Minute of Meeting of the Patient Focus and Public Involvement Committee held on Wednesday 14 May 2014 inthe Conference Room, Summerfield House
Mrs Christine Lester, Non-Executive Board Member (Chair)
Mrs Jane Adam, Lay Member
Ms Debbie Barron, Clinical Quality Facilitator, deputising for Liz Tait, by vc
Mrs Laura Dodds, Public Involvement Manager
Mr Nigel Firth, Equality and Diversity Manager
Mrs Wilma Forrest, Lay Member
Ms Tracey Gervaise, Public Health Lead, representing Moray (by vc)
Mrs Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications & Board Secretary
Ms Wendy Innocent, Health Promotion Services Manager, deputising for Linda Duthie
Mrs Linda Juroszek, Chair, Area Clinical Forum
Ms Jacqueline MacKintosh, Joint Training Co-ordinator, Learning & Development
Ms Eleanor Murray,Quality Lead Nurse, representing Acute Services
Ms Linda Oldroyd, Nurse Consultant, Patient Safety & Patient Experience
Mr Jonathan Passmore, Non-Executive Board Member
Cllr Anne Robertson, Non-Executive Board Member
Ms Lorraine Scott, Programme Manager, Modernisation Directorate
Ms Louise Ballantyne, Feedback Service Manager
Ms Fiona Flett, Speech and Language Therapist
Mrs Marilyn Elmslie, Committee Clerk
Item No
/ Issue /Action
1 / Welcome and apologiesChristine Lester welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table
Apologies were intimated on behalf of Richard Carey, Dr Roelf Dijkhuizen, Susan Carr, Cllr Stewart Cree, Linda Duthie, Cllr Bill Howatson, Catherine Rae and Liz Tait.
Laura Gray noted that Fiona Flett, Speech and Language Therapist, would now represent Mental Health sector and had been invited to attend.
2 / Minute of the meeting held on 19 February 2014
The minute was approved as a correct record of the discussions.
3 / Matters Arising
3.1 / Scottish Health Council
Following the distribution of the minute of the meeting held on 19 February an email was received from Lisa McCartney, Area Manager Scottish Health Council, asking for a correction to the minute. The Committee members agreed that the minute was accurate and would not be amended but Lisa’s concern would be discussed under Matters Arising.
Laura Gray read a copy of the email she had sent to Lisa reiterating the value of the SHC contribution and highlighting a few of the items discussed at the previous Committee meeting where the SHC’s input would have been appreciated. Lisa’s response provided their rationale behind the decision taken by SHC to withdraw from the Committee.
The Committee members discussed the response in detail and a decision was made for Christine and Laura to contact the Scottish Health Council locally and nationally to request a meeting to discuss the matter further. / CL/LG
3.2 / Unscheduled Care update
A detailed update report was prepared by Lorraine Scott who highlighted the various key developments during 2013/14 and the anticipated focus for 2014/15. A clear strategy and implementation plan is progressing which includes a detailed communication and engagement plan. Various mechanisms have been used to engage with patients, carers/families, the public and staff across various agencies. Work is underway to continue to enhance the communication and engagement of the USC approach being taken forward.
A short film was shown to illustrate a patient scenario regarding end of life care. This compared the more traditional approach to end of life care in a hospital setting and the integrated and co-ordinated approach being taken forward to deliver person centred care every time for every patient. Lorraine advised that the film, along with two others, was being utilised as an engagement tool to inform and enter into dialogue with key stakeholders about how we collectively work together to ensure the right care is delivered in the right place at the right time and by the right team/professional.
Discussions were had regarding the development of the programme into the Health and Social Care Integration environment. Lorraine confirmed that this was being addressed and she advised she had commenced attendance at Community Planning Groups across Grampian to raise awareness of the programme and create opportunities for local communication of key messages.
Lorraine noted that the Unscheduled Care Programme valued the input of public representatives and that their views, along with Committee members, on how the programme can further enhance the meaningful engagement of patients, carers and the public were welcome.
The Committee agreed that the updates were useful and would continue to be included on the agenda twice yearly.
