
Ms. Pugliese is the Vice President Emeritus of the Safety Institute of the Premier healthcare alliance, a leading performance improvement organization of 3,400 U.S. hospitals and 110,000 other providers using data and analytics, research and collaboratives to transform healthcare. She is also a senior fellow with the Premier Research Institute, a non-profit Institute conducting and disseminating research on improving the quality, safety, and cost of healthcare. Ms. Pugliese currently holds associate faculty appointments at the University of Illinois School of Public Health, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics and Rush University College of Nursing. Pugliese is also Senior Associate Editor of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. She is the author of 150 publications, including one of the most recently published research with CDC that identified inappropriate prescribing of three antibiotic combinations in 70% of the 500 U.S. hospitals studied. She is also the co-editor of a textbook on Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci: Issues and Controversies

Ms. Pugliese has been invited faculty in more than 500 educational programs in sixteen countries and has served on a number of national committees for JCAHO, CDC, FDA, EPA, AHRQ, CMS, OSHA and the NQF and given testimony to numerous Congressional Committees to assist in the guideline-setting and regulatory process related to public health, patient safety, quality, and antimicrobial stewardship. She recently served on the HHS-CDC Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) and is a past member of the National Quality Forum (NQF) Steering Committee for Patient Safety Measures Complications and the NQF Voluntary Consensus Standards for the Reporting of Healthcare-associated Infection Data. Pugliese has received numerous awards and recognitions including Employee of the Year at the American Hospital Association, the establishment of the Gina Pugliese Scholarship by SHEA (The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America) in recognition of her contributions to the field of healthcare safety and epidemiology and recipient of the Carol De Mille outstanding achievement award from APIC (Assn. of Professionals in Infection Prevention and Control), and named by Becker as one of Top 50 Experts in Patient Safety for third consecutive year.

SAFETY INSTITUTE, Premier healthcare alliance

Vice President 1999-Nov 2016

Vice President, Emeritus Current

Until November 2016, launched and led,the Premier Safety Institute, part of Premier Inc, a strategic healthcare improvement company and its alliance of 3,750 U.S. hospitals and 130,000 other healthcare providers to improve the quality and safety of healthcare while safely reducing cost; served as editorial director of Premier’s publicly accessible Safety Web site at that receives >500,000 visitors a year and Premier’s SafetyShare eNews that currently has 55,000 subscribers worldwide; served as advisor, content expert and faculty for Premier’s clinical collaboratives, educational programs, research, and use of data and analytics tools for benchmarking and quality improvement- on issues related to clinical quality and patient safety, surveillance and prevention of healthcare-associated infections, and antimicrobial use and resistance; and served as advisor to Premier public policy and advocacy efforts on patient quality and safety issues.


Senior Fellow 2011-Present

Researcher and faculty of this non profit (501C3) Institute supporting the development and dissemination of research and educational content that will provide proven information on methodologies to improve the quality and cost of healthcare and advance performance improvement among U.S. healthcare providers.

ICANprevent Eden Prairie MN

Vice President 1997-1999

One of the founders of this deep-knowledge, subscription-based, Internet Web site containing information, news, tools and resources on prevention and control and treatment of infectious diseases


Senior Vice President and Editor-in-Chief

Founded of the healthcare publishing company and led the development of textbooks, tools and resources on issues related to safety and infection prevention. .


Executive Director, Safety Services;

Vice President, Kelly Publishing, division of Sullivan, Kelly & Associates

Directed the safety, risk management and infection control consulting services and served as vice president and editor-in-chief of the publishing division, providing technical and administrative publications for healthcare executives and clinicians.


Director, Safety and Infection Control

Led AHA's advocacy activities and developed resources for members on key issues related to patient, healthcare worker and environmental safety and infection prevention in the healthcare delivery system. Crafted and presented expert testimony and developed comment letters to Congressional committees and federal agencies on such topics as HIV, hepatitis B, and other bloodborne pathogens; safer needle devices; tuberculosis control; surveillance of infections; immunization; and antibiotic-resistant organisms. Served as invited consultant to U.S. Public Health Service, CDC and other federal agencies in development of national policies and education and training programs and materials on public health issues relating to HIV, HBV, nosocomial infections, tissue and organ transplantation, infectious disease prevention, and infection control guidelines. Assisted health care facilities with implementation of clinical and policy-related safety strategies and developed numerous educational training materials, including books, multimedia training programs, videotaped programs, and teleconferences.


Director, Infection Control

Responsible for hospital-wide infection surveillance, prevention, control, education, and research and antimicrobial stewardship-related activities of a 500-bed university teaching hospital.


