KES 2005-08 Multi-year Rollout Plan
Purpose: Develop a KES Hawaiian Language Competencies Implementation Plan for the next three school years (2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08).
1. KES Staff will develop and teach Hawaiian Language Competencies curricula to students.
2. Prepare Grade Level and Special Subject Area Curriculum Maps which integrate Hawaiian Language Competencies and ‘Ike Hawai‘i.
3. Develop and encourage participation in Staff Development opportunities in Hawaiian language and culture.
4. Develop culturally authentic assessment for Hawaiian Language Competencies.
5. Develop plan to align KES and KMS Hawaiian Language Competencies curricula.
6. Improve KES facilities for Hawaiian Language/Culture Program.
7. Support the development of the “Overseer Position” for the Kapälama Hawaiian Language Competencies Implementation Plan.
Person authorized to assume major responsibility (alaka‘i): Mähealani Chang
Consultants (kökua): Holoua Stender, Clemi McLaren, Kealoha Soon, ‘Aha Alaka‘i, KES Staff
Person authorized to make decisions: Holoua Stender
Goal alignment: KS Strategic Plan 2000-2015 Goal 3; KS ‘Ike Hawai‘i Content Standards (Final Draft 5/10/05); KS Languages Content Standards; KS Hawaiian Language Competencies; Dr. Chun’s Memorandum (3/11/05) regarding the Kapälama Hawaiian Language Competencies Implementation Plan.
Tasks / Person(s)/Group Responsible / Due Dates /Objective 1: KES Staff will develop and teach Hawaiian Language Competencies (HLC) curricula to students.
Task 1.1: Complete inventory of “doing and doable” HLC-related curriculum at the Foundational Level. / Mähealani, KES Staff / Completed 2004-05 school year.
Task 1.2: Develop and teach 25% of HLC Foundational Level to students within the Grade Level Curricula (Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Health) and Special Subject Area Curricula (Art, Hawaiian Language/Culture, Music, Band, Physical Education, Science, Christian Education, Guidance, Resource Center, Technology). / KES Faculty, Clemi, Holoua / 2005-06 school year
Task 1.3: Assess the need for increased Table of Authorized Positions (TAP) to provide Staff and Curriculum Development and teaching support for HLC. / Holoua, Clemi / 2005-06 school year
Task 1.4: Develop and teach 50% of HLC Foundational Level to students within the Grade Level and Special Subject Area Curricula. / KES Faculty, Clemi, Holoua / 2006-07 school year
Task 1.5: Complete inventory of “doing and doable” HLC-related curriculum at the Developing Level. / Mähealani, KES Staff / 2006-07 school year
Task 1.6: Create 1 new TAP to provide Staff Development and Curriculum Support to KES Faculty, thus enabling current Hawaiian Language/Culture teachers to progress into the Developing Level of the HLC. / Holoua, Headmaster, CEO / 2006-07 school year
Task 1.7: Develop and teach 100% of HLC Foundational Level to students within the Grade Level and Special Subject Area Curricula. / KES Faculty, Clemi, Holoua / 2007-08 school year
Task 1.8: If new TAP is provided in 2006-07, develop and teach 25% of HLC Developing Level to students within the Grade Level and Special Subject Area Curricula. / KES Faculty, new TAP, Clemi, Holoua / 2007-08 school year
Task 1.9: Evaluate effectiveness of new TAP on program. / Holoua, Clemi, Mähealani, Kealoha, KES Faculty / 2007-08 school year
Task 1.10: Integrate HLC into work with students and others. / KES Administration, Educational Assistants, Resource Teachers, Speech/Language/Hearing Specialist, Clerical Staff.
Kealoha (K-3 support), Mähealani (4-6 support) / 2005-06 school year
2006-07 school year
2007-08 school year
Objective 2: Prepare Grade Level and Special Subject Area Curriculum Maps which integrate Hawaiian Language Competencies and ‘Ike Hawai‘i.
Task 2.1: 100% of KES Faculty will learn how to create Curriculum Maps. / KES Faculty, Clemi, Holoua / 2005-06 school year
Task 2.2: Complete Curriculum Maps for Mathematics and Language Arts (Writing strand), integrating HLC and ‘Ike Hawai‘i where relevant. / Grade Level Faculty / 2005-06 school year
Note: Curriculum Maps for Mathematics were started during 2004-05 school year.
