Regular Meeting Minutes of the Board of Directors May 16, 2016

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Ocean Beach School District 101 was held on Monday, May 16, 2016 at 5:30pm at the OBSD District Office.

Board Members: Kim Patten, Board Chair, Mike Robinson, Kris Kaino & Larry Phelps Absent: Kathy Mathews

Administrators : Jenny Risner, Superintendent, Dave Tobin, HS Principal, Todd Carper, LBE Principal

Others Present: Linda Thompson, Jackie Stone, Rachel Lake, Missy Bageant, Season Long, Bill Hurley, Jane Person and Andrea Marsh

Call to Order

Chairman, Kim Patten declared a quorum and called the meeting to order at 5:34 pm.

Flag Salute

Patten led the flag salute.

Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda

Patten called for a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Agenda.

Phelps moved to Approve - Vote carried 4-0

Community Input



Rachel Lake, Band Director, just returned from a trip to Reno with 18 Jazz Band students who attended the Reno Jazz Festival. She shared some pictures and stories about the trip. The band performed well and had four individual medal winners for solos. Those students were Joshawah Eagle Bear, Michael Johnson, Alec Bell and Paul Huff. Lake said it was a great experience for the students and thanked the Board for allowing them to participate.

Input from the Board

Patten mentioned that the health department was putting on a training on June 16 to help identify kids on drugs. If interested, contact the health department.

Four employees are retiring from OBSD at the end of this school year. The Board thanked Jane Person, Nancy Sprague, Bill Hurley and Andrea Marsh for their dedication and heart for kids. Principal, Todd Carper, had many nice things to say about the 3 employees from Long Beach Elementary and Dave Tobin praised the work of Andrea Marsh from Ilwaco High School. Carper also said two more faces from his building, ESD employees Mary Seeker and Paula Wohosky, are also retiring and will be missed.

Approval of Consent Agenda

Patten called for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda

Kaino moved to Approve - Vote carried 4-0

The consent agenda included the following items:

·  April 25, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes

·  Donation Agreement, 20 Pair of track spikes – Dylan Wirkkala, NW Alliance Group

·  Overnight OMSI Trip for 8th graders

·  Out of State Field Trip to McMinnville – Gear Up

·  Personnel Report, New Hires/Resignations

·  Warrants

·  Deletion of Policies and/or Procedures

ü  5203P Staff Assistance Program

ü  5211 Transfers

ü  5215 Assignment & Transfer of Certified Administrative Staff

ü  5221 Part-Time Staff

ü  5230/5230P Job Descriptions/Responsibilities

ü  5240P Required Evaluations

ü  5280P Termination of Employment

ü  5281P Disciplinary Action & Discharge

The personnel report included the following:


New Hire Position Location Date Hourly Rate

Coaches Assignment Location Stipend

Retire/Resignations Assignment Location Date

William Hurley Custodian LBE 8/31/2016

Transfers (Cert. & Class.)Position Date Hourly Rate

Mark Jeffries Hilltop Para to Desktop Support Tech 6/20/2016 $18.00

Wendy Jacobson Hilltop Secretary to HS Secretary 16/17 SY $14.86 COLA/CBA


New Hire Position Location Date Contract

Kevin Roche CTE Business Ed Ilwaco High School 16/17 SY Per CBA

Resignations Assignment Location Date

Supplemental Contracts:

Certificated Substitutes

The following individuals have met all qualifications and certification requirements to be added to our list of certificated substitutes and are recommended for approval:

Leave Request

Dixie Miniken, FMLA, 5/10 – 6/20/16 anticipated

The warrant list included the following:


A/P I 04/22/16 $ 1,880.00 133371-133371

A/P II 05/12/16 110,582.34 133372-133431

PAYROLL 04/21/16 $ 4,412.24 133340-133341

04/22/16 746,508.37 133342-133370 900008750-900008920


A/P II 05/12/16 $115,402.35 133432-133432


A/P II 05/12/16 $ 20,449.49 133433-133448


Project Starfish

Season Long, owner of All Season’s in Chinook, spoke about some of the things she is doing through her store to help students in need in our community. Community members have come to her with student needs that include shoes, clothes, sporting gear, etc. The problem was that students didn’t have “instant” access to these items. Worrying about what they might need takes away from their education. Season worked with Toni Fitting at Hilltop and they found a space at Hilltop and IHS for donated items that did not fit the “consignment” restraints in Season’s store, but were still very good items. Season and community members are donating these items to help parents not have to choose between food and sports or other activities because they couldn’t afford to get the required items. These items are available at no cost to the students. Season also takes donated items that she sells at 100% profit with proceeds going straight to students. Season also mentors students on how to merchandise items for the program in the schools. She offers them credit in her store for their service.

