Gloucester Cathedral Choir was founded by King Henry VIII in 1545. Before that, the Cathedral was a monastic Church, with music being provided by monks. Boy choristers only sang on the Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Choir consists of twenty boys, nine lay clerks and three choral scholars. The choristers attend the King’s School, where they receive generous scholarships. The Choir takes a major part in the renowned annual Three Choirs Festival, the world’s oldest Music Festival, dating back to 1715. This is held in Gloucester, Worcester and Hereford in rotation. In August 2017 the Three Choirs Festival will be held in Worcester. Gloucester is situated within an hour’s travelling distance of Birmingham, Oxford, Bristol, Stratford, Cheltenham and Cardiff.
In addition to the main work of the daily Cathedral services the Choir receives many invitations for outside engagements. Events can include Evensong broadcasts for BBC Radio, live broadcasts on BBC Television, concerts with various Orchestras, recording CDs, and tours abroad (Norway Sep 2007, USA April 2008, South AfricaOctober 2011, Sweden 2012, Canada 2015).
Many of our Choral Scholars continue their singing with Choral Scholarships at St. John’s and King’s Colleges, Cambridge.
Weekly Routine
9.15am Boys' Rehearsal
9.20am Full Rehearsal
10.15am The Eucharist (ends c.11.30am)
2.00pmBoys' Rehearsal
2.20pmFull Rehearsal
3.00pm Evensong (ends c. 3.50pm)
8.05am - 9.05amBoys' Rehearsal
4.40pm - 6.00pmYouth Choir Rehearsal in Chapter House
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
8.05am - 9.05amBoys' Rehearsal
4.00pm – 4.30pmChoral Scholars rehearsal
4.40pmBoys' Rehearsal
4.50pmFull Rehearsal
5.30pm Evensong (ends c. 6.10pm)
No Cathedral Choir duties
4.40pmYouth Choir Rehearsal
5.30pmYouth Choir Evensong (ends c. 6.10pm)
2.15 – 3.15pmChoral scholars rehearsal
3.15pm Boys’ Rehearsal
3.45pm Full Rehearsal in the Quire
4.15pm Break
4.30pm Evensong (ends c. 5.15pm)
5.20pmLay Clerks and Choral Scholars rehearsal (30mins) Song School
The Choir has a large repertoire of music and it is essential that all notes are securely learnt before the Full Choir rehearsals begin. Choral Scholars rehearsals are compulsory. Scholars are also invited to the boys’ practices for extra rehearsal by arrangement with the Director of Music.
The two monthly Music and Services Booklet will list all the music to be sung in the services, please check it regularly to ensure you know what you need to learn ahead of the day.
It is the intention of the Gloucester Cathedral music department to ensure that Choral Scholars benefit from the wider opportunities that exist and therefore Choral Scholars are engaged on other duties within the Music Department and work on specific tasks allocated by the Music Department Manager, each Choral Scholar works for 3-4 hours one day a week.
The Director of MusicisAdrian Partington. The Assistant Director of Musicis Jonathan Hope. There is an Organ Scholarship awarded annually. Many distinguished Church musicians have been Organists at Gloucester Cathedral in the past, most notably Samuel Sebastian Wesley in the mid 19th century. Mr. Partington’s predecessors since 1897 have been Sir Herbert Brewer, Dr. Herbert Sumsion, Dr. John Sanders, Mr. David Briggs and Mr Andrew Nethsingha.
A house is available for the three choral scholars in College Court, just off College Green. Council Tax is paid by the Dean and Chapter. The house is rent free. A monthly inspection of the property is made by the Site Manager and a member of the Music Dept staff.
Choral Scholars currently receive a salary of c£2,527 (subject to increase) per year, payable in arrears in monthly instalments. There are also occasional fees for special services, concerts and recordings.In addition, the Cathedral will pay for singing tuition, currently up to £300 per annum.
The Cathedral Choir and the Christian Faith. The role of the Cathedral Choir is to lead and enhance the worship of God within the liturgy. The Canon Precentor is one of several people who are always on hand to answer questions and help with difficulties if they arise.
Choristers. Choral Scholars are adult members of the choir. As such, the boys are expected to address you as “Mr…..” NOT by first names, please. If you should encounter any problems with this, please discuss the matter with the Chorister Tutor, Nia Jones.
Musical activities. The Director of Music likes to support the Choral Scholars when opportunities arise to take part in musical activities both in Gloucester and further afield, however Cathedral services and Cathedral Choir activities take priority. Provided that an activity fits in with the Cathedral timetable it will be considered. Requests to take part in outside events and engagements, regardless of whether or not an absence from a service is required, should be sent by email to the Assistant Director of Music, Jonathan Hope who is in charge of the Choral and Organ scholarship programme. Additionally, if absence from a service is required you should request this as below.
