Carbon Cycle Teaching Experiments 2009-2010 Elementary School
Unit Feedback
Human Energy and Global Warming
Teacher NameSchool / Date
Every year the Environmental Literacy Project reviews its teaching materials. For us, teacher feedback about the units and their activities is very important because we can get valuable information to our research and teaching goals.
1. General appreciation of the unit
a. The list bellow has five sentences about the unit. Read every sentence and according to your experience rate it. 1 is the lowest score and 5 the highest.
The sequence of activities was adequate / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5The teacher guide was helpful for making the activities / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
The handouts were useful for the students / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
The process tools were useful for the students / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
The posters and materials helped to the student learning / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
b. Do you have any comments or suggestions in order to improve the unit?
c. How much time did you spend in the unit?
2. Appreciation of the activities
The following section lists the activities included in the unit. Tell us whether you use it or not, your appreciation of the activity, and the modifications you made (if applicable).
Activity / Did you use it? / How do you appreciate it?Examples of questions: How did the students work? How useful were the teaching guide and handouts? Did you have any problem during the activity? Would you add or quit something in the activity? / Did you modify it?
If yes, how?
1 / Burning fuels / Yes / No
Activity / Did you use it? / How do you appreciate it?
Examples of questions: How did the students work? How useful were the teaching guide and handouts? Did you have any problem during the activity? Would you add or quit something in the activity? / Did you modify it?
If yes, how?
2 / Where does carbon dioxide go? / Yes / No
3 / Where does electricity come from? / Yes / No
4 / Where do fossil fuels come from? / Yes / No
3. Additional topics
a. Think about the previous units that you worked in this project. What connections of the previous units would you make with the systems and scales activities?
b. What additional inquiry-oriented activities that you know or have used do you suggest in order to be used alongside the process tool?
Thank you for your responses