Band Trip to Florida

Band Director, Rachel Lake, asked for the Board’s permission to take a group of students to a band festival in Florida in the Spring of 2017. Principal Dave Tobin, had declined permission for a number of reasons and gave Lake permission to plead her case to the Board. Lake took a group of students 2 years ago and was approved at that time to do it every 4 years, which Tobin has consistently said he supports because it would give every student one opportunity to go in their high school years. Next spring would be a year early and Tobin believed that the fundraising of that much money would be a direct hit to our community. Tobin has had complaints from both community members and other advisors trying to raise money for their programs. Two years ago, the trip cost approximately $90,000. Of that amount, approximately $70,000 was raised through fundraisers and the remaining $20,000 paid by parents of the students.

The question was raised as to whether the trip could be to Disneyland, in California, as opposed to the Disney World trip to Florida. Lake reports that The Festival of Disney is only in Florida so the opportunity for the same caliber of festival does not happen in California.

Lake is worried that the transition from semesters to trimesters in the 2017-18 school year may present problems for students participating in band. She fears that through scheduling, they will lose their opportunity to go. Lake also reported that when she backed off of some fundraiser to give others opportunity, they did not step up and take them. Lake figures the cost to be approximately $1200 per student.

After considering what was presented, the Board supported Lake’s request to begin fundraising for a potential trip in the Spring, 2017 with the understanding that they will revisit the 4-yr rotation at that time. No formal action was taken at this time.

Action Items

Approve Resolution 08-2015-2016: Accept Phase I of Ilwaco HS Renovation as Complete

Kaino moved to approve – vote carried 4-0

Approve Resolution 09-2015-2016: Delegating Authority to WIAA

Phelps moved to approve – vote carried 4-0

Second Reading, Policy 3210: Nondiscrimination

Kaino moved to adopt policy – vote carried 4-0

First Reading, Policy 3246/3246P: Restraint, Isolation & Other Uses of Force

Item tabled for second reading

First Reading, Policy 6220: Bid Requirements

Phelps moved to adopt policy – vote carried 4-0

First Reading, Policy 2021/2021P: Library Information & Technology

Item tabled for second reading

Superintendent’s Report

Risner informed the Board that Darin Adams has accepted the position of Hilltop Principal. He comes to us from Todd Beamer High School and has 18 years of experience.

Risner also said she has been working with Tech Director, Tom Thompson, on selecting a vendor for a new website. Thompson has done a lot of legwork and the decision must be made in June.

Business Manager’s Report

Linda Thompson shared budget status and enrollment reports. Our average enrollment is down one to 979. General Fund reserves are just under 1.9 million. That figure should hold through May and the ending fund balance should close at around 8%. All dollars currently showing in Capital Projects is for Phase II construction at IHS. ASB has increased a bit. Thompson gave the Board a handout of expenditures by program. Thompson will update the Board with projected expenditures next month. The bottom line is pretty close to our budgeted amount.

Principal/Director Reports

There was some discussion about the border that determines which elementary students go to. The Board, as well as administrators, want a strict protocol. Jackie Stone will gather information from other districts on border protocol and put it on next month’s agenda for discussion.

Informational Items

Equity Conference on May 24-25, 2016

Graduation is on June 11, 2016 at 5:30

Executive Session

At 7:17, The Board adjourned for 10 minutes to go into Executive Session. No decisions will be made.


With no further business to come before the Board, Patten adjourned the regular meeting at 7:32pm.



Kim Patten, Chairman of the Board Jenny Risner, Secretary to the Board