7 - 8 November 2015

Thank you for sponsoring a team in this year’s Birdlife Victoria Twitchathon or Big Sit competition!

This year sponsorship is done online using the internationally recognised charity sponsorship system

“JustGiving”. This system allows you to easily sponsor your team and receive a receipt for tax deduction.

Your team should have given you a web address to go to. Enter that address in your browser:

You will see the details of your team (they may or may not have uploaded a nice team image and may or may not have entered some details about themselves).

Scroll down to find the “Donate” button next to one of the team members:

It doesn’t really matter which team member you click the donate button for (unless they are having a private competition to see who can raise the greatest amount of money!)

And now just follow the instructions to finalise your donation:

You will first need to select the amount of your donation – this can be one of the pre-determined amounts, or you can enter amount of your choosing. If you chose to sponsor your team a certain amount per bird species seen and identified, then you will need to calculate the total amount that you owe and enter that.

Now enter your email address. If you have used Just Giving before, you may have a password, so select “Yes, I have a password” (and enter your password in the field that appears). If not, and this is most likely, select “No, I don’t have a password”.

When ready, click “Donate with credit or debit card”:

Enter your credit or debit card details. Where it asks for “Issue number”, enter the three digits found on the back of your card.

After selecting “Use this card” a further page will be displayed asking for your address – so enter these details.

Finally you will need to confirm your donation. Once you have done that, the process is complete.

Congratulations and thank-you! You have successfully sponsored a Birdlife Victoria Twitchathon team!