Absence and Lateness. The Director of Music will allow some absences, provided at least 2 weeks’ notice is given. If you need to be absent on a particular day please submit the date and reason to Helen Sims by email; she will discuss it with the Director of Music. You will be responsible for booking an approved Deputy; payment of deputies is by deduction from salary (currently £25 per service). Payments are based on the information in the online Dimittis system, so it is important that you use this to record your own absences and deputies accurately.
This routine should also be followed for absence to attend interviews at Universities or Colleges. The Music Department will pay for a dep when a Choral Scholar is away for a University or job interview, but the responsibility of booking a dep lies with the Choral Scholar. Please book your deps in good time, preferably as soon as you know you are going to be absent.
If you are unwell or if you are going to be late for a rehearsal or service, you are asked to contact Adrian, Nia or Jonathan on their mobile. They can be contacted after 7.30 am. It is essential that all rehearsals start on time, so please arrive at the Song School at least 5 minutes before the rehearsal is due to begin.
Singing lessons. You are encouraged to arrange your own singing lessons with a singing teacher approved by the Director of Music. The Chapter will pay up to £300 per scholar per year for singing tuition. This will be paid to scholars as a reimbursement on production of a copy of an invoice. Claims for reimbursement should be given to Helen Sims. Inaddition, Mr Robert Dean, one of the most prestigious singing teachers in the U.K., visits the Cathedral 3 times per year to teach Lay Clerks and Choral Scholars, you should sign up for a free 30 minute session; this visit is paid for from the Cathedral budget.
Broadcasts and Recordings. Commercial CD recordings of the choir take place from time to time. Private recording or videoing of the Cathedral Choir is not permitted.
The Three Choirs Festival. The Three Choirs Festival is the oldest music festival in the world and involves the Cathedrals of Gloucester, Worcester and Hereford. The festival lasts a week and is held during the summer each year, rotating round the three Cathedrals. The TCF 2017 will be held in Worcester, from Saturday 22nd– Saturday 29th July 2017. During the Festival Choral Scholars sing with the main Festival Chorus; attendance at all rehearsals before the festival is essential and part of the agreement with the Three Choirs Festival. In addition to this the combined Cathedral Choirs (Gloucester, Hereford and Worcester) sing at services and concerts during the Festival. See:
Gloucester Cathedral Youth Choir. The Cathedral Youth Choir is a mixed voice choir of local teenagers, there are currently approx. 35 in the choir. They rehearse on a Monday evening and sing Evensong on a Thursday, see Timetable for timings. The Youth Choir is Directed by Adrian Partington who is assisted by Nia Jones. The choir also performs at outside concerts and special Cathedral services, including Midnight Mass, Advent and Epiphany Sundays and the Eucharist of the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday. Some Choral Scholars have been pleased to be active members of the choir, some have not. It is compulsory for the Choral Scholars to sing with the Youth Choir until half term then to decide whether to stay.
Gloucester Choral Society. The Gloucester Choral Society is a large mixed chorus performing several concerts a year in the cathedral with professional orchestra and soloists, under the directorship of Adrian Partington. A scheme was set up allowing younger singers to join with the choral society. The Young Singers rehearse from 19.30 – 20.30 on a Monday evening with Nia Jones before joining the main rehearsal with Adrian. Choral scholars are encouraged to take part in the Young Singers scheme, which helps support less experienced musicians and gives valuable opportunities to sing different repertoire.
Cathedral Choir Tours. The Cathedral Choir generally goes on a tour abroad every 3 or 4 years.
Cathedral Recital Series. The choir undertakes many fundraising activities for funding the Choir tours and the ongoing outreach work of the choir. Coffee Concerts, Concerts in the Diocese, CD sales, the Ceremony of Carols and other miscellaneous concerts are all fundraising initiatives organised by the Cathedral Music department. They are scheduled in the Dates List whenever possible.
Events. The events below are considered to be a commitment for Choral Scholars, if you are unavailable for any designated task please inform Helen Sims in advance, you will be responsible for finding a replacement for admin work and possibly obtaining a deputy for singing work:
- Coffee Concerts. One Saturday per month (except August) in the Chapter House a guest artist will perform free of charge to the public, with coffee and biscuits provided by the parents of our Choristers. The Choral Scholars are expected to attend these concerts on a rota basis and are responsible for selling tickets on the door, issuing programmes and generally helping in the running of the event. A float (£20) needs to be organised from the Cathedral Shop on the day of the concert and returned to the shop immediately upon completion of the coffee concert.
- Additional events, Weddings, Funerals. There are other Services and initiatives raised from time to time; generally Choral Scholars will be included in musical events, either singing or assisting with the organisation.
Care of Robes. Once a term, the choir sings in a church in the diocese. Choral Scholars are asked to ensure that choristers’ robes are packed into the hampers provided and transported to the venue. Lay Clerks will pack their robes into the hampers for transportation to the venue.
Chaperoning Choristers. If the Choristers perform a special concert outside the Cathedral you may be asked by the Chorister Tutor (Nia Jones) to assist in Chaperoning the boys. Permission to miss a service (if necessary) should be gained from Adrian, via Helen, in the usual way.
