College Pre-Calculus

INSTITUTION: Central Lakes College

CAMPUS: Parkers Prairie High School Campus

ADDRESS: 411 South Otter Avenue
P.O. Box 46
Parkers Prairie, MN 56361

INSTRUCTOR : Mr. Aaron Bumgarner

COURSE TITLE: College Pre-Calculus COURSE NUMBER: Math 1472

SEMESTERS: Fall 2011/Spring 2012 CREDITS: 5


SECTION / MEETING TIMES RM 123 M-F, 12:40-1:27

DESCRIPTION: This course is intended to provide the essential mathematical background needed in calculus. Topics include equation solving, functions (polynomial, radical, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and inverse trig), identities, applications, and parametric/polar graphing.

PREREQUISITE: Juniors or Seniors only, Jr GPA 3.0 or better, Sr GPA of 2.5 or better, and Accuplacer score of college level math 63 or higher, or ACT of 24 or better, and Advanced Algebra, or Instructor approval.

COURSE COMPETENCIES Students will be able to: clearly express mathematical ideas in writing, solve problems, follow a sequence of operations, interpret and graph a function with both technology and by hand, utilize technology appropriately.

TEXTBOOK: PRE-CALCULUS Functions and Graphs by Ron Larson, Robert Hostetler, and Bruce Edwards

MATERIALS NEEDED Pencil, textbook, notebook, note-taking guide, folder, and a graphing calculator.

GRADING Grades will follow the approximate scale below.

A 93-100% C 73-76%

A- 90-92% C- 70-72%

B+ 87-89% D+ 67-69%

B 83-86% D 63-66%

B- 80-82% D- 60-62%

C+ 77-79% F BELOW 60%

Grades will be based on the following:




You will be given a semester grade for high school and one college semester grade.

RULES Be on time and in your seat ready to start with all your materials when the bell rings. Learn and let everyone around you learn. Follow directions. Do your own work.

HOMEWORK Expect to have homework every day. Homework will be graded in a variety of ways, however it is always due the day after it is assigned unless you are told otherwise. If you finish all the problems showing work, to the best of your ability you will maximize your homework scores. I will not accept late homework for points.

MAKE-UP WORK Students will have the number of days of excused absences plus one, (for example 3 days of excused absence will give the student 4 days to make up the work missed). After that time the student will receive a zero on the work unless arrangements have already been made to make up the work. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed and makeup the homework. Check the white board in class for what you missed. I will not remind you to makeup work. Students that miss the test, or quiz day will take the test, or quiz the next day in class. Students will be responsible for finishing that day's assignment on time. Any homework that was due the day you missed is due the next day you are in class. NO credit will be given to homework that is handed in after the student has taken the test on that chapter.

All Tests, Projects, and Quizzes must be completed to receive a passing grade.

QUIZZES You can expect approximately one quiz per two sections. Quizzes will vary in length and may be given without warning so students should always be ready. The lowest quiz score may be dropped at the end of the semester.1 (NO re-quizzes)

DISCIPLINE Any marking of the desks or school property will result in automatic disciplinary action which may include detention before or after school. Other discipline will be done as needed.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES Electronic devices such as ipods, mp3 players, and cell phones are not allowed to be used during the academic hours of the school day. Electronic devices may be used before school, after school, during lunch, between classes, and during open hours in non-academic areas. Students who use electronic devices during the academic hour will have it taken by the teacher and brought to the office.


Hall passes and borrowing equipment may affect your productivity and or organizational skills. You must leave all electronic devices in the room before you will be allowed to use a hall pass.

Extra Credit There is no extra credit work available

DISABILITIES- Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with a verified disability.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY You are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. Cheating on assessments and misrepresentations of your skills (including acts of dishonesty) will not be tolerated.

EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Emergency procedures are posted in the classroom.

EXTRA HELP I am available for extra help during the following times.

Mon.-Fri. 7:50-8:15am, and 3:06-3:45pm.


Math is NOT a spectator sport. You must practice and participate to succeed.

You don’t get grades you EARN them


Chapter 1……..Functions and Their Graphs

Chapter 2……..Polynomial and Rational Functions

Chapter 3……..Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Chapter 4……..Trigonometric Functions

Chapter 5……..Analytic Trigonometry

Chapter 6……..Additional Topics in Trigonometry

Chapter 8……..Sequences, Series, and Probability

Chapter 9……..Topics in Analytic Geometry

1 Provided the student does not have more than 10 excused absences, and they have 0 unexcused absences.

updated 1/17/11