Correlation Of Science Standards To Terra Nova Skills

Skills Tested / Ccss/Guidelines Reference
Grade 1
·  Weather-
o  Temperature Use Of Thermometer
o  Moisture / ·  Kindergarten, P. 60
·  Grade 1, P.7-8
·  Matter
o  Properties
o  Types
o  Changes / ·  Kindergarten, P. 58
·  Grade 1, P.9-10
·  Human Body
o  Sound / ·  Kindergarten, Pp. 55, 58
·  Grade 1, P.12
·  Plants
o  Parts Of Plants / ·  Kindergarten, P. 56-57
·  Grade 1, P. 14
·  Scientific Processes
o  Classifying
o  Measuring
o  Observing / ·  Kindergarten, P. 63
·  Grade 1, P.2, 6
·  Sun, Moon, Earth
o  Shadows / ·  Grade 2, P. 7, 8
Correlation Of Science Standards To Terra Nova Skills
Grade 2
·  Astronomy – Solar System
o  Telescope
o  Spacecraft / ·  Can Be Taught In The Context Of Solar System, Grade 2, Pp. 7-8
·  Energy
o  Light
o  Distinguish Items Using Electrical Energy / ·  Grade 2, P.13
·  Need Supplementary Resources For Identifying Objects That Use Electrical Energy.
·  Animals
o  Characteristics For Adaptation To Environment
o  Habitats
o  Life Cycles / ·  Grade 3, P. 20
·  Grade 2, P. 14-17
·  Scientific Method
o  Identifying Materials Used To Conduct Experiments; Measurement Tools.
o  Step By Step Processes / ·  Grade 2. P. 7
·  Grade 3 P. 7
·  Scientific Process Skills
o  Observing
o  Measuring
o  Interpreting Graphs
o  Experimenting
o  Handling Equipment
o  Interdisciplinary Skills – Math Measurement / ·  Grade 2, Pp. 2-3
·  Safety In The Science Lab / ·  Use Supplemental Resources.
Correlation Of Science Standards To Terra Nova Skills
Grade 3
·  Life Science: Animals
o  Habitats
o  Life Cycles / ·  Grade 3, P. 19
·  Astronomy
o  Sun As A Star / ·  Grade 2, P. 7
·  Energy
o  Types Of Energy
o  Uses Of Energy / ·  Grade 3
·  Environment
o  Pollution
o  Erosion / ·  Use Supplemental Resources
·  Erosion Can Be Taught In The Context Of Lessons On Soil And The Water Cycle, Grade 3 Pp. 10-12.
·  Health
o  Good Health Habits
o  Preventing Disease / ·  Should Be Taught In The Context Of Health/Pe Classes.
·  Matter
o  States Of Matter
o  Water Cycle / ·  Use Supplemental Resources
·  Grade 3, Pp 12-13
·  Measurement
o  Tools Used To Measure
o  Mass / ·  Interdisciplinary Skills—Math
·  Math-Related Skills Applied To Science
·  Grade 4, P. 12
·  Scientific Instruments/Tools Used In Gathering Scientific Data / ·  Grade 3, P. 6. Use Supplemental Resources.
·  Scientific Processes
o  Using Charts To Represent Data
o  Interpreting Data In Charts
o  Interpreting Graphs
o  Assigning Correct Order To Scientific Processes / ·  Grade 3, Pp 2-3
·  Use Related Math Skills
Correlation Of Science Standards To Terra Nova Skills
Grade 4
·  Life Science:
o  Characteristics Of Animals
o  Food Chain
o  Habitats
o  Self Preservation
o  Growth Cycle Of Plants / ·  Grade 4, Pp. 20-21
·  Grade 2 P 13
·  Need Supplemental Material
·  Astronomy
o  Solar System
o  Moon / ·  Grade 2, Pp 7-8
·  Need Supplemental Material
·  Energy
o  Types Of Energy
o  Uses For Energy
o  Electricity / ·  Gr. 2 Pp 9-10
·  Environment
o  Care For Environment – Recycling
o  Changes In Environment—Erosion / ·  Gr 3 Pp 10-12
·  Health
o  Good Health Habits
o  Preventing Disease / ·  Should Be Taught In Context Of Health And P.E.
·  Matter
o  States Of Matter / ·  Grade 4, Pp. 12-13
·  Measurement
o  Metric Measurement
o  Tools Used To Measure
o  Mass / ·  Interdisiciplinary Skills Applied To Science
·  Math Related Skills Applied To Science
·  Gr 4 P 12
·  Scientific Instruments/Tools Used In Gathering Scientific Data / ·  Gr 4 P6
·  Scientific Processes
o  Using Charts To Represent Data
o  Interpreting Data In Charts
o  Interpreting Graphs
o  Assigning Correct Order To Scientific Processes / ·  Gr 4 Pp 2-3

Correlation Of Science Standards To Terra Nova Skills

Grade 5

Skills Tested / Ccss/Guidelines Reference
·  Ecosystems
o  Habitat / ·  Gr 5 Pp 21-23
o  Adaptation
o  Food Web
o  Human Impact / ·  Gr 5 Pp 21-23
·  Forces
o  Magenetism
o  Electricity
o  Motion / ·  Gr 5 Pp14-15
·  Simple Machiines / ·  Gr 5 Pp 16-17
·  Use Supplemental Materials
·  Matter
o  States Of Matter
o  Physical/Chemical Changes
o  Volume / ·  Gr 4 Pp 12-14
·  Use Related Math Skills
·  Earth Science
o  Solar System
o  Geology
o  Erosion
o  Earth Forces / ·  Gr 5 Pp 7-13
·  Energy
o  Transfer
o  Conversion
o  Earth Forces / ·  Gr 5 Pp 14-16
·  Need Supplemental Materials
·  Life Science
o  Animals
o  Plants
o  Life Cycles
o  Hygiene / ·  Gr 4 Pp 18-21
·  Gr 5 Pp 18-19
·  Gr 7 Pp 22-23

Correlation Of Science Standards To Terra Nova Skills

Grade 6

Skills Tested / Ccss/Guidelines Reference
·  Physical Science
o  Electricity
o  Heat Transfer / ·  Gr 5 P 14
·  Safety / ·  Gr 5 P 15
·  Use Supplemental Material
·  Matter
o  States Of Matter / ·  Gr 4 Pp 12-14
·  Gr 8 Pp 13
·  Earth Science
o  Ecology-Environment / ·  Gr 4 P.10
o  Atmosphere And Weather
o  Tides
o  Ecosystems Habitats
o  Solar System
o  Measurement
o  Graphs
o  Diagrams / ·  Gr 4 P.7
·  Gr 4 P.8
·  Gr 4 Pp. 10-11
·  Gr 5 Pp 9-10
·  Gr 5 Pp. 21-23
·  Gr 8 Pp 22-26
·  Gr 8 Pp 27-31
·  Use Related Math Skills
·  Technology / ·  Refer To Related Internet Skills
·  Scientific Method / ·  Use Supplemental Materials

Correlation Of Science Standards To Terra Nova Skills

Grade 7

Skills Tested / Ccss/Guidelines Reference
·  Life Science
o  Life Cycles
o  Cells
o  Plant Polination
o  Plants
o  Health / ·  Gr7 Pp 13-15
·  In Context Of Health And P.E
·  Earth Science
o  Earth’s Forces
o  Atmosphere And Weather
o  Solar System
o  Geology
o  Pollution
o  Water Cycle
o  Ecosystem/Food Web
o  Plant/Animals Adaptations / ·  Gr 8 Pp 16-17
·  Gr 8 P 13
·  Gr 7 P 25
·  Gr 8 P 19
·  Gr 7 Pp 24-25
·  Measurement
o  / ·  Use Related Math Skills Related To Science Skills
·  Physical Science / · 
o  Simple Machines
o  Energy Sources
o  Electrical Currents
o  Gravity And Mass / ·  Gr 3 P 16
·  Gr 5 P 16
·  Gr 6 P 12


Correlation Of Science Standards To Terra Nova Skills

Grade 8

Skills Tested / CCSS/Guidelines Reference
·  Earth Science
o  Water Cycle
o  Climate/Weather
o  Pollution
o  Fossils
o  Habitats
o  Landforms
o  Plate Techtonics
o  Rock Cycle
o  Solar System
o  Star Cycle / ·  Gr 8 P 19
·  Gr 8 Pp 28-31
·  Gr 8 Pp 32-36
·  Gr 6 P. 7
·  Gr 8 Pp 23-25
·  Gr 8 P.25
·  Physical Science
o  Heat Transfer
o  Forces
o  Electricity
o  States Of Matter
o  Gravity / ·  Gr 8 P13
·  Life Science
o  Plant Reproduction
o  Body Systems
o  Genetics/Dna / ·  Gr 7 Pp 18-20
·  Gr 7 P21
·  Nutrition/Health / ·  In Context Of P.E. And Health
·  Measurement / · 
o  Graphing
o  Interperting Data / ·  Use Math Related Skills
·  Scientific Method / ·  Use Supplemental Materials
