Instructor / Terry Watkins
Credits / Three Credits
Term / Spring 2012 TWE Hybrid
Meetings / Towanda Weekender/Moodle

Instructor’s Contact Information

Office Phone / 570-268-2900 (Keystone - Towanda) 570-963-4460 (W)
Emergency Contact / In the event of an emergency, contact Julie Bahl or JoAnn Daly – Towanda Campus – 570-268-2900
Office Location / Towanda Campus
Email Address / ; ;
Office Hours / To be arranged: anytime while I’m on campus; also, I am staying overnight – meeting needs can be met just about any time.
Syllabus Changes / Instructors reserve the right to make changes to the syllabus as needed, and you are responsible for keeping up with those changes. Please log on regularly to Moodle to get the most current information.
Other Information / The best way to reach me is by email. I check all three (3) of my email addresses during the day. The latest I will answer your email is usually 24 hrs. My home phone is 570-876-3109 – please do not call after 9 pm

Course Description & Information

Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, & other restrictions / There are no pre-requisites for this course.
Online Learning Expectations: To be successful academically, online students must be able to navigate & search the internet, use email, attach and upload documents, download & save files, and have access to and use Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint.
Course Description / LEAD 310 -Students in this course will engage in a comprehensive study of leaders, both current and historic. The class will explore practical examples of leadership and compare and contrast leadership styles, traits, behaviors, and effectiveness through leaders’ biographies. Particular attention is given to examining leadership styles.
Required Readings / TBD
Buying Textbooks / Please note that the Keystone College Bookstore has the most complete and up-to-date information about your course textbooks. Be sure you are purchasing the correct edition and receive all the materials you need.
Recommended Readings / Any journal written from a Leadership perspective.
Special Software/Hardware / All enrolled students are required to have active Keystone email accounts. Students are expected to have basic computer skills such as word-processing, use of email including sending file attachments, and conducting Internet searches. Installed software should include a web browser, MS Office, Windows Media Player, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Internet connection to Blackboard is only supported using Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher. NOTE: Javascript & Cookies MUST be enabled.
Browser/Plugin/Viewer Info / For standard Browser/Plugin/Viewer visit this page:

or add your own info below
Other Required Materials / None

Course Goals, Objectives/Outcomes

Learning Outcomes / LEAD 310
Student Learning
Outcome #1 / Students will analyze the characteristics of leadership
Student Learning Outcome #2 / Students will identify and compare leadership styles, traits, behaviors, & effectiveness


Grading (credit) Criteria / Grades will be based upon video reflection papers, journals, book reviews, discussion boards, and a final presentation
Video Reflections 25%
Class participation/attendance/DB’s 15%
Presentation 25%
Journals 35%
Mid-term & Final grades are determined using the Keystone Grading Policy.

Letter Grade GPA Total Points

A 4.0 94-100
A- 3.67 90-93
B+ 3.33 88-89
B 3.0 84-87
B- 2.67 80-83
C+ 2.33 77-79
C 2.0 74-76
C- 1.67 71-73
D+ 1.33 66-70
D 1.0 61-65
F 0.0 0-60
Incomplete grades (I) are given only under extenuating circumstances. Inability to submit work on time or missing a final exam does not constitute a valid reason for an “Incomplete” grade as described in the Course Catalog. No written work will be accepted late. All students are expected to attend class consistently AND be on time. Your instructor realizes that events sometimes interfere with school and attendance. Should this occur, make every effort to notify me as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to obtain the class material (notes, homework, etc.) assigned in your absence; furthermore if you have to be absent it is your responsibility to submit assignments that are due.
Assignments / Most assignments are to be attached directly to the grade book through the view/complete assignments link. A complete list of assignments can be found the course calendar. Electronic submission will be required on some papers and projects. Students will be required to word-process most assignments. Graded assignments are usually returned within five (5) days.
Discussion Board Criteria / Discussion board questions will be posted throughout the semester. You are required to answer my question with your own well developed response. You are required to then ask substantive and thoughtful questions of at least two (2) of your classmates. Finally, you are required to answer at least two (2) questions that have been asked of you.
  1. The content of your postings must demonstrate an understanding of the relevant text material.
  2. Your initial posting must include your last name in the subject line.
  3. Your initial posting must be posted no later than midnight Wednesday of the week assigned.
  4. The questions you ask of your classmates must be posted no later than midnight Friday of the week assigned. (These must be questions. Credit will not be granted for comments and observations)
  5. Your answers to the questions asked of you must be posted no later than midnight Sunday of the week assigned. These should be substantive in nature.
  • Initial posting – 10 points
  • Two questions that you ask – 5 points
  • Two questions that you answer – 5 points
In addition to quality of your posts, also included in your grade is the frequency with which you are “in class,” during the time we are not meeting F2F; in other words the amount of times you log onto Blackboard and participate throughout those weeks. It is expected that each student will logon to Bb a minimum of three (3) times per week during the online portion of the class. I keep a close eye on this and you will lose points if you do not meet the minimum requirements.
Make-Up& Late Work / It is important to stay with the class for assignments. Reading & noting of the chapters is strongly suggested prior to attending class. Students missing deadlines will not be able to make up work unless receiving permission from the Dean’s Office excusing your absence.
Extra Credit / There isn’t any specific extra credit offered for this class. There are many opportunities for students to exhibit their knowledge without extra credit.
Class Preparation & Participation / Classes follow a general pattern each week and include reading from the text(s), lecture, quizzes, and class & Moodle discussions. Students should be self-motivated learners & be able to use the Moodle course management system as needed. Please go through the Moodle orientation carefully to learn to use Moodle.

