Section I: Lesson Plans



Identify Performance Objectives

1. Provide students a chance to meet in small groups to read and discuss a story that each person in the group has read

2. The students come together and discuss the story using role sheets that guide the discussion

3. The students make meaning of the story through summarizing, asking questions, clarifying, and predicting

Lesson Outline


  1. Reading in groups.
  2. Assigning a task for each group member: modeling the different roles that the student can assume.
  3. Discussion of the story

National/State/Local Standards



Warm-up activity: phonetic exercises, training pronunciation of the sounds.

Prior knowledge: key words of the story, grammar tenses used in the story

Language Goals (vocabulary/structure/communicative language/functional language):

  1. Vocabulary: the student’s task is to target a few important words – new, interesting, strange, important, puzzling, hard or unfamiliar
  2. Communicative language: speculate on connections between information in the story and the world. The students can connect the reading to their own life, happenings in school, in the community
  3. Functional language: the teacher helps group members notice the most interesting, funny, surprising, thought-provoking or important sections of the text and then reads them aloud


A group of four students reads a section of the story and then stops with each group member assuming responsibility for one of the four strategies: summarizing, asking questions, clarifying, and predicting.

  1. The teacher gives index cards to each member of the group with that person’s role: summarizer, questioner, clarifier, and predictor.
  2. The students read a few paragraphs of the text selection and at a given stopping point the summarizer will highlight or paraphrase the key ideas up to that point in the reading.
  3. The questioner will pose questions about the selection read so far as well as ask questions about unclear or puzzling parts.
  4. The clarifier will attempt to answer questions that other group members might have about unclear sections of the text.
  5. The predictor will attempt to answer questions that other group members might have about unclear sections of the text.
  6. The predictor will make guesses about what might happen next in the story.
  7. The students then read the next section of the text and change roles by switching one person to the right.
  8. The teacher circulates around the class as students participate in groups to listen in on the discussion and to note areas that they could work on with the whole class to improve the quality of the discussion.


1. Responses to the role sheets, the students document their responses citing specific pages in the reading selection.

2. Each group member assumes responsibility for one of the four strategies.

3. Discussion with the other group members.


1. Reading skills.

2. Phonetic skills.

3. Grammar: familiar tenses and phrases.

4. Familiar words, the usage of new vocabulary.


1. The teacher monitors the student’s participation in group work. S/he can assign a grade for a student participation in these sessions.

2. The students can self-assess their own participation in these sessions.


  1. Grammar – Translation method for understanding and analyzing grammar phenomena and comparing them of their equivalents in the native language.
  2. Audio – Lingual Method for presenting new vocabulary and structures through dialogs and teaching through imitation and repetition.
  3. Communicative method for discussion and dialogues.

Homework assignment: Write a composition “Things today’s reading reminded me about “

Materials used:

  1. The book/the story for reading.
  2. Index cards with the roles.
  3. Blackboard to write some language formulas for summarizer, questioner, clarifier, and predictor.

Lesson Plan Format

Intern: LyudmilaSkrypnykGrade Level: High School forAdults

Title: Countries PresentationDate: July 24

I.Objectives: to learn about the countries the students come from, to develop Ss oral speech skills, to value and respect diversity

II.Materials for Learning Activities: the students’ posters for presenting their countries, power point presentation about Ukraine, computer, head projector, gifts with Ukrainian symbolism for the students, questions, statements for Yes/No game, the pictures of symbols and coats of arms.

III.Procedures for Learning Activities:

  1. The students in groups tell about their countries: El Salvador, Honduras, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Puerto- Rico, Brazil, using the posters. They also sing their national anthems, during the singing all fellows keep standing, displaying respect for the countries and the Ss’ patriotic feeling.
  2. The teachers make power point presentation of Ukraine, telling the Ss about the country’s geographical position, administrative division, political system, symbols.
  3. The teachers ask the Ss the questions concerning the information they’ve got about the countries. The Ss are supposed to answer them.
  4. The Ts read the statements about the countries and decide whether they are true or false.


The Ss don’t get grades, but they get gifts for the right answers.


Preparing and making presentations develops oral communication and audile skills. While preparing presentations the Ss use subject-related information and vocabulary, and organize ideas appropriate for the topic and purpose. They also organize information around the central idea with supporting details.

They have to speak loud and clear, and comprehend main ideas of classmates’ oral presentations. They listen actively and respect the comments of others. The Ss face audience and make eye contact. The students use and interpret graphically presented information.

They also apply knowledge of their vocabulary and can guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by using context clues. The students also make decisions about which resource is best for locating information – dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, glossaries, on-line materials.

Intern: Lyudmila SkrypnykGrade Level: High School for Adults

Title: The Present Continuous TenseDate: July 23

  1. Objectives:
  1. To teach the rules of using Present Continuous.
  2. To teach continuous forms of the verbs and the spelling rules while adding ing
  3. To train using present continuous in sentences.
  4. To review the present forms of the verb “to be”, and to review the verbs.
  1. Materials for Learning Activities:
  1. The poster with the present forms of “to be”.
  2. The poster with the flowers with ‘to be” forms and paper butterflies with personal (subject) pronouns.
  3. The diagram with the structure of building a sentence in the present continuous.
  4. The pictures illustrating actions in the present continuous tense.
  5. The handouts for the Ss with grammar exercises.
  1. Procedures for Learning Activities:
  1. Warming – up:

The Ss recollect the verbs.

