A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Canby, Minnesota was held on March 1, 2017 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers.

Members:Nancy Bormann, Frank Maas, Eugene Bies, Ryan Feiock,

Absent:Denise Hanson

Visitors:Rebecca Schrupp, City Administrator
Gerald Boulton, City Attorney

Phillip DeSchepper, City Engineer
Isaiah Keating, Police Chief

Lauren Hayden

Nikole Hemish

Natalie Dinius

Jen Gottskalkson

Hope Larson

Bryn Parks

Jody Olson

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The meeting was called to order.

The minutes of the February 15th meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Bies and seconded by Maas to approve the minutes. All voted in favor. None voted against. The motion was carried.

A recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve a sign for Jim’s Market was discussed. A motion was made by Feiock to approve the new sign for Jim’s Market. The motion was seconded by Maas. All voted in favor. None voted against. The motion was carried.

Phillip DeSchepper discussed with the Council the option of putting storm sewer on Lexington & Humphrey. He will get the cost for this and bring it to the Council. There are no PFA funds available for this, so he will bid it out separate. He shared with the Council that the bonding bill has not passed yet. When it does, it will be a 60 day wait to get funding.

The Council discussed a purchasing policy. A motion was made by Maas to approve the purchasing policy with the change of “obtaining three (3) or more quotations” on the Purchases from $25,000.00-$100,000.00 to “obtaining two (2) or more quotations”. The motion was seconded by Feiock. All voted in favor. None voted against. The motion was carried.

The Council reviewed Resolution No. 2017-03-01-1 A Resolution Accepting a Donation. A motion was made by Feiock to approve Resolution No. 2017-03-01-1 A Resolution Accepting a Donation. The motion was seconded by Maas. All voted in favor. None voted against. The motion was carried.


RESOLUTION NO. 2017-03-01-1


WHEREAS, the City Council of Canby encourages public donations to help defray the costs to the general public of providing services and improve the quality of life in Canby, and

WHEREAS, monies have been donated by Marie Hinsvark Estate, and

WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 465.03 requires that all gifts and donations of real or personal property be accepted only with the adoption of a resolution approved by two-thirds of the members of the City Council;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS by the Canby City Council of the City of Canby, County of Yellow Medicine, Minnesota:

  1. The contribution in the amount of $10,098.30 is hereby accepted by the City of Canby and shall be used by the City of Canby for animal and humane purposes.
  1. That the City Administrator is authorized and directed to make the appropriate revenue and expenditure budget adjustments as needed to reflect this donation and intended use.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City sincerely thanks Marie Hinsvark’s Estate for its gracious and generous donation.

ADOPTED this 3rd day of March, 2017.


Nancy Bormann, Mayor



Rebecca Schrupp, City Administrator

The 2017 Township Fire Rates were reviewed. A motion was made by Feiock to approve the 2017 Township Fire Rates at a rate of $169.97 per section. The motion was seconded by Maas. All voted in favor. None voted against. The motion was carried.

The February transactions were reviewed. A motion was made by Feiock to approve the February transactions in the amount of $465,763.26. The motion was seconded by Maas. All voted in favor. None voted against. The motion was carried.

The Council was informed that the City was a recipient for the 2016 Wastewater Treatment Facility Operations Award.

The County held 6 “Wired Wednesday’s” throughout Chippewa and Yellow Medicine Counties for citizens within each of these Counties. They are now having a City Officials Meeting. This will be on March 7th at 10am in Clarkfield. They are hoping that 1 or 2 Council members to join them. Feiock and Maas will try and make this meeting.

The Council was informed of where Midco and the City are at in discussions with the live feed channel and the fiber line that runs to the school.

A motion was made by Feiock and seconded by Maas to not waive tort liability limits. All voted in favor. None voted against. The motion was carried.

Keating brought forward a quote for a new police vehicle and the equipment. He presented a quote to the Council from Nelson Auto Care for the purchase of the new Ford Police Interceptor at $28,547.95 and a Pro Action quote for equipment at $10,343.11. A motion was made by Feiock to purchase the vehicle and equipment for a total price of $38,891.06. The motion as seconded by Maas. All voted in favor. None voted against. The motion was carried.

The Council discussed natural gas vs. propane tanks at the airport. The Council noted that this is something that should be brought to the airport board first.

A motion was made by Feiock to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Maas. All voted in favor. None voted against. The motion was carried.


City Administrator