Tonya shared the chair names for each of the committees and as stated earlier in the minutes, each table will have a presence at the February Guild Kickoff Party.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 AM.


Next Guild Board meeting: Thursday, February10, 9:00 – 10:30 at Bank SNB

Next Guild Event: Guild 2016 Kickoff, Monday, February 22, 7:00 PM (Event Hall)

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