Task 2.3: Complete 25% of Curriculum Maps for Special Subject Areas, integrating HLC and ‘Ike Hawai‘i where relevant. / Special Subject Area Faculty / 2005-06 school year
Task 2.4: Complete Curriculum Maps for Language Arts (Reading strand), integrating HLC and ‘Ike Hawai‘i where relevant. / Grade Level Faculty / 2006-07 school year
Task 2.5: Complete 50% of Curriculum Maps for Special Subject Areas, integrating HLC and ‘Ike Hawai‘i where relevant. / Special Subject Area Faculty / 2006-07 school year
Task 2.6: Complete Curriculum Maps for Social Studies, integrating HLC and ‘Ike Hawai‘i where relevant. / Grade Level Faculty / 2007-08 school year
Task 2.7: Complete 100% of Curriculum Maps for Special Subject Areas, integrating HLC and ‘Ike Hawai‘i where relevant. / Special Subject Area Faculty / 2007-08 school year
Objective 3: Develop and encourage participation in Staff Development opportunities in Hawaiian language and culture.
Task 3.1: Develop a program to teach and practice useful language phrases to communicate in Hawaiian with our KES students, faculty and staff. / Hawaiian Values/‘Ike Hawai‘i committee / 2005-2006 school year (Will begin in November 2005 after the values presentation for Mälama is completed in October 2005.)
2006-2007 school year
Task 3.2: Use 5-10 minutes of each Staff Meeting to teach/learn more about a specific Hawaiian language competency. / Hawaiian Values/‘Ike Hawai‘i committee / 2005-06 school year
2006-07 school year
2007-08 school year
Task 3.3: Encourage KES Staff to attend cultural programs provided by the Hawaiian Cultural Development Office (Randie Fong, Director). Proposed Model (Draft 3-3-05) includes:
Ha‘awina—to provide all KS staff basic information on Hawaiian culture and Kamehameha traditions
Huaka‘i—to provide opportunities for interested KS staff to visit key sites and become culturally enriched in cultural contexts beyond the classroom
Launa—to provide opportunities for interested KS staff to build relationships through self-motivated cultural activities that appeal to the interest of the individual / Holoua, Mähealani, Kealoha, ‘Aha Alaka‘i / 2005-06 school year
2006-07 school year
Task 3.4: Encourage KES Staff to attend UH-Mänoa courses to be held on our Kapälama campus. / Holoua, Rachel
Leilani Basham, contact for Haw 101-102. Jonathan Osorio, contact for Hawaiian Studies 107. / Fall 2005—Hawaiian Studies 107
To be held Wednesdays 4:00-6:15 p.m. Confirmed.
Fall 2005—Hawaiian Language 101
Spring 2006—Hawaiian Language 102
To be held Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:00-6:30 p.m. Not yet confirmed.
Task 3.5: Provide study help for KES Staff who attend Hawaiian language 101-102. / Mähealani / Fall 2005-Spring 2006 at prearranged times (Fridays after school and other).
Task 3.6: 25% of KES Faculty will participate in Hawaiian Cultural Staff Development. / KS will provide HLC curriculum-related Staff Development to enable KES Faculty to teach 25% of the HLC Foundational Level. (Barrier: Lack of personnel to conduct Staff Development training for KES Faculty.) / 2005-06 school year
Task 3.7: 50% of KES Faculty will participate in Hawaiian Cultural Staff Development. / KS will provide HLC curriculum-related Staff Development to enable KES Faculty to teach 50% of the HLC Foundational Level. / 2006-07 school year
Task 3.8: 100% of KES Faculty will participate in Hawaiian Cultural Staff Development. / KS will provide HLC curriculum-related Staff Development to enable KES Faculty to teach 100% of the HLC Foundational Level. / 2007-08 school year
Objective 4: Develop culturally authentic assessment for Hawaiian Language Competencies.
Task 4.1: Identify culturally authentic assessment present in KES curriculum. / Mähealani, Kealoha, KES Faculty, Clemi, Holoua / 2005-2006 school year
Task 4.2: Conduct gap analysis articulating which HLC were not addressed. / Mähealani, Kealoha, KES Faculty / 2005-2006 school year
Task 4.3: Develop culturally authentic and other assessments for 25% of the HLC Foundational Level. / Mähealani, Kealoha, KES Faculty, Clemi, Holoua / 2006-07 school year
Task 4.4: Conduct gap analysis articulating which HLC were not addressed. / Mähealani, Kealoha, KES Faculty / 2006-07 school year
Task 4.5: Develop culturally authentic and other assessments for 50% of the HLC Foundational Level. / Mähealani, Kealoha, KES Faculty, Clemi, Holoua / 2007-08 school year
Task 4.6: Conduct gap analysis ensuring that all HLC of the HLC Foundational Level are addressed with the curriculum. / Mähealani, Kealoha, KES Faculty / 2007-08 school year
Objective 5: Develop plan to align KES and KMS Hawaiian Language Competencies curricula.
