Global Information Operations Conference Breaks Ground in Business, Commercial, and Competitive Intelligence
Washington, D.C., December 20/PRNEWSWIRE/ -- Robert David STEELE Vivas, CEO of OSS.Net, has today announced a 50% discount for corporate participants in the Global Information Operations Conference that will take place in Washington, D.C. from 17-19 January 2006.
“I have been shocked,” Steele says, “to discover that the Society for Competitive Intelligence (SCIP) is so concerned about isolating member revenue, that it will not inform its members of cross-fertilization opportunities among the seven tribes of intelligence, of which business is but one. The others are national, law enforcement, academia, ground truth (non-governmental organizations, media), and civil (citizens, labor unions, and religions).
“Our international conference brings together the ‘top-guns’ in the world for Information Operations (IO), Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), and Peacekeeping Intelligence (PKI). This year we are especially focused on multinational, multiagency, multidisciplinary multidomain information sharing (M4IS). Although this event is primarily for federal, state, and local governments now about to invest over $3 billion per year in Joint Intelligence Operations Centers (JIOC), IO, OSINT, and complex combinations of man-machine foreign language translation, multi-lingual data visualization, data mining, and advanced analytics including semantic web, synthetic information architecture, copyright compliance at the paragraph level with micro-cash payments via hand-held devices, all of these topics are important to business intelligence, commercial intelligence, and competitive intelligence professionals.
“There are a number of pretenders who claim they can demystify, explain, and perform OSINT for the private sector as well as federal, state, and local governments, but the reality is that only one organization, OSS.Net, Inc., has devoted seventeen years to educating the world on this topic; has 30,000 pages of free information about OSINT on its web site; has actually written the Defense Intelligence Agency, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and Special Operations Forces Open Source Intelligence Handbooks; and provides 24/7 global coverage to the U.S. military elements fighting two wars and global terrorism..
“Public relations firms and ‘newsrooms’ put their money into high-salaried individuals and expensive technology. Real OSINT professionals spread the money broadly over thousands of collectors, translators, and analysts.
“This conference is the one time business professionals can learn from and engage international intelligence professionals, including non-governmental sources with unique insights into Third World commercial environments. Complete details on this event are at”
-0- 12/20/2005 /CONTACT: Robert Steele 703.266.6390
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