ETO Data Entry Quick Reference Guide

I&R Program

1. Enrollment:

  • Enroll all beneficiaries who: (1) meet the overall WIPA eligibility criteria, and (2)receive services.

Example: Joy calls your agency. The intake specialist determines she meets the WIPA eligibility criteria and lets her know a CWIC will call her in the next few days. You try calling Joy several times, leaving messages, but never reach her. While she meets WIPA eligibility criteria, you never provided her services so she should NOT be enrolled in ETO

Example: Bill calls and you answer the phone. You clarify he meets the WIPA eligibility criteria and answer a few of his questions about the impact of earnings on various benefits. Since you determine he meets WIPA eligibility criteria, and you provide him some services, you should enroll him in ETO.

2. Assessment:

  • Every beneficiary enrolled in the I&R Program must have an I&R Assessment.
  • Whenthe TtW Help LineSpecialist created an I&R Assessment, no additional I&R Assessment is needed unless a beneficiary presents an I&R need not addressed by the TtW Help Line specialist. Review the steps outlinedin the “ETO Data Entry Guidance, Tips and Reminders” document to view the I&R Assessment completed by the TtW Help Line.

Example #1: You accept a TtW Help Line referral and an I&R Assessment is already completed. You call the beneficiary and determine they need WIPA level services as they plan to begin job searching next month. They don’t present any different I&R issues. No additional I&R Assessment is needed.

Example #2: You accept a TtW Help Line referral and an I&R Assessment is already completed. You call the beneficiary and determine they need WIPA level services as they plan to begin job searching next month. In talking with the beneficiary, they share they anticipate they’ll be receiving a large inheritance in the near future and ask you how that will impact their SSI and Medicaid. You provide general information and a list of estate planning attorneys. An additional I&R Assessment should be completed to reflect this I&R service you provided.

3. Efforts (Initial Case Notes or I&R Case Notes):

  • Completely Optional

4. Dismissal:

  • Dismiss only if the beneficiary receives WIPA level services

WIPA Program

1. Enrollment:

  • Enroll all beneficiaries who: (1) you offer WIPA level services to, (2) accept the offer for those services, and (3) you provide at least some WIPA level services.

Example:Joy calls; you clarify she meets WIPA eligibility criteria and provide her information and referral services. She shares that she has been offered a job, so you offer to verify her benefits and provide her more detailed information; she agrees that will be helpful. You mail her releases. She doesn’t return the releases and doesn’t return your call. While you would enroll her in the I&R Program, you would NOT enroll her in the WIPA program because you didn’t provide her WIPA services.

Example: Joy calls; you clarify she meets WIPA eligibility criteria and provide her information and referral services. She shares that she has been offered a job, so you offer to verify her benefits and provide her more detailed information; she agrees that will be helpful. You mail her releases. You receive the signed releases 2 weeks later and begin the verification process. You are providing individualized services at this point, so you would enroll her in WIPA services.

  • To enroll a beneficiary in the WIPA program, they must be enrolled in, and then dismissed from, the I&R program

2. Assessments:

  • Baseline Assessment: Every beneficiary enrolled in the WIPA program must have a Baseline Assessment.
  • The Baseline Assessment is complete once all benefits have been verified and all sections have been filled out.

Example: You meet with Debra, who is receiving SSDI and is close to finishing a teaching degree. She has her BPQY with her, which you review together. You get answers to all the Baseline questions except Medicaid. It’s not clear whether she has Medicaid or not, so you get an additional release from her. You get back to your office, contact the Medicaid agency and verify she doesn’t have Medicaid. You can now complete the Baseline Assessment.

  • Follow-Up Assessment: After completing the Baseline Assessment, complete a Follow-Up Assessment anytime the beneficiary has a change in their situationthat is specifically related to one or more of the questions completed on the previous assessment.

Example: While working on finishing Debra’s BSA she calls you to let you know that she started working yesterday. She shares the details of the job with you. You review the work incentive information with her and let her know you’ll incorporate this specific job into her BSA and send it out to her tomorrow. You schedule a phone meeting to review the BSA together next week and talk through how to report earnings. A Follow-Up Assessment should be completed because she had a change in her employment status from the last assessment you did.

3. Efforts:

  • Every contact, attempted contact, or action with a beneficiary or with another entity on behalf of the beneficiary should be recorded as an effort.

Example: You complete Debra’s BSA. A WIPA Effort should be recorded to reflect that fact. You call Debra and leave her a message that you put it in the mail and to call you if she doesn’t get it in 3 days. This activity is also considered an effort. You have your scheduled phone appointment with Debra to review the BSA and discuss reporting earnings. A WIPA effort should be recorded to reflect this action as well.

4. Dismissal:

  • Dismissing from WIPA is NEVER required and is not recommended; it is an optional action- for example: incarcerated, moved out of the service area, passed away, referred to WIPA program, unable to contact, WIPA needs met and declined additional services.

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