The Wyndmere City Council held their regular meeting on Monday, August 5, 2017.
Council Members present: Mayor Brandt, Hetland,Phalen,Bell, Volesky,Olmsted - City Superintendent, Anderson - City Auditor, CommunityMembers present: Don and Kathy Fluto, Dan Dalchow, Samantha Dissette, Steve Lies
The meeting was called to order at 6:59 PM.
Approval of Minutes – Motion by Bell, seconded by Hetland MC
Approval of Bills – Motion by Phalen, seconded by Volesky MC
Auditor Report–Discussion on overdue water bills – Meeting suspended at 7:04PM for Notice of Hearing but the building inspector did not attend so the meeting resumed at 7:08PM.City was awarded a grant for $1,870 for the purchase of adulticide and/or lavcide for mosquito control.
Superintendent Report – Have been repairing streets with holes, fixed a sinkhole at 5th ST & Elm, took 5 water samples, trees will be trimmed starting on Tuesday, caught 6 raccoons in the live traps, new siren has been installed. Banners will be put back up before the Fall Festival.
Old Business – Community Development Corporation–tabled until next meeting, Mayor and Council members to meet with Bob Wurl. Building abatement–Notice of Hearing will be next month.
New Business– Motion by Volesky to approve building permits for Phalen and Skillings, Hetland seconded MC Building Permit information will be looked at and posted on the website and sent out to residents. Preliminary budget was handed out to review for the Budget Mtg. August 17th at 6PM. Discussion on the Dollar General Road- price for the Frontage Road is $39,809 with Dollar General paying $25,000, motion by Hetland to pay $14,809 from sales tax money, Phalen seconded. MC Council reviewed and approved the following: Phalen motioned to approve the Preliminary Engineering Report, Bell seconded. MC Volesky motioned to request the engineer to prepare the plans and specifications, Hetland seconded. MC Bell motioned to accept the plans and specs, seconded by Volesky. MC Hetland motioned to request engineer to obtain bids/quotes on the project, seconded by Bell. MC
Other Business– Wyndmere Fall Festival will be held September 16 with many activities. Motion by Hetland for the committee to submit to the council at the next meeting, Sept. 5, insurance coverage and the special event permit to be approved, seconded by Bell. MC The derby area is to be cleared by Sept. 23 and the garbage picked up the next day.
Motion by Phalen to offer residents $150 to remove dead American Elm trees from their yards, Bell seconded. MC
Discussion was held on the condition of the streets, the need for improvement and how the city would fund this project with grants, etc. The Teen Center has one coat of paint, ceiling tiles are almost replaced and a dehumidifier has been placed in the Center.
Bell made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 PM, seconded by Volesky MC
Next Meeting – September 5, 2017