  1. The Ss together with the teacher say in chores the present forms of “to be”, using the poster.
  2. The students match the butterflies to the flowers.
  3. The teacher explains the rule of using and building continuous form.
  4. The teacher shows actions “sleep”, “dance”, “eat”, “write”, “read”, and “smile”. One group of the students Ss ask the question “What’s she doing?”, the other group answers “She is dancing/ sleeping, etc.”
  5. A student shows the actions, the two groups switch the roles: one group asks the question “What’s s/he doing?” the other group answers “S/he is reading/writing, etc.”
  6. The student do grammar exercises from the handouts: filling blanks, matching, adding endings.
  7. The students together with the teacher say chants, training using Present Continuous.
  1. Assessment:

The Ss get grades, the teacher assess their participation in chorus work, their skills to form and to use continuous forms, and to incorporate the structure within their speech and writing.

  1. Reflection

Using TPR method is effective both for teaching grammar material and vocabulary. TPR involves learning by doing.

Lesson Plan Format

Intern: Lyudmila Skrypnyk Grade Level: High School for Adults

Title: Home reading “Johnny Appleseed”Date: August,2


1. To develop Ss’ reading skills.

2. To recognize parts of speech in the text: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions.

3. To understand the main idea of the text.

4. To develop oral speech skills; to retell the text in simple sentences, following the correct word order: subject – predicate – attribute – object.

5. To learn new vocabulary from the text.

6. To value altruistic actions of people, their serving their land.

II.Materials for Learning Activities:

  1. The books of the story “Johnny Appleseed”.
  2. Computer slides about the structure of an apple, introducing the words “skin, core, flesh, seeds”.
  3. An apple cut in pieces for students to smell, and to taste the apple.
  4. Handouts with test.

III.Procedures for Learning Activities:

  1. The librarian reads the story to the students.
  2. The teacher puts new words on the blackboard.
  3. The teacher shows the slides of apple structure, explains and illustrates the words.
  4. The teacher gives the students pieces of an apple and introduces adjectives: round, sweet, juicy, tasty; the T introduces the proverb: “Two apples a day keep a doctor away.”
  5. The students read the story.
  6. The students answer T’s questions: “What was Johnny’s real name?” “Was J.Appleseed rich?” “What did J.A. plant?” “What did he wear?” “Was Johnny a good person?”
  7. The students get the papers with the test: they are supposed to find in the text 3 nouns, 3 verbs, 3 adjectives, 3 prepositions.
  8. The students retell the text, using triangle of words.


The teacher assesses students’ reading, knowledge of words, their answering the questions, their ability to retell and apply new vocabulary, correctness of the test tasks done.


The slides and apple pieces illustrate vocabulary for visual learners. Triangle for retelling fits logical learning style.

Lesson Plan Format

Intern: Lyudmila SkrypnykGrade Level: High School for Adults

Title: Possessive Pronouns(Adjectives), OppositesDate: August, 5

  1. Objectives:
  1. To learn the possessive pronouns.
  2. To review the personal (subject) pronouns.
  3. To train using personal and possessive pronouns in oral and written speech.
  4. To learn adjective opposites.
  5. To train using the opposites in oral and written speech.
  1. Materials for Learning Activities:
  1. The poster with personal and possessive pronouns.
  2. The poster with flowers, which are signed with personal pronouns, and the paper butterflies signed with possessive pronouns to match the flowers.
  3. The pictures to illustrate adjective opposites.
  4. Test papers to practice personal pronouns in written speech.
  1. Procedures for Learning Activities:
  1. Learning possessive pronouns and reviewing personal pronouns using the poster.
  2. The Ss match butterflies to the flowers, training to use the correct forms of the pronouns.
  3. The game “Catch the ball and give the right answer” to train the pronouns, using TPR method.
  4. The teacher introduces the adjectives and the opposites, illustrating them by pictures.
  5. The T shows pictures illustrating the adjectives and the students give the opposites.
  6. The Ss do the tests on the test papers. The Ss are supposed to fill in the blanks, putting there the pronouns and adjectives.
  1. Assessment:

The teacher assesses the Ss’ knowledge of personal and possessive pronouns, their answers at the game, the correctness of the test papers.

  1. Reflection:

Usage of posters and illustrations develops connections for visual learners. TPR method fits the spatial learning style.

Section I.I: Shared Lesson Plans

Teacher’s Lesson Plan

Topic:Presentation of Tajikistan

Aim: to review/develop geographical knowledge of students, improve speaking skills, enlarge vocabulary.

Materials: Information on the topic, posters, world map,chalk-board and other class equipments


  1. Warm Up. (10 minutes)

I will conduct a game called “Box of Wishes”. Everyone writes his 3 wishes in a sheet of paper. Then we put all the wishes together into a box. Teacher mixes the wishes and asks students to take one piece of paper with wishes. Then each reads his pieces of paper with wishes.

