Double Degree Programme with Universidade Nova de Lisboa- A.Y. 2013-2014
Application form to behandled to:
International Development Office - Sviluppo Internazionale e Accordi
(viale Romania 32 - “Borghetto”, next to the Bookstore)
By February 28th 2013 at 12.00 / Photo
 

 Please complete the form with clear capital letters.


Surname: ______Name: ______Nationality: ______

City of birth: ______Date of birth: ______Mobile: ______

Permanent Address: ______N°: _____ Cap: ______City: ______

Prov: ______tel.: ______E-mail:______

Current Address:______N°: ______cap: ______City:______

Prov:______tel.: ______E-mail:______

ID Card or Passport N°: ______


Student Number: ______

Please tick the relevant between the following:

Enrolled to the I year of the Master’s Degree in General Management

LUISS Concentration to be selected:Management of Innovation Finance  International Business

Enrolled to the I year of the Master’s Major in Financial Economics

Nova Master to be selected: Economics Finance


  • 2passport size photos (with your name written on the back),plus the one to be pasted on this application form.
  • Latest transcript (in Italian: “Esami sostenuti/da sostenere con media”).
  • Certificateof English language knowledge.
  • Other certificates (optional, e.g. GMAT, GRE, language certificates)
  • Copy of valid identity document (ID card or passport).
  • Motivation letter in English.
  • Curriculum Vitae in English.
  • Bachelor certification degree with transcript of records.

I hereby declare that I am aware that this candidature is incompatible with the application for the Erasmus and Bilateral Exchange Program. I am also aware that the candidature to Erasmus and Bilateral Exchange Program will excludemy participation to the Call for the Double Degree Programme with Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

I authorize the processing of my personal data, under the Legislative Decree No. 196/03, for the purposes envisaged by the programme.

Date: / Candidate’s signature for acceptance of the Call’srules: