Boston Latin School English Department
Rubric for Expository Writing
thorough knowledge of subject / clearly stated thesis / effective order / clear and effective diction / well crafted sentences / mastery of mechanics
(usage, spelling, punctuation, capitalization)
cogent discussion of complex ideas / telling examples or other evidence expertly embedded into essay / engaging opening / level of vocabulary enriches presentation / variety of sentence structure/length / .
perceptive thought s / absence ofunnecessary repetition / cohesion among paragraphs (use of transitions) / appropriate tone / variety of syntax in sentences / mastery of citation forms for documentation
absence of empty sentence / . / coherence within paragraphs / *artful use of figurative language / *content illuminated by form / .
*enlightening final effect. / . / satisfying closure / *engaging voice / . / .
Critical Thinking / Topic Development / Organization / Style / Sentence Structure / Conventions
sufficient knowledge of topic / identifiable thesis / evident order in presentation / appropriate diction / clear sentences / limited number of errors in mechanics (usage, spelling, punctuation, capitalization)
cogent discussion of ideas / relevant examples or other evidence / clear opening / appropriate tone / some variety of sentence structure/length / *limited number of errors in documentation.
logical thought / *little if any, unnecessary repetition. / some connectionbetween paragraphs / *level of vocabulary appropriate to task and audience. / *absence of monotony in sentence patterns. / ..
.*few, in any, empty sentences / .. / unified paragraphs / .. / .. / ..
. / . / *relevant conclusion / . / . / .
Critical Thinking / Topic Development / Organization / Style / Sentence Structure / Conventions
insufficient knowledge of topic / no recognizable thesis or controlling idea / no evident order / inappropriate diction / sentences often unclear / excessive errors in mechanics
(usage, spelling, punctuation, capitalization)
incomplete discussion of idea or off topic / few, if any, examples or little use of supporting evidence / vague opening that fails to establish controlling idea / inconsistent or inappropriate tone / little variety of sentence structure/length / little knowledge of documentation
poorly reasoned thought / use of irrelevant material / lack of connection between paragraphs (no transitions) / level of vocabulary below grade level / monotony in sentence patterns / .
. / unnecessary repetition / unsatisfactory paragraph development / . / . / .
. / . / no conclusion / . / . / .
*denotes characteristics of high level writing in this category