Associate Administrator, Medical Affairs (1979-81)

Director of Infection Control (1974-85)

Clinical Specialist, Critical Care (1977-79)

Supervisor, Orthopedic Unit (1972-74)

Head Nurse, Intensive Coronary Care (1971-72)

Staff Nurse, Intensive Care (1970-71)


1997- present Associate Faculty, University of Illinois School of Public Health, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

1997- present Associate Faculty, Rush University College of Nursing, Chicago

1978-84 Associate Faculty, Augustana Hospital School of Nursing, Chicago

1984-87 Adjunct Faculty, Northern Illinois University


1970 Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago; Nursing Diploma

1974 Mundelein College, Chicago; BA in Sociology

1974 Augustana School of Medical Technology; Practicum in Clinical Microbiology

1974 Centers For Disease Control, Atlanta; 1200-G Course in Infection Control

1976  Rush University, Chicago; Master of Science

1989 Certified in Infection Control


National Association and Editorial Appointments

National Certification Board of Infection Control (CBIC) - Founding Board Member, 1981-85; President, 1984

Association for Practitioners in Infection Control (APIC),

President of Chicago Chapter, 1979; Board Member of National Organization, 1980-83

APIC Newsletter, Staff Editor, 1982-83

Ministry of Health, Rome, Multicenter Study on Nosocomial HIV--International Scientific Advisory Board, 1996

American Hospital Association’s Hospital Technology Scanner - Contributing Editor, 1995-98

Materials Management in Health Care - Contributing Editor, 1997- 2000

American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC) - Editorial Board, 1996-1999; Associate Editor, 1986-96

Advances in Exposure Prevention - Editorial Advisory Board, 1995-present

Journal of Healthcare Safety, Compliance & Infection Control - Chief Editorial Advisor 1997- 2000

Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology

Senior Associate Editor, 1997- present; Editor, Medical News, 1993- present

First Moves – Health Care Purchasing Leader – Editorial Advisory Board 2004 to present

International Hospital Epidemiology Training Course - co chair 1988 to present

Co sponsored by Centers for Disease Control and Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America

Annals of Internal Medicine- Journal reviewer 2000 to present

Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety

Editorial Advisory Board Member - 2003 to 2010

National-Governmental Committee Membership (selected appointments)

ACCP/ATS Committee of the American College of Chest Physicians and American Thoracic Society for development on Consensus guidelines for Institutional Control Measures for Control of TB in the Era of Multi-drug Resistance, member 1994

AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality- Participant in Consensus Panel: The Effect of Healthcare Working Conditions on the Quality of Care, 2001

AHRQ Special Emphasis Panel on Improving Patient Safety: Health Systems, Reporting, Analysis and Research Demonstrations, Grant Review Committee member 2001

AHRQ Grant Review Committee member: Partnership in Implementing Patient Safety, 2005

AHRQ Patient Safety Research Coordinating Center Steering Committee member, 2005

CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Committee for development of Guidelines for the HIV-Infected healthcare worker, 1990

CDC Committee on Guidelines for prevention of HIV & HBV during exposure-prone invasive procedures, 1991

CDC Committee for the development of Guidelines for Preventing Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Through Transplantation of Human Tissue and Organs, 1994

CDC Committee on development of guidelines for the prevention of TB transmission in healthcare facilities, 1997

CMS Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services- member National Surgical Infection Prevention Project (SIPP) expert panel 2003-2005

CMS National Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) expert panel member, 2005-2006

CMS QIO CMS QIO Support Center Rural Advisory Committee member 2006-present

National-Governmental Committee Membership (selected appointments) continued.

FDA Food and Drug Administration meeting on Reuse of Single use Devices; Dec 14, 1999

FDA Medical Product Surveillance Network (MEDSUN) Advisory Group – member 2004 to present

FDA Safe Use Initiative – Panel Member- Public Workshop Nov 2010

HHS US Public Health Services: American Institute of Architects Academy of Architects for Health- Committee on Review of Guidelines for Construction of Hospitals and Medical Facilities (1992-1997)

HHS Federal Healthcare Infection Control Practice Advisory Committee (HICPAC)- 2012- present-current member

NQF Technical Panel -Voluntary Consensus Standards for Reporting of Healthcare-associated Infection Data 2007

NQF Member of NQF Steering Committee for Patient Safety Complications Measures (2011 to present)

TJC Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations Infection Control Advisory Panel member, 2001


Recipient, special recognition award from U.S. Department of Labor for development of training

programs for OSHA on bloodborne pathogen standards, 1991

Recipient, American Hospital Association Employee of the Year Award, 1992

Recipient, Commemorative Resolution from APIC Board for valuable and long-standing

contributions to the infection control community, 1996

Recipient, APIC Carol DeMille Outstanding Achievement Award in Safety and Epidemiology, 2001

Gina Pugliese Scholarship established by the SHEA (Society of Healthcare Epidemiologists of America) for the SHEA-CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Annual Hospital Epidemiology Training Course, 2004

