York County Youth Financial Education Fund
Mini-Grant Proposal Form for Spring/Summer/Fall 2014 Projects
(**Please use the format outlined below**)
1)The Organization:
Name of applicant organization:
Mailing address for organization:
Name of contact person:
Contact person’s email address:
Contact person’s phone:
2)The Project Overview:
Title of project:*
*If this is a request for support related to anEnterprise City project, please check here
(Available only for children/youth in Berwick, Biddeford, Eliot, Kennebunk, Kittery, North Berwick, Ogunquit, Sanford, Springvale, Wells and York at this time)
Beginning and ending dates of project: From ______to ______
Major goal(s) of the project:
3)The Budget (One 8-1/2” x11” page maximum):
Mini-grant amount requested ($500-$5,000):$
Total project budget:$
Budget: A line-item budget showing total project costs and proposed use of requested grant funds (such as materials, costs related to speakers, transportation, etc.). The budget must also indicate the sources and amounts of other revenue that may support the project. Requests for equipment, publications and/or curriculum materials must include brief descriptions, costs and information on proposed uses.
4)Project Details(Two 8-1/2” x11” pages or less, 11 point font, double spaced):
Proposed Project: Providea project description that clearly states the need for the project, its goals and expected results, the project activities, target audience(s)/participants and location of activities. Please answer: What do you expect participants will accomplish through this project and its activities?
Key Project Leaders: Share the names and qualifications of those responsible for ensuring that project activities are carried out as described.
Schedule:Specify dates and times for proposed activities within one year or less.
Additional Assistance: Describe plans to enlist the cooperation and participation of volunteers, other nonprofit or civic organizations in the community, businesses, etc. (as appropriate for the proposed project).
Evaluation: Describe how the project’s results and effectiveness will be measured and how the results will be shared with the organization’s stakeholders.
Future plans: Describe how the project will be sustained after the grant period ends.
5)The Signature: Approval of School Principal/Superintendant or Organization’s Executive Director
Print name/Title:
6)Submission of Mini-Grant Proposal: Applicants must submit the completed mini-grant proposal with an authorized signature by no later than Noon on Friday, March 21, 2014 via:
- E-mail to ; or
- Postal mail: YCYFEF c/o United Way of York County, PO Box 727, Kennebunk, ME 04043; or
- Hand delivery to United Way of York County, 36 Water Street in Kennebunk