Task 5.1: Meet with KMS Faculty to discuss alignment of HLC. / Mähealani, Kealoha Ho‘omana-Heffernan, Lilinoe Ka‘ahanui, Laurie Seto, Kyle Atabay / 2005-06 school year
Task 5.2: Meet with KMS Faculty and begin alignment of HLC curricula. / Mähealani, Kealoha H., Lilinoe, Laurie, Kyle / 2006-07 school year
Task 5.3: Meet with KMS Faculty and continue alignment of HLC curricula. / Mähealani, Kealoha H., Lilinoe, Laurie, Kyle / 2007-08 school year
Objective 6: Improve KES facilities for Hawaiian Language/Culture Program.
Task 6.1: Discuss and plan for the expansion of 2 Hawaiian language/culture classrooms to create spaces large enough to accommodate culturally authentic learning activities (i.e., dance, arts, crafts). / Holoua, Headmaster, CEO / 2005-06 school year
Task 6.2: Submit plans to the Director of Operations Support for CIP Expansion. / Holoua, Headmaster, CEO /
2005-06 school year
Task 6.3: Create 2 Hawaiian language/culture classrooms large enough to accommodate culturally authentic learning activities. / Holoua, Headmaster, CEO / 2006-07 school year
Objective 7: Support the development of the “Overseer Position” for the Kapälama Hawaiian Language Competencies Implementation Plan.
Task 7.1: Find or create new TAP for the “Overseer Position.” / Campus Management Team / Before 2005-06 school year begins
Multi-year Action Plan:
Starting Fall 2005 through Spring 2008, KES staff will begin to implement its three-year action plan to teach the Hawaiian Language Competencies to students. Staff members have initially identified their own kuleana and will alu like to provide the best program possible for nä pua lei a Pauahi.
Two full-time teachers will continue to provide Hawaiian Language/Culture classes to 752 students. (Each student attends a 25-40 minute class every three days.) The two teachers will also continue to provide expertise and guidance to K-6 Grade Level and Special Subject Area teachers to help them teach/practice/reinforce the Hawaiian Language Competencies. This work will be coordinated during the Grade Level Chair meetings that are also attended by the Curriculum Coordinator and Principal. As the Hawaiian language abilities of the staff improves, more of the Foundational Level Competencies will be taught to students.
Mid-Year and End-of-the-Year Action Plan Reports will be presented By whom??? We need to know and to say. to the Principal / Staff to help evaluate progress and direct future work.
Staff Development:
With kökua from the KES Hawaiian Values/‘Ike Hawai‘i committee, staff will be provided Hawaiian language learning opportunities during the workday (i.e. during school hours through the Hawaiian language phrases program to be developed for the KES ‘ohana and during staff meetings).
KES staff should strive to participate in the Ha‘awina / Huaka‘i / Launa activities to be organized by the KS Hawaiian Cultural Development Office. Staff should also consider attending classes to develop and strengthen their Hawaiian language abilities (i.e. Kawaiaha‘o program, courses through the University of Hawai‘i system). Interested staff may also choose to attend the various Hawaiian cultural events presented by KS Ka‘iwakïloumoku Hawaiian Cultural Center.
In order to further develop curricula in ‘Ike Hawai‘i, KES staff will need to continue to develop relationships with Hawaiian cultural resources such as Ka‘ala Farm; Uncle Bill Maioho, kahu of Mauna ‘Ala; Moanalua Gardens Foundation; Paepae o He‘eia; Uncle Eli Nahulu, kahu of KS Koa Reforestation Project; Ke‘ala Kanaka‘ole and Keauhou Bird Conservation Center; and the küpuna of Lunalilo Home. The KS ‘Ike Hawai‘i Art Consortium should also continue to be an important avenue for Hawaiian art exploration. (Artisans who have personally interacted with KES students through the IHAC include Moana Eisele, Marques Marzan, Kana‘i Dodge, and Kathleen Kam.)
At this time, there are no major impacts affecting the KES schedule of programs with regards to the Hawaiian Language Competencies. The present 75 TAP will be maintained. The 2005-06 KES Master Schedule is close to being finalized. Time allotments for Grade Level (Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Health) and Special Subject Areas (Art, Hawaiian Language/Culture, Music, Band, Physical Education, Science, as well as Christian Education, Guidance, Resource Center, Technology) are being examined by Administration. The roles of three Resource Teachers (Mathematics and Reading) are being redefined.
A one-hour early-release Curriculum Day each six-day cycle, for Grade Level and science teachers, has been set into the Master Schedule. (Students will continue their regular school day with Special Subject Area teachers and Educational Assistants.) Curriculum Mapping will be used to articulate authentic KES curricula and achieve alignment. Most of these words don’t need to be capitalized
Committee Recommendations:
The Kapälama Hawaiian Language Committee recommends that, after three years, the KES program be evaluated. Another need is to identify an authority to see how well students are able to meet the Foundational Level Competencies. If necessary improvement is needed at an increased rate, the committee recommends that additional TAP be provided to increase Hawaiian language staffing at KES.