Course Policies

Make-Up Exams / Exams, if assigned, are given during the F2F components of class. Make up of a missed exam will only be given with an excuse from the Dean’s Office.
Extra Credit / There isn’t any specific extra credit offered for this class. There are many opportunities for students to exhibit their knowledge without extra credit.
Late Work / It is important to stay with the class for assignments. Reading & noting of the chapters is strongly suggested prior to attending class. Students missing deadlines will not be able to make up work unless receiving permission from the Dean’s Office excusing your absence.
Special Assignments / Journal Entrys
After each Weekender session, you will write a journal entry reflecting upon the leader(s) profiled and the class discussion. In your journal entry, you should include a short bio of the leader(s) profiled along with your thoughts on the characteristics that made each individual an exemplary leader. Include at least one perspective voiced in class that you had not previously considered. Your journal entries should be at least two 8 ½ x 11 pages long, using 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font with one-inch margins – standard APA format.
Book Review
After reading the four (4) assigned texts you will write and submit a five to seven page book review in APA format. Your review should include the leadership qualities you identified in the texts’ character(s) and make a personal connection between the character(s) and your professional or personal life. This does not apply to Start With Why; however you will certainly have to include references from that title along with the other texts. (NOTE: The pagerequirement DOES NOT includes the title page and one (1) reference page.) Paper must be submitted in 12 point, Times New Roman or Arial font with one-inch margins - standard APA format.
Leadership Profile
You will select a remarkable leader on whom you will prepare a 15-minute presentation. Your presentation should focus on the characteristics that made the individual a leader and the key times in life where he/she showed great leadership. Also required are examples from the various texts that you will read during thesemester. Furthermore, the leader you select CANNOT be someone portrayed in the videos or texts. You must incorporate some type of audio-visual aid, i.e., PowerPoint (Please advise of the audio-visual equipment needs as early as possible due to the limited equipment supply.)
Notify me of your leader selection no later than FEBUARY 5, 2012. Choice of leader cannot be duplicated and the selection is first-come, first-served.
Class Attendance / For Online Classes
Deadlines are set for class participation to enable everyone to have an equal voice. You will need to log in to the discussion board and come to class at least 3 times a week. You will need to log in and post a comment by Tuesday at Midnight, Thursday at midnight and Saturday at Midnight each week.Make sure you set aside time and make a schedule that works for you to be in class.Most students log in everyday for 5 to 15 minutes just to see what is going on.

For Face-to-Face (F2F) Classes

Student Conduct/ Netiquette / All cell phones will be set to vibrate. If your phone rings during class a five (5) point reduction on your next assignment will result. This reduction doubles with each subsequent infraction. Cell phones or any other electronic device (excepting calculators) ARE NOT to be on your desk during exams – this is a violation of academic integrity policy and you will be given zero (0) for the exam & will be reported to the Dean of Students.
All opinions are valued in this class. No student will ridicule another student’s opinion/responses. When posting on Discussion Boards students will post as if they are writing a paper. Therefore, netspeak/messaging “talk” that is so prevalent today will not be tolerated. Some examples are LOL, ROTFL, emoticons, LMAO, etc. Use of this will result in a grade of zero (0) for that post.
Special Procedures / Many of the online classes at Keystone College utilize online quizzes and/ or written assignments that are submitted electronically. However, some onlinecourses require students to secure a proctor to supervise exams. Instructors that require proctored exams will post the requirement in KC Connect under course information as "Specific Requirements." You may also contact an instructor prior to registering for an online class if you would like to verify course specific requirements.
To secure a proctor, students must completetheProctor InformationFormand submit the formto the instructor for approval at least 10 days prior to the required exam.
Students may also contact the Student Success Center for on-campus proctoring.These services are provided by appointmentonly.Any questions may be addressed to Sharon Clark or by
calling (570) 945-8302.
Moodle Support / There is a Moodle assistance link on the Keystone College homepage or e-mail the Moodle administrator at
For a New Student Orientation to Moodle, visit:
For tutorials on using specific aspects of Moodle, visit
Technical Support /
You can gettechnical support or assistance by visiting the Technology Support page here: or by contacting the IT Helpdesk at(570) 945-8778or
Plagiarism & Academic Integrity /
Academic misconduct and dishonesty includes any activity that compromises the academic integrity of the College or subverts the educational process. For information on dishonest acts including plagiarism, cheating, and fraud, consult your Student Information Guide or click on the link below. If you have any questions, talk with your instructor.