4 / PFPI Assurance
4.1 / Draft PFPI Stakeholder Engagement Framework
The draft framework was produced to follow on from the NHS Grampian PFPI Framework 2009 – 2012. A stakeholder engagement framework which encompasses everyone in collaborating to improve health and outcomes of care is a requirement for the assurance of a person-centred approach. Laura Dodds talked through the framework highlighting the various strands:
- Stakeholder engagement at point of care
- Stakeholder engagement following care
- Stakeholder engagement in service redesign, delivery and strategy development
- Staff engagement
This approach of following the patient journey instead of a framework based on individual functions was supported by the Committee. Committee members also suggested useful additions such as including Veterans and the Gypsy Travelling community for the section of groups who may need additional support. It was also noted that Advocacy and Volunteering should also be included. The lay members agreed that the document was easily read and understood and suggested the addition of a detailed Action Plan be included prior to finalisation. Cllr Robertson suggested that the framework be shared with Local Authority colleagues to seek an integrated approach.
Laura welcomed the Committee members input and agreed to incorporate the suggestions. She will forward the draft framework to all Committee members for final comments prior to the document being finalised for the next Committee meeting. / LD
5 / Equality and Diversity
5.1 / Equality and Diversity information
A detailed report was submitted by Nigel Firth which highlighted that NHS Grampian was compliant with most of the requirements of the new Embracing Equality, Diversity and Human Rights in Scotland NHS Scotland Partnership Information Network (PIN) Policy. However, there were two areas where further work was required. The first area was recruitment and selection where the PIN required:
“All those involved at any stage in the recruitment and selection process have or have planned appropriate training in both recruitment and selection and equality and diversity and Human Rights.”
In response, additional KSF Level Four Equality and Diversity Training Seminars had been arranged for 140 Aberdeenshire LCHP staff.
Recruitment and selection training was already mandatory for clinicians.
The second area was the production of a new NHS Grampian Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Policy. Following discussion and agreement at a recent GAPF meeting, this was being produced jointly by Nigel and Steve Lindsay, Full Time Partnership Representative.
Nigel confirmed that there has been an increase in demand for seminars on the NHS Charges to Overseas Visitor Regulations.
5.1(a) / ISD Ethnicity Statistics 2011-2013
A copy of the recent ISD Publication on “Improving Ethnic Data Collection for Equality and Diversity Monitoring” had been previously circulated. Nigel highlighted that in each of the categories for data collection for both in-patients and outpatient services, NHS Grampian was above the “All Scotland” benchmark figure.
The Committee thanked Nigel for the detailed reports and update
6 / Public Involvement and Consultation
6.1 / Public Involvement Quarterly update
The detailed update was presented by Laura Dodds. She highlighted the engagement with women and staff on a review of pregnancy loss services which has been a useful process. A summary report for the Committee will be presented at the next meeting and Laura will ensure that staff who participated are provided feedback.
The E-learning induction module for Safe, Effective and Person-centred Care training for staff was ready to move to the pilot stage. She confirmed that a presentation on the module will be shown at the next Committee meeting in order for members to provide constructive feedback.
Cllr Robertson enquired if the briefing note for Community Health Partnerships and Councillors on “Best Possible Start in Life” had been issued as neither she nor her colleagues had received it. Laura noted that she will ensure that the note is shared.
The Committee noted the update. / LD
6.2 / Public Involvement Network development
Following a review of the NHS Grampian Public Forum in 2011 several changes were implemented. However, the number of people attending meetings continued to fall and it was decided to refresh the format of the Forum to evolve into a Public Involvement Network for Grampian offering a number of methods for patients, carers and members of the public to get involved. A focus group with existing Forum members worked with the Public Involvement team to develop the Network and assist with the planning of the first annual event, which will take place in September. Smaller focus groups and surveys will be organised throughout the year and the first of these will be on 15 May and will look at the Health Promoting Health Service.
A media release will be issued shortly announcing that NHS Grampian is seeking new public representatives for the Network and the PFPI Committee. It is anticipated that the interviews will take place in mid June. An update will be provided to the Committee at the next meeting.
