Activities Consent Form for Summer Holiday Play 2014

Childs Name ...... DOB ......

TLC Out of School Care not only strongly believes in the benefits of child led play, outdoor play and “risky” play but champions it too. During their time at TLC, children will be encouraged to choose their own play and to assess and manage any risk associated with that choice. Through this simple process children learn skills that are vital for their healthy development - theylearn to make decisions about their abilities and risk that will serve them well for their teens and adult life.

TLC staff closely supervise this type of play and perform continuous Dynamic Risk Assessments in addition to the robust Risk Assessments that are held on file and available to view on request. Whilst TLC will do everything possible to minimize the risk of injury to your child, due to the nature of children and how they learn through play, it is accepted that cuts, bruises, scrapes and any other minor injury is normal.

TLC provides an amazing play space for your children and we wish them to be able to benefit fully from it.

Please read the statements below and tick to signify your agreement:

Bike and Scooter Riding

I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that my child’s bike/scooteris fit and safe for use.

I confirm that my child’s bike/scooteris fit and safe for use.

I have provided safety equipment for my child. (Please name it!).

I am happy for other children to ‘have a go’ on my child’s bike/scooter with their permission.

I am happy for my child to ‘have a go’ on another child’s:- (please tick all that apply)



Additional Consent Activities - DISCLAIMER

I consent to my child named above to participating in the activities ticked below andI understand and accept that subject to my statutory rights, TLC Out of School Care Community Interest Company is not liable for any personal injury sustained by my child by taking part in these activities.

Rope swing/hammock construction

Tree climbing

Touch/Tag Rugby

Stream play/walking and Dam building

Camp fire/camp cooking

Name ...... Signature ...... Date ......

TLC Out Of School Care Community Interest Company, 1 Westhill Gardens, Bromyard, Herefordshire HR7 4HW

Registered in England and Wales, Company No. 7969487