Mr Alex Knight / ICT Client Unit (ICU)
Customer Transformation and
Communications Services
Information Team
Resources Department
7th Floor, Zone B
Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk
Croydon, CR0 1EA
Our Ref: F/CRT/10008474
Date: 20December 2017

DearMr Knight

Freedom of Information Request

Your request has been considered under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. For ease of reference, I will address each of your questions in turn.

I would like to request some information regarding the Integrated Procurement Hub's Community Equipment Contract - .

  1. What public sector organisations are members of the IPH?
  • Croydon Council
  • Essex County Council
  • Newham Council
  • Tower Hamlets Council
  • Sandwell Council
  • Sutton Council
  • Merton Council
  • Bexley Council
  1. What is the notice period for a member of the IPH to leave the DPS?

Members can leave the IPH by providing between 6 – 9 months.

  1. Does the IPH charge any fees for the service it providers, both to members of the IPH and to the suppliers who supply the IPH.

To members of the IPH.

  1. What lots does the DPS consist of?

Please see embedded below, DPS 3 &4 Specifications which contain the lots.

To view the embedded attachment/s above, please close the ‘Final response’ word document.

Then please re-open the ‘Final response’ document. From the top please select ‘View’ then click edit, this opens the document fully.

Once this is done you are then able to double click the embedded icon.

  1. Which suppliers are on the DPS - broken down by Lot.

No award has been made for suppliers on DPS 3&4. We forecast that the lots will be awarded by end of Quarter 4 of 2017/18.

  1. What is the total annual spend of the IPH and how is this split between the members of the IPH?
  1. How much money does the IPH make each year, both revenue and profit?

In respect of the information requested in questions 6 and 7 the Council is able to confirm that it does hold the requested information.

The Council considers that this information is exempt under the exemption provided for in Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA).

The Council considers that this information is exempt under Section 43(2) as it would prejudice the commercial interests of the Council and the other members of the Hub. The Council considers that providing this information to you would not be in the public interest as it would be likely to hinder the Hub’s, ability to operate within a commercial market. The Council understands that there will always be arguments in favour of providing such information to aid transparency and understanding of how Council’s use their resources and provide services under contact.

This does however need to be balanced against the harm that may be caused if in providing information in response to such requests were to prejudice the ability to undertake such commercial activities. The Council considers that providing you with the requested information would be likely reduce its ability to negotiate or compete in a commercial environment in respect of the services provided by the Hub.

If you are dissatisfied with the way the Council has handled your request under the Freedom of Information Act you may ask for an internal review. This should be submitted to us within 40 working days of this response. You can do this by outlining the details of your complaint by:


Writing:Information Team

London Borough of Croydon

Bernard Weatherill House

Floor 7 - Zone B

8 Mint Walk

Croydon, CR0 1EA

Any requests received after the 40 working day time limit will be considered only at the discretion of the council.

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane


Cheshire, SK9 5AF

Yours sincerely

Ash Riaz

Information Coordinator

Croydon Council