English 11 Reading and Writing Workshop

Course Outline 2017 – 2018

Course Objective

English 11 Reading and Writing Workshop is a skills-based, supplemental English course aimed at preparing students for success in their core English class, the NY State English Regents, and on the SAT. The primary focus of the class is on improving students’ reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in order build confidence and proficiency.

E-Mail, Webpage, and Extra Help

●Students and parents may use the e-mail address above to contact me anytime with questions or concerns.

Class assignments and activities will be updated daily on my teacher webpage.

●Extra help is always available upon student request.

Course Overview

The focus for the daily activities/lessons in class will adhere to the following schedule:

Day One (A/B Days) / Day Two (C/D) / Day Three (E/F)
Class Support Day
★10 Weeks Reading Comprehension Practice with Multiple-Choice
★10 Weeks Writing Practice
○Text Analysis / ★10 Weeks Reading Comprehension Practice with Multiple-Choice
★10 Weeks Writing Practice
○Text Analysis / The teacher will help students with the reading and writing assignments that they are working on in their core ELA classes.

Grading and Assessment

Students will receive a grade of pass or fail for this course. No homework will be assigned; therefore, students must complete all class work in order to receive a passing grade. Students will receive a daily grade for completed assignments. In addition, students will receive a grade for classparticipation at the end of each marking period. Students’ progress will assessed quarterly.

Exit Criteria:In order to “Test Out” of the program, students will have to meet all of the following criteria:

Pass the Common Core Regents Exam

●Maintain a passing average in Reading and Writing Workshop.

●Obtain a recommendation from their English teacher.

Classroom Policies

Be prepared and on time for class every day!

Complete all class work as it is assigned.

Be responsible for your own learning and progress.

Check my website when you are absent to see what you missed.

Participate and ask questions! The lessons and activities for this class have been designed to help you and to make reading and writing a bit easier for you. You will not improve unless you participate in all class activities.

●Respect those around you, their ideas and their opinions.

●Bring a positive attitude and open mind!

“Change is the end result of all true learning.” ~Leo Buscaglia