1.1 Review. (15 minutes)

  1. List all the countries you know. (5 minutes)

While students are writing their wishes I disseminate colored cards to each student. By the help of these cards I’m going to divide students to four small groups. I ask students to gather in one place according to their card’s color.

Task 1: I ask students to discuss in their groups and list as many countries as they know.

  1. Name & show the countries on the map. (10 minutes)

Task 2:After they have finished their list of countries one member from each group will come to the blackboard and name their country and also I’ll ask them to show the country on the map.

  1. Presentation (15 minutes)

a)Dissemination of information about Tajikistan

After all for group will name and show the countries they listed I will disseminate a text about Tajikistan. I’ll ask them to read it attentively (Each group can divide the text between themselves).

b)Group Discussion/Presentation.

Then I ask them to have a discussion over the text they have just read and make a presentation about Tajikistan. How they are going to present their presentation is up to them.

  1. Practice/Assessment (35 minutes)

Presentation:(20 minutes)

Students present their presentation about Tajikistan. Also each group should ask at least 3 questions to presenter(s).

After their presentations I distribute a “Written Task” among the students. There are 10 sentences in it. The students should fill in (put words) in blank spaces.

Written Task: Fill in the blanks.(15 minutes)

  1. Tajikistan is situated in the ______.
  2. The ______of Tajikistan is more than ______.
  3. The capital of Tajikistan is ______.
  4. In the south Tajikistan borders with ______.
  5. ______it borders on China 430 km.
  6. ______is official language of the country.
  7. The national flag consists of ______colors.
  8. The total length of border is ______km.
  9. Emomali Rahmon is ______of the Republic of Tajikistan.
  10. In the north Tajikistan borders with ______and ______.
  1. Essay (25 minutes)

I disseminate letters written by my pupils (I brought from Tajikistan) to U.S. students. Ask them to read each aloud and discuss on it. When the last one is read I ask them to write one letter to their Tajik friends.


Teacher: Kimberley Hale Grade Level: English 11

Title: Steven Crane “A Mystery of Heroism” Date: 07.25.07 Time: 7.30 a.m.-10.05 a.m.

I. Performance Objectives:


  • Understand situational irony (literary skills)
  • Identify theme (reading skills)
  • Understand ambiguity (review skills)\

II. Material for Learning Activities

  • Elements of Literature, Fifth Course, The Holt Reader
  • Whiteboard, markers, paper, pencils

National/State/Local Standards

  • High School Standards of Learning (SOL) Strengthening Course


Introduction: ( 30 min)

  • Teacher elicits from the students the definitions of verbal and dramatic irony, which were discussed at the previous lessons
  • Using the background knowledge teacher and students discuss the notion of a hero
  • Teacher and students define the notion of situational irony

Instructional strategies: (45 min)

  • Discussing the definitions and writing them on the board
  • Teacher reads the story and comments on its content with references to the personal experience
  • Teacher explains the vocabulary of the text which is not clear to the students
  • Sts make margin notes along the reading and discussion
  • Teacher asks questions, e.g.:
  • What’s the atmosphere like here?
  • Is this stupidity or heroism?
  • Do heroes act childishly?

Summary: (15 min)

  • Sts identify the theme of the story. They fill in the chart below with details from the story that illustrate the elements in the left-hand column. Then they review their chart entries and state the story’s theme at the bottom of the chart.

Main events in the story
What characters discover
Significance of title
Key details
Statement of theme
  • Sts give the definition of ambiguity

Ambiguity is a technique by which a writer deliberately suggests 2 or more different, and sometimes conflicting, meanings in a work

IV. Assessment (45 min)

  • Sts answer questions given as margin notes and hand in their papers.

Questions fall into several categories such as:

  • CLARIFY, e.g. Re-read lines 17-24. What has happened to the burglar?
  • COMPARE AND CONTRAST, e.g. Re-read lines 25-41. How does the narrator describe the natural setting?
  • WORD STUDY, e.g. Lines 34-36 contain a metaphor and simile. Underline the metaphor (a comparison that does not use the words like or as) and circle the simile (a comparison that uses the words like or as)
  • IDENTIFY, e.g. pause at line 76. Why wouldn’t it be difficult for Collins to get a drink of water from the old well?
  • PARAPHRASE, e.g. The narrator uses vivid, eloquent language to describe the events of the battle. What has happened in lines 80-85? Restate the events in your own word.
  • AUTHOR’S PURPOSE, e.g. Re-read lines 89-100. Which is more understandable: the human’s behavior or the animals’ behavior? What might the purpose of this passage be?
  • IDENTIFY CAUSE AND EFFECT, e.g. Why does Collins ask to get some water from the well across the meadow?
  • INTERPRET e.g. What do the words of the soldiers reveal about Collins’ actions (lines 186-195)?
  • ANALYZE e.g. re-read lines 216-231. Does Collins think of himself as a hero? Circle the two phrases that make the answer to this question ambiguous, or open to interpretation.

V. Differentiation