Laura Dodds noted that the Involving You pages on the NHS Grampian website at have been updated and would appreciate feedback on the content.
7 / Patient Public and Carer Information
7.1 / Joint Incidents, Feedback and Claims Report February 2014
The detailed report is provided twice yearly for the Clinical Governance Committee andprovides an update on the incidents, feedback and claims reported on the Datix system. Louise Ballanytne highlighted various key points including:
- a slight decrease in complaints received
- the largest percentage of complaints upheld are in the Acute Sector
- 10% reduction in complaints not upheld but a 10% increase in partly upheld
- Ombudsman complaints June – Dec 2013 – 9 cases closed – 2 upheld, 4 part upheld, 2 not upheld and 1 not investigated
- all informal feedback, such as compliments, comments suggestions and concerns, is entered in Datix and forwarded to the relevant manager to share with staff. A selection of informal feedback is included in Team Brief each month to share patient experience across the organisation.
7.2 / Care Information Strategy Guidance 2014-15
Due to time constraints the item was noted.
7.3 / NHS Grampian Carers Legislation response
Due to time constraints the item was noted.
8 / Patient Experience
8.1 / Person-centred update
The detailed update report was prepared by Linda Oldroyd who talked through the various strands of national and local activity. NHS Grampian has convened a person-centred Steering Group to oversee all person-centred activity and each sector has identified a lead person to take forward the agenda.
Linda noted that NHS Grampian has been collecting data on patient experience in real time since July 2013 however the data collection is labour intensive and the challenge is to determine a means by which real time feedback can be gathered simply and systemically so that service improvement arises from on going patient and carer experience information. Another challenge is to embed real time experience data collection into everday business. An option paper to decide on a way forward is currently being prepared.
Postings on Patient Opinion continue to be responded to although this can be challenging for services to provide detailed responses as the majority of postings are anonymous. Linda Juroszek noted that many clinical colleagues, GPs and partner contractors were unaware of Patient Opinion and suggested that a further communication regarding the system be disseminated. Linda Oldroyd confirmed that publicity materials were available and several Health Boards have information on the system included on out-patient communication.
The Committee noted the update which will continue to be provided at each meeting.
9 / Sector PFPI Updates
9.1a / Acute Sector
A detailed report was submitted by Eleanor Murray who was happy to answer any queries.
9.1b / Public Health
A written update report was tabled and noted as Wendy Innocent had to leave the meeting prior to the item being taken.
9.1c / Aberdeen City CHP
Catherine Rae had prepared the report but had to submit her apologies for the meeting.
9.1d / Aberdeenshire CHP
A written update report was tabled and noted as no representative from Aberdeenshire CHP was available to attend.
9.1e / Moray Community Health & Social Care Partnership
A detailed report was submitted by Tracey Gervaise who highlighted a few of the topics in the report including PPF Development and the Integration of Health and Social Care in Moray.
9.1f / Mental Health & Learning Disability
A written update report was unavailable. Laura Gray noted that Pauline Rae, the previous sector representative, had moved to a new post and that Fiona Flett, Speech and Language Therapist has agreed to represent Mental Health sector at future meetings and provide written updates.
The Chair thanked the sector representatives for the detailed reports.
10 / Advocacy and Volunteering
10.1 / NHS Scotland Volunteering Programme
Due to time constraints the item was noted.
11 / Report to the Board
The Chair confirmed that a report on a selection of the subjects discussed at each PFPI Committee meeting will be provided to the NHS Grampian Board, in line with all other Committees. It was agreed that the report would include:
Impact of staffing levels on training
PFPI/Stakeholder Engagement Framework
Real time feedback
Public Involvement Network development
The Chair will arrange for the report to be provided in adequate time for the next NHS Grampian Board meeting.
12 / Items for noting
12.1 / Scottish Health Council – quarterly report
12.2 / Carers Information Strategy Group
Minute of meeting 28 Jan 2014
Minute of meeting 25 Mar 2014
14 / Any other Competent Business
There was none.
The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting.
15 / Dates for meetings 2014
10am Wednesday 20 August Conference Room, Summerfield House
10am Wednesday 19 November Conference Room, Summerfield House