Vicious Dog Laws

Note: Please look through resources very carefully. This is a controversial issue so some sources may have bias. Check carefully for the expertise or background of the writer or contributor.


Pitbull Breed information

  1. American Pit Bull Registry - Registers American Pit Bull Terriers. Breed history, frequently asked questions, photographs, and a discussion board.
  2. All-Star's Web Ring - Web Ring for the American Pit Bull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier. Instructions for joining the ring.
  3. American Pit Bull Registry - Everything Pit Bull - Provides information on registration, pictures, veterinarian locator, rescue contacts, memorials, shelter listings, and breed history.
  4. American Pit Bull Terrier Frequently Asked Questions - Questions and answers about all aspects of the breed.
  5. American Pit Bull Terrier Organization and Network - Dedicated to the past, present, and future of the American Pit Bull Terrier. Information on conformation, agility, obedience, weight pull, therapy, health, genetics, and pets.
  6. - Training tips, health articles, advice for new owners, and breed description.
  7. - Pictures, breed information, lost and found listings, and rescue contacts.
  8. Sporting Dog Online - Resources, articles, list of breeders, and links.
  9. The Pit - Site dedicated to restoring the reputation of the American Pitbull Terrier.
  10. The Pit Bull Press - Breed information, explanation of breed specific legislation, articles, training tips, and rescue contacts.
  11. Working Pitbull - Photographs, breed standard, information on rescue, obedience, and other activities.

Vicious Dog Law in UK and Australia

1.  DEFRA leaflet

2.  Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 Short title, interpretation, commencement and extent, on the Statute Law Database

3.  The Dangerous Dogs (Northern Ireland) Order 1991, on the Statute Law Database

4.  Official text of the The Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Act 1997 as in force today (including any amendments) within the United Kingdom, from the UK Statute Law Database Last accessed:2010-02-02

5.  "Dog control laws and pit bulls". BBC News. 2007-09-11. Retrieved 2010-04-30.

6.  "The Lords is the more democratic house". The Daily Telegraph (London). 2004-04-13. Retrieved 2010-04-30.

7.  Whatever happened to dangerous dogs?

8.  Restricted Dog Breeds in Rockingham, Western Australia

9.  BBC Article on a dog attack - July 2005

10.  BBC Article on a dog attack - January 2007

11.  BBC Article "How do you fend off a dangerous dog?"

12.  BBC Article: Dangerous Dogs Act included in poll of unpopular laws

13.  Deed Not Breed UK Campaign fighting the addition of any new breed to the DDA.

14.  Stop Dog Attacks

15.  Rover's Law - Megan's Law for Bad Dogs

16.  Information, Education, Advice & Support for dog owners in the UK, against breed specific legislation.

17.  Independent Article On Dog Attack June 2010.

18.  Official text of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 as in force today (including any amendments) within the United Kingdom, from the UK Statute Law Database