Copyright Notice / The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials, including music and software. Copying, displaying, reproducing, or distributing copyrighted works may infringe the copyright owner’s rights and such infringement is subject to appropriate disciplinary action as well as criminal penalties provided by federal law. Usage of such material is only appropriate when that usage constitutes “fair use” under the Copyright Act. As a Keystone College student, you are required to follow the College’s copyright policy. For more information about the fair use exemption, see the Miller Library’s copyright page:
Email Use / Keystone College states that all official student email correspondence be sent only to a student’s Keystone email address and that faculty and staff consider email from students official only if it originates from a Keystone account. This allows the College to maintain a high degree of confidence in the identity of all individuals and the security of transmitted information. Keystone College furnishes each student with a free email account that is to be used in all communication with College personnel.
Withdrawal from Class / The College has set deadlines for withdrawing from courses. These dates and times are published in the course catalog and on the Academic Calendar. It is the student's responsibility to handle withdrawal requirements from any class. You must do the proper paperwork to ensure that you will not receive a final grade of "F" in a course if you choose not to attend once you are enrolled. If you are considering withdrawing from a class, talk with your Advisor and consult the College Catalog.
Academic Grievance Procedures / Procedures for student grievances are found in the CollegeCatalog. Please consult the procedures before taking action.
Please note: The first step in attempting to resolve any student grievance regarding grades, evaluations, or other fulfillments of academic responsibility, is to make a serious effort to resolve the matter with the instructor. The College Catalog outlines any subsequent steps.
Incomplete Grades / According to the College Catalog, an Incomplete (“I”) will only be awarded in the case of exceptional circumstances. Mere inability to submit work on time, or missing the final exam, is not valid reasons for an Incomplete.
Students must make arrangements with the instructor prior to the final exam it they wish to receive a grade of incomplete. (Forms are available in the Office of the Registrar.) The deadline for the completion of the coursework is four weeks into the next semester. If the course work is not completed within the specified time frame, the incomplete grade will become an “F.”
ADA Statement / Keystone College does not discriminate in any of its programs on the basis of disability.
While there is not a deadline for the disclosure of a disability by a student, in order to facilitate the documentation and accommodation processes, students are encouraged to voluntarily and confidentially disclose and disability requiring an accommodation prior to the beginning of class.This disclosure should be made to the College Counselor & Coordinator of Disability Services. Students who disclose a disability, and who are seeking an accommodation, ultimately will be expected to provide documentation verifying the disability.
KC Connect /
For information about classes & advisers, to check midterm and final grades or to register for classes, logon to KC Connect.
Tutoring Info / The College does offer tutoring assistance for many courses. For more information or to schedule an appointment, consult the Tutoring webpage here:
Advising & Other Student Support Info /
For information about academic advising, visit the Student Success Center’s Academic Advising page here:
For a list of Student Support Services, visit the Student Success Center webpage here:
Bookstore Info /
Visit the Bookstore at this link:
Library Info / There are no materials on reserve for this course.
Tentative Course Agenda
Date / Agenda / Assignment
January 21, 22 / Introductions
Syllabus and assignment review
Class discussion: Leadership
Video/Discussion / Read: Start With Why for Feb. 5th discussion
Journal Entry #1
Select leader for your final
February 4, 5 / Lecture/Discussion of Start With Why
Video/Discussion / Read: Lead by Example for Feb. 19th discussion
Selection of Leader due
Journal Entry #1 due
Journal Entry #2
February 18, 19 / Lecture/Discussion of Lead by Example
Video/Discussion / Journal Entry #2 due
Journal Entry #3
March 3, 4 /
/ Read: Lives of Moral Leadership for Mar. 19 discussion
Journal Entry # 3 due
Journal Entry #4
March 17, 18 / Lecture/Discussion of Lives of Moral Leadership
Video/Discussion / Read: Great Speeches for Apr. 2nd discussion
Journal Entry # 4 due
Journal Entry #5
March 31 – April 1 / Lecture/Open discussion of Great Speeches
Video/Discussion / Book Review Due
Journal Entry #5 due
Prepare for Presentations
Apr. 21, 22 / Lecture/Open discussion of semester


Wrap Up / Leadership Profile Due