Today / 10:30 am / Worship / Sanctuary
Tues. / 6:30 pm / Tai Chi / Hall
Fri. / 1:00 pm / Neuro-Restorative / Hall
Sat. / 10:00 am / Tai Chi / Hall
11:00 am / Chuck Crist
Memorial Service / Sanctuary
Sun. / 10:30 am / Worship / Sanctuary
AA Meetings – Mabel Cole Hall
Monday – Saturday / AA / 12 pm
Monday / AA / 6:30 pm
Monday / NA / 8 pm
Wednesday / AA / 8 pm
Friday / AA / 8 pm
Saturday / AA / 9 am
Saturday / AA / 8 pm
Belize Trip
Alysabeth Mahood and 4 students from Gannon will be going to
Belize July 23 – 29. Prayers for safety.
Thank you to those who donated suitcases for the school supplies!
Bible Journaling
There will be a class about the basics of Bible Journaling here at the church on Saturday, August 12, from 1-4 pm. Techniques will be taught using watercolor & acrylic paint, hand lettering, rubber stamping, stickers, & other embellishments. The class will be $30 per person. Everything will be provided except the Bible. A sign-up sheet is out on the tablein the Lobby. Please sign up if you are planning on coming.
July 23, 2017
“Love Grows Here”
Fairview Presbyterian Church
4264 Avonia Road P.O. Box 340
Fairview, PA 16415
July 23, 2017
RITUAL OF FRIENDSHIP (Greet one another)
PRELUDEMiriam McCullum
*CALL TO WORSHIP(Isaiah 43:1-3a)
Leader: But now, this is what the Lord says--he who created you,
he who formed you,
People: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you
by name; you are mine.
Leader: When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and
when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over
you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be
burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
People: For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your
*OPENING HYMN # 435“What a Friend We Have in Jesus”
AFFIRMATION This I Believe (by Bruce D. Prewer) altered
I believe I need a shepherd. Because I am sometimes timid and other times overconfident, because I often don't know the best path yet pretend I do, because I rush into dead ends or lead others into hazardous places, because my brightest ideas are seamed with darkness, because the things I crave may not be what is good for me, I need a shepherd.
I believe in Jesus, the best possible shepherd; his wisdom leads me to the best opportunities, his word comforts me when I'm anxious or afraid, his arm steadies me when I feel weary and heavy-laden, his wounded body displays the cost of my rescue, I believe in Jesus, the best possible shepherd.
I believe that I do not find Jesus but Jesus finds me.
I believe in Jesus, the good shepherd.
RESPONSE HYMN # 461 “He Leadeth Me”
SCRIPTURE LESSON Psalm 23:4; 2 Cor. 1:8-11
Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.
People: Thanks be to God.
MESSAGEI Shall Not Fear
*CLOSING HYMN # 116“Take the Name of Jesus with You”
The Light of God surrounds us.
The Love of God enfolds us.
The Power of God protects us.
The Presence of God watches over us.
Wherever we are God is, and all is well.
*POSTLUDE “Toccata in A Minor” Kobrich
(*) Stand as you are able
Thank you to Pastor Tubbs for leading the service and to Pam Durst for being our Liturgist today! A special thank you to Miriam McCullum for blessing us with her voice!!
Thank You to Our Volunteers
Coffee Cart –Rebecca Grimaldi
Greeters – Jim Getz & Fred Ralph
Sound System – Don Twining & Eric Scandale
Nursery –Michele McNally & Sara Tobolewski
Communion Schedule
Attention Elders:
It is the responsibility of current and past Elders to help serve Communion each month. There is a Communion Schedule on the table in the Lobby. Please fill in your name by the dates you can serve. Amy will remind you when it’s your turn. Thank you for your service
to our church.
Memorial Service for Chuck Crist
Chuck Crist passed away on June 23. There will be a memorial service for him here at the church on Saturday, July 29 at 11 am. Chuck was a big part of our church in the past. All are welcome to attend.
Fairview Presbyterian Church will participate in the 7th annual Erie Gives to be hosted on Tuesday, August 8, 2017. Please help support our many missions.
You have 12 hours to make your online donation between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.EST. Erie Gives will be an exciting day! Throughout the 12 hour period, how well the nonprofits are doing will be posted on the Erie Gives website, The Erie Community Foundation's website, Facebook and Twitter.
Reminder - Some employers will match gifts to the Erie Community Foundation, the recipient of gifts to Erie Gives. The Erie Community Foundation then distributes the funds to the participating non - profits. By giving to Erie Gives with a matching gift from your employer, you can double your contribution to Fairview Presbyterian Church!
Please let Gina know where you want your money to go, Operations, Building Fund, Mission, or other.
Communion Schedule
Attention Elders:
It is the responsibility of current and past Elders to help serve Communion each month. There is a Communion Schedule on the table in the Lobby. Please fill in your name by the dates you can serve. Amy will remind you when it’s your turn. Thank you for your service
to our church.
Memorial Service for Chuck Crist
Chuck Crist passed away on June 23. There will be a memorial service for him here at the church on Saturday, July 29 at 11 am. Chuck was a big part of our church in the past. All are welcome to attend.
Fairview Presbyterian Church will participate in the 7th annual Erie Gives to be hosted on Tuesday, August 8, 2017. Please help support our many missions.
You have 12 hours to make your online donation between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.EST. Erie Gives will be an exciting day! Throughout the 12 hour period, how well the nonprofits are doing will be posted on the Erie Gives website, The Erie Community Foundation's website, Facebook and Twitter.
Reminder - Some employers will match gifts to the Erie Community Foundation, the recipient of gifts to Erie Gives. The Erie Community Foundation then distributes the funds to the participating non - profits. By giving to Erie Gives with a matching gift from your employer, you can double your contribution to Fairview Presbyterian Church!
Please let Gina know where you want your money to go, Operations, Building Fund, Mission, or other.
June Finance Report
IncomeJune 2017 / Expenses
June 2017 / Net Gain (Loss)
Operations Account / $12,656.00 / $13,308.69 / ($652.69)
Building Fund Account / $3,927.50 / $3,790.25 / $137.25
Year to Date
June / Expenses Year to Date June / Net Gain
Operations Account / $80,061.85 / $81,469.56 / ($1,407.71)
Building Fund Account / $20,845.05 / $21,811.50 / ($966.45)
2017 Per Capita / Amount Required / Amount Collected
as of June 30
$6,000 / $2,985
June Finance Report
IncomeJune 2017 / Expenses
June 2017 / Net Gain (Loss)
Operations Account / $12,656.00 / $13,308.69 / ($652.69)
Building Fund Account / $3,927.50 / $3,790.25 / $137.25
Year to Date
June / Expenses Year to Date June / Net Gain
Operations Account / $80,061.85 / $81,469.56 / ($1,407.71)
Building Fund Account / $20,845.05 / $21,811.50 / ($966.45)
2017 Per Capita / Amount Required / Amount Collected
as of June 30
$6,000 / $2,985