Named by Becker as one of top 50 experts leading the field of patient safety, 2013, 2014, and 2015


American Society of Healthcare Risk Management, Member, 1998-present

Sigma Theta Tau National Honor Society, Member, 1976-1986

Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Member, 1974-present

American Society of Microbiology, Member, 1989-2000

American Public Health Association, Member, 1989-present

Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, Member, 1995 – present

American Society of Professionals in Patient Safety- 2011 to present


(Gina Pugliese [Zelechowski])


1. Zelechowski GP. Helping your patient sleep-planning instead of pills. Nursing 77 1977; 7:62-65.

2. Zelechowski GP. Malignant hypothermia. Nursing 77 1977 (Sept.).

3. Zelechowski GP. Physiologic and psychological implications of dyspnea. Respiratory Therapy 1977 7:18.

4. Zelechowski GP. Strict linen standards are vital for effective infection control. Laundry News 1978 (June).

5. Zelechowski GP. Infection control in housekeeping. Professional Sanitation Management 1979; 11:32-35.

6. Zelechowski GP. Sleep and its importance for critical care patients. Critical Care Update 1979 (February).

7. Zelechowski GP. Physiology of the respiratory tract related to infections Infect Cont/Urolog Care 1979;4:24-27.

8. Zelechowski GP. Nursing protocol for the patient with respiratory dysfunction. Infect Cont/Urolog Care 1979;4:24-32.

9. Zelechowski GP. Suction collection and its relation to nosocomial infection. Am J Infect Control 1980;8:22-25.

10. Pugliese G, Mackel D, Mallison GF. Recommendations for reducing the risk associated with suctioning procedures. Am J Infect Control 1980;8:72.

11. Pugliese G, Miller K. Cardiovascular infections. In: APIC curriculum for infection control practice, Soule B, ed. Dubuque IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1983; 501-36.

12. McArthur BJ, Pugliese G, Weinstein S, et al. A national task analysis survey of infection control practitioners 1982. Part 1: Methodology and demography. Am J Infect Control 1984;12:88-95.

13. Shannon R, McArthur B, Weinstein S, Pugliese G, et al. A national task analysis of infection control practitioners 1982. Part II: Tasks, knowledges, and abilities for practice. Am J Infect Control 1984;12:187-96

14. Pugliese G. McArthur BJ, Weinstein S, et al. A national task analysis survey of infection control practitioners 1982. Part III: The relationship between hospital size and tasks performed. Am J Infect Control 1984; 12: 221-27.

15. Pugliese G. Development and results of the Second Certification Examination in Infection Control, Nov. 17, 1984. Am J Infect Control 1985; 13:24A-27A.

16.  Pugliese G. Continuing education examination in infectious complications of neoplastic diseases (manuscript authors Polsky B, Armstrong D). Am J Infect Control 1986; 14:11-19.

17.  Pugliese G, Larson E, Foote SB, et al. Certification: Philosophy, goals, and methods with application to the discipline of infection control practice. Am J Infect Control 1985;13:199-209.

18.  Pugliese G. Continuing education examination on postoperative cardiac shivering (manuscript author Holtzclaw BJ). Heart Lung 1986; 15:301-02.

19. Pugliese G, Soule B. Development and results of third certification examination in infection control, Nov. 16, 1985. Am J Infect Control 1986;14:32A-34A.

20. Pugliese G. Continuing education examination on education of the adult learner: A practical approach for the ICP manuscript authors Jackson MM, Lynch P). Am J Infect Control 1986;14:32A-34A.

21. Pugliese G. Hypovolemic shock. In: The trauma patient: Principles of nursing care, Bremer C, Stoner-Halpren J, eds. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1986.

22. Pugliese G, Lichtenberg DA. Nosocomial bacterial pneumonia: An overview. Am J Infect Control; 1987:15:249-65

23. Pugliese G Management of HIV infection in the hospital Chicago: AHA, 1988.

24.  Pugliese G, Lampinen T. Prevention of human immunodeficiency virus infection: Our responsibilities as healthcare professionals. Am J Infect Control 1989; 17: 1-21.

25. Pugliese G. Isolating and double-bagging laundry: Is it really necessary? Health Facilities Management Feb. 1989.

26.  Pugliese G. Training, new designs needed to reduce needlestick injuries. AHA News June 12, 1989.

27. Pugliese G. Preparing for OSHA's bloodborne pathogen standard. Health Facilities Management Mar 1990.

28. Karpiak J, Pugliese G. Medical waste; declining options in the 1990s. Am J Infect Control 1991; 19:8-15.

29. Arnow P, Houchins SG, Pugliese G. An outbreak of tinea corporis (ringworm) in hospital personnel. Ped Inf Dis 1991; 10: 355-59.