EBSCO and JSTOR Articles

  1. "Ban Pit Bulls?." Junior Scholastic 110.9 (2007): 7. Middle Search Plus. Web. 28 Jan. 2013.
  2. "Breed-Specific Dog Bans." American City & County 120.10 (2005): 10-12. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  3. "Man's Best Friend?." Current Events 105.3 (2005): 3. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  4. "Murder By Dog." ABA Journal 75.6 (1989): 103. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  5. "Ohio Bill Proposes Statewide Ban On Pit Bulls." DVM: The Newsmagazine Of Veterinary Medicine 39.6 (2008): 22. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  6. "One Bite And Fido's Out." State Legislatures 32.5 (2006): 7. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  7. "Pit Dolls: The Legal History." DVM: The Newsmagazine Of Veterinary Medicine 37.12 (2006): 8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  8. "Shoot The Puppy!." Economist 392.8645 (2009): 47. MAS Complete. Web. 28 Jan. 2013.
  9. "Vicious Dog" Label Redefined Under Ohio's New Law." DVM: The Newsmagazine Of Veterinary Medicine 43.6 (2012): 22. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  10. "What To Do When Attack Dogs Don't." Maclean's 120.15 (2007): 39. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  11. Alway, Randy. "AGAINST Banning Pit Bulls." Owl 30.4 (2005): 11. Middle Search Plus. Web. 28 Jan. 2013.
  12. Cohen, Judy, and John Richardson. "Pit Bull Panic." Journal Of Popular Culture 36.2 (2002): 285-317. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  13. Fiala, Jennifer. "Deficient Science Hurts Vicious Dog Law Appeal." DVM: The Newsmagazine Of Veterinary Medicine 36.5 (2005): 8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  14. George, Lianne. "Pit Bull, Bum Rap?." Maclean's 117.46 (2004): 112-114. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  15. Gibeaut, John. "A Bite Worse Than Its Bark." ABA Journal 98.9 (2012): 15. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  16. Gillis, Charlie. "Owners Call Bull On Bans And Win." Maclean's 125.42 (2012): 26. Middle Search Plus. Web. 28 Jan. 2013.
  17. Gladwell, Malcolm. "Troublemakers." New Yorker 81.46 (2006): 38-43. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  18. Greenwood, Arin. "Nuisance Or Necessity? ADA Suit May Overturn Pit-Bull Bans." ABA Journal 97.9 (2011): 18. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  19. HANKS, LISA A. "Safeguarding Dog Owners' Rights." Dog World 95.7 (2010): 38. MAS Complete. Web. 28 Jan. 2013.
  20. Leschin-Hoar, Clare. "Showing Their Teeth." Parks & Recreation 42.7 (2007): 44-47. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  21. Macejko, Christina. "Ohio Moves To Collar Pit-Bull Law." DVM: The Newsmagazine Of Veterinary Medicine 40.6 (2009): 19. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  22. Momoh, Tobi. "When pit bulls attack." New York Amsterdam News 10 July 2008: 17. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  23. Righton, Barbara. "The Hounds From Hell." Maclean's 118.29 (2005): 43. Middle Search Plus. Web. 28 Jan. 2013.
  24. Schultz, Krista. "Petition Aims To Lift Breed Ban." DVM: The Newsmagazine Of Veterinary Medicine 37.12 (2006): 6-9. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
  25. Tanick, Marshall H. "Battling Breed Bans." Dog World 91.9 (2006): 16. MAS Complete. Web. 28 Jan. 2013.

GALE Opposing Viewpoints in Context (LAPL card required)

  1. "Banning pit bulls."New York Times17 Aug. 2002: A8.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013.

  1. Frankel, Glenn. "Britain bans pit bulls after attacks on people."Washington Post22 May 1991: A29.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013.
  2. "Canine crackdown: Reidsville considers vicious dog laws."Eden Daily News[Eden, NC] 24 Aug. 2007.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013.
  3. "In defence of 'devil dogs': the proposed competence test for dog owners is designed to stop hoodies owning pit bulls, says Brendan O'Neill. But are the dogs, or their owners, really that dangerous?"Spectator6 Mar. 2010: 24.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013.
  4. "Man's best friend? Dogfight brews over pit bull bans."Current Events, a Weekly Reader publication23 Sept. 2005: 3+.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013.
  5. Richardson, Franci. "Mass. law all bark, no bite."Boston Herald20 July 2003: 004.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013.
  6. "Owners call bull on bans and win."Maclean's29 Oct. 2012: 26.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013.
  7. George, Lianne. "Pit bull, bum rap? Bans like the one proposed in Ontario are rooted in media-stoked hysteria."Maclean's15 Nov. 2004: 112+.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013.
  8. "Pit bulls: vicious or victims?"Daily Progress[Charlottesville, VA] 7 July 2008.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013.
  9. Krey, Patrick. "Pitiful pit bulls."The New American15 Feb. 2010: 40.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013.

  1. DeFao, Janine. "Push to toughen dog attack laws; Migden bill would make serious injury a felony."San Francisco Chronicle24 June 2001: A21.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 6 Mar. 2013.

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