Child Guidance

Ms. Hoelscher Phone: (832) 668-7200

Room: 1534 (4th-7th) Email:

Welcome to Child Guidance! Here are some thoughts to answer some of your questions about how our class will be organized this year.

GOALS: - Analyze the roles & responsibilities of caregivers

- Explore the development of infants, toddlers, and preschool children

- Evaluate child care options

- Study the health & wellness of children

- Investigate the effect of play in development

- Summarize appropriate guidance techniques for children

- Examine career decisions and career goals

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This technical laboratory course addresses the knowledge and skills related to child growth and guidance equipping students to develop positive relationships with children and effective caregiver skills. Students use these skills to promote the well-being and healthy development of children, strengthen a culturally diverse society, and pursue careers related to the care, guidance, and education of children, including those with special needs.

SUPPLY LIST: Three ring binger 2”, pencil and paper

TARDY POLICY: Please see tardy policy in student handbook. You MUST receive a pass from one of the tardy stations.

CELL PHONES: It is the school policy that phones should be off and put away during school hours. If a cell phone is out or student is texting during class, the cell phone will be taken up and the school policy will apply. * See student handbook. If a parent needs to contact a student they may do so by calling the school 832-668-7200. The office will contact my classroom with the message for your child. Please do not text or call your child while they are in class. If it is an emergency, please alert the school secretary when you call and the situation will be handled accordingly.

MAKEUP WORK: Check make up folder for missing assignments (journals, notes, activities, tests). Late work 10 points off each day. Student has 2 weeks from the time of absence to make up work. Test Makeup: You have 5 days to make up any missed exams; it is your responsibility to schedule missed exams.

This includes tests and projects.

RESTROOM: Per the 10 X 10 rule, students may not leave during the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of class for any reason. Take care of restroom needs before class. This is a school wide rule implemented by administration.

Emergencies will be addressed and I will receive special instructions for certain students via the nurse.


•  No food or drink in the classroom. This is a school policy. Only water is allowed.

•  Do not sit on desk, tables, or counters

•  Sign out/in when you leave the classroom and make sure you have a pass.

•  Stay in your seat until the bell rings. DO NOT LINE UP AT THE DOOR

•  Vulgar or slang language will not be allowed

•  Treat others and yourself with respect


a. When you enter the room you will read the board, get supplies, and begin your

journal writing.

b. Your cue to stop, look and listen will be when you see me standing at the front

of the room.

c. Discussions:

• Raise your hand to speak.

• Listen when others are talking (teacher or peers).

BINDER/JOURNAL: You are required to keep a 3-ring notebook containing all of your notes, papers, quizzes, etc. It will be checked for a grade periodically and used for quizzes and/or tests. All papers must be attached and in order.


Major Grades: Tests and Project – 50%

Daily Assignments – 35%

Participation – 15%

TESTS: The District policy will be followed in calculating a student's grade.A final exam will be administered in this course.Student assessment will be based on group work, product presentations, written reports, tests of students' knowledge of important concepts, and demonstrations of important skills.Internet and library research will be required.

OFFICE HOURS: I will be available on Monday through Friday from 8:45-9:45 am and 3:45-4:15 pm for students to receive help on assignments or concepts. Students will need to let me know that they are coming to office hours before the end of the day. If I have a meeting away from the classroom, I will always try to inform the students about this at the beginning of the week, and we will arrange a time that will work. However, it is the student’s responsibility to let me know that they are coming beforehand.

ABSENCE POLICY: Per STES policy, students have one day per day of absence to turn in assignments missed. Students should determine what was missed by checking the makeup folder, asking the instructor or a classmate. Students who have been extremely ill or have extended absence should meet with me immediately upon return to determine a plan for getting work accomplished.

Students are expected to advise the teacher when they know they will be absent in advance. Projects/major assignments due during the absence should be turned in prior to leaving.


Students should enter the classroom on time and quietly take their seats.

Students should check the classroom board to see the day’s lesson objective, materials to get out, and what to start working on.

Students should be prepared for class with homework done and be ACTIVE learners: listening, thinking, taking notes, answering questions, and participating in labs and discussions.

Students should show respect for others, the teacher, and the classroom, do their work to the best of their ability, and adhere to the DPISD Honor Code as outlined in the Parent-Student Handbook.


Please keep course information and have your student return this section by Friday, August 21st.

By signing below, we acknowledge that we have read and discussed the policies and procedures for the Child Guidance CTE course.

Student Name: (please print)

______Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Name: (please print)


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Off-Campus Permission Form

Child Guidance is a laboratory class that requires students to travel by bus to complete observations and partake in experience-based learning. Students will be traveling to work with elementary-aged children to apply knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. By signing the below form, you grant permission for your child to participate in this activity throughout the remainder of the school year.

I, ______(parent/guardian), agree to allow my son or daughter, ______(student’s name), to attend the following field trip or out of school activity.

Activity Description:

Destination: ______

Date or activity: ______

Time of departure:______Time of return:______

Class name: ______

Instructor name: ______

Transportation being provided:

School bus Personal vehicle Leased vehicle

Student Agreement:

While participating in this field trip, I accept responsibility for maintaining good conduct and appearance, and I will follow directions at all times. I understand that failure to follow any of the described guidelines may result in my inability to participate in the activity and immediate removal from the class.

Student Signature:______Date:______

Signature of parent/guardian: ______Date: ______

Daytime phone:______Emergency contact:______Phone:______