Choristers’ Christmas Party. Choral Scholars are asked to attend and assist with the running of the party, and to come up with and prepare some party games to entertain the choristers! The date of the party is in the Dates List.
Dress. Whilst there is no formal dress code it is expected that the adults of the choir present themselves smartly for services i.e. no jeans. We expect black shoes and black socks to be worn. On Sundays, and when required to help out at School, and on some other occasions it is appropriate to dress smartly (Jacket and Tie). You will also need a DJ for Choral Society and Three Choirs Festival Chorus Work. Choir robes will be fitted once you arrive; Judith Holroyd will contact you about your measurements.
Car Parking. If you intend to bring a car to Gloucester please contact Helen Sims to arrange a car pass; parking in the Close is very limited and cannot be guaranteed. On occasion it will be necessary for you to remove your car from the Car Park to permit access for Parades or Service requirements.
Half Term Holiday. With the exception of the October Half Term which often spans 10 days, the February and May half term holidays encompass the first weekend in full up to and including the second Saturday. The Choir returns to sing services on the Sunday. If Pentecost Sunday falls on the Sunday of the first weekend, the choir is required to sing the services that day and take the following weekend off.
Installation of Lay Clerks, Choral & Organ Scholars. New members of the choir are formally installed to the Foundation of Gloucester Cathedral. This short ceremony takes place during the 1st Sunday Eucharist of the Michaelmas term. Family and friends welcome.
Ascension Day. Ascension Day is always on a Thursday and the Cathedral Choir sings a 7am service. During the singing of the final hymn by the congregation, the Choir climbs to the top of the Cathedral tower; the congregation process out to the car park. The choir sings an anthem from the top of the tower. After the service breakfast is served for the choir and the congregation in the King’s School hall. Evensong at 5.30pm is sung as a joint service with the Cathedral Youth Choir.
Accommodation – 11 College Court ‘The Scholary’. Substantial work has recently been undertaken to prepare the property in College Court for use by up to three Choral Scholars. The house is rent free. Internet access has to be paid as a monthly deduction of £10 from salary per person. For further details see the Accommodation contract sent by the Chapter Steward.
Any routine problems with accommodation should be reported initially to Jonathan Hope or visit the Works Office in the Mason’s Yard in Pitt Street. Apart from routine maintenance e.g. changing of light bulbs etc. no work on the facilities either by way of DIY or other means should be carried out.
Under no circumstances should accommodation within the Scholary be sub-let. Occasional overnight accommodation may be offered to friends or family, but please be considerate of your fellow Choral Scholars.
Scholars should be aware that College Green and College Court is a residential area and residents are all responsible for maintaining a peaceful atmosphere, particularly at night-time. As per the Accommodation Agreement you are reminded: to behave with due respect to your neighbours and not do anything which may be a nuisance to them; you must not play any radio, CD, television or musical instrument or hold parties in a way that will cause a nuisance, annoy your neighbours or be heard outside your home between 11 pm and 7.30 am. Whilst civilised parties are acceptable, they should end at a reasonable time.
All personal property must be cleared from the accommodation one week after the completion of the Three Choirs Festival, this will allow time for cleaning and any work to be carried out in preparation for new occupants. Personal material left after this date will be disposed of. You are required to clear out all food (including freezer food), rubbish and personal property. You are also expected to clean the property throughout prior to final departure and defrost the fridge and freezer. When the accommodation is clear, a member of staff will check the state of the accommodation. Any repairs needed due to damage will be charged equally between the three scholars. Keys need to be handed into Cathedral office reception on departure prior to 5pm on the Friday. Keys not returned will incur a charge of £10.
Salary. TheChoral Scholars financial package is payable in arrears in monthly instalments, usually arriving at your bank on 21st of each month. There are also occasional fees for special services, weddings, funerals, concerts and recordings. Please ensure you complete and return the finance forms promptly to enable the Account Manager, Michele Grant, to pay your first salary, otherwise please bring your bank details with you on the first day.
Contact Michele (), 01452 508213 if you have any queries.Every encouragement will be given to assist Choral Scholars in obtaining work to supplement their salary. Ad hoc work may be available at the Cathedral Shop and the Cathedral Coffee Shop but the onus of obtaining work remains with you.
Director of Music, Adrian Partington, 01452 508212
AssistantDirector of Music, Jonathan Hope, 07919891188
Singing Development Leader & Chorister Tutor, Nia Jones, 07835015624
Music Department Manager, Helen Sims, 01452 508212
Applicants should complete the Application form by noon on Friday 15th September 2017.
Auditions and Interviews for shortlisted candidates 6th October 2017
Invited candidates will be required to sing two contrasting pieces, sight-read a piece of music and take aural tests. Reasonable travel expenses will be considered for attendance at audition.
Please do not hesitate to emailHelen Sims, Music Department Manager, for further information.
Adrian Partington
Director of Music