1.1Access to Information.
Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act No. 2 of 2000)
1.2The making of copies for private purposes and the sending and receiving of private faxes.
A4 size / R 35,00 plus R 0,60c per A4 copy plus postage (where applicable) plus R 15,00 per hour labour cost.
The first hour is free of charge as it is included in the R 35,00.
R 1,15 per copy / R 35,00 plus R 0,60c per A4 copy plus postage (where applicable) plus R 15,00 per hour labour cost.
The first hour is free of charge as it is included in the R 35,00.
R 1,20 per copy / Tariff for A4 copies according to Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act No. 2 of 2000)
In line with cost of paper, machine wear and tear and electricity
A3 size / R 1,20 per copy / R 1,25 per copy
Back-to-back / R 1,85 per copy / R 1,90 per copy
1.2.2Sending of private faxes / R 1,85 per minute up to 50km
R 2,75 per minute 50 – 100 km / R 1,90 per minute up to 50km
R 2,80 per minute 50 – 100 km / Calculation include A4 paper plus 3 minutes telephone charge, toner, electricity, wear and tear
R 5,20 per minute – 100 km and further / R 5,25 per minute – 100 km and further
1.2.3Receiving of private faxes / Equivalent to the tariff for copies on A4 size page (R1,15 per page)
R 1,25 for first page and R1,15
for every additional page / Equivalent to the tariff for copies on A4 size page (R1,20 per page)
R 1,30 for first page and R1,20
for every additional page / Calculated on paper cost, toner, electricity and wear and tear.
1.2.4The making of copies for other Government departments and for private purposes by members of personnel of the Department on official lamination machine and plotter:
Plotter / R 25,00 per meter with a mini-mum charge of R 7,00
R 25,00 per meter with a mini-mum charge of R 7,00 / R 28.00 per meter with a mini-mum charge of R 8.00
R 28.00 per meter with a mini-mum charge of R8.00 / Calculated on cost of plastic sheets, electricity and wear and tear
Calculated on cost of paper, ink, electricity and wear and tear.
1.3Letting of accommodation / R 500,00 per month / R 500,00 per month / Housing tariff according to DPSA Resolution 1 of 2007. Tariff applicable from 1 January 2008.
1.4Official transport between residence and work / R 35,50 per passenger / R 35,50 per passenger / Tariff prescribed by DPSA
1.5Selling of surplus Agricultural products
1.5.1Selling of fruit and vegetable products / 60% of local market price on day of sale / 60% of local market price on day of sale
1.5.2Selling of meat products / The proposed tariffs for the selling of meat products are market related as is calculated on the average price fetched over a six month period at controlled market (Port Eliza-
beth) rounded off to the nearest round figure
(a)Meat beef
HindquarterOldYoung / R 16,00 per kg
R 17,00 per kg / R 18,00 per kg
R 19,00 per kg
Young / R 14,00 per kg
R 15,00 per kg / R 16,00 per kg
R 17,00 per kg
Cattle head without tongue / R 13,00 per head / R 14,00 per head
Cattle feet, not cleaned / R 5,00 per kg / R 6,00 per kg
Pluck without liver / R 4,00 per kg / R 5,00 per kg
Heart / R 6,00 per kg / R 7,00 per kg
Liver / R 13,00 per kg / R 14,00 per kg
Kidneys / R 13,00 per kg / R 14,00 per kg
Suet / R 4,00 per kg / R 5,00 per kg
Stomach, washed, not scraped / R 5,00 per kg / R 6,00 per kg
Soup bones / R 5,00 per kg / R 6,00 per kg
Tail / R 13,00 per kg / R 14,00 per kg
Tongue: unprocessed / R 13,00 per kg / R 14,00 per kg
Fat: Not rendered i.e. in raw form / R 4,00 per kg / R 5,00 per kg
(b)Meat Sheep
Lamb / R 22,00 per kg / R 24,00 per kg
Mutton / R 20,00 per kg / R 22,00 per kg
Sheep entrails / R 4,00 per kg / R 4,00 per kg
Pluck: without liver / R 4,00 per kg / R 4,00 per kg
Head: not scraped / R 6,00 per head / R 7,00 per head
Liver / R 13,00 per kg / R 14,00 per kg
Kidneys / R 4,00 each / R 5,00 each
Stomach: washed, not scraped / R 5,00 per kg / R 6,00 per kg
Trotters: not scraped / R 3,00 per kg / R 4,00 per kg
Soup bones / R 3,00 per kg / R 4,00 per kg
"Chitterling" (vetderm) / R 4,00 per kg / R 4,00 per kg
Lard / R 4,00 per kg / R 5,00 per kg
Mutton and lamb damaged or made / R 13,00 per kg / R 14,00 per kg
inferior by a research action but which is still usable, i.e. only those meat portions of the carcass affected by such activities
(c)Meat: Other
Goats meat
(ii)Boer Goat / R 13,00 per kg
R 16,00 per kg / R 14,00 per kg
R 17,00 per kg
Venison / R 13,00 per kg / R 14,00 per kg
(d)Live animals for slaughterpurposes (Inter-departmental)
Boer Goat
Angora Goat
(e)Live animals not suitable for slaugh-tering or any other departmental purposes. To be sold by auction or marketing / R 12,00 per kg
R 14,00 per kg
R 13,00 per kg
R 11,00 per kg
- / R 13,00 per kg
R 15,00 per kg
R 14,00 per kg
R 12,00 per kg
Highest auction/marketing price / New Item
1.6Othertypes of products
Kraal manure
When collected at an institution, made suitable for use and supplied to be used by an officer at such an institution. When surplus is sold to an officer not living at the institution. / R 7,00 per 50 kg bag / R 7,00 per 50 kg bag / Buyer supplies the bag.
Tariff is in accordance with the selling price by local farmers.
1.7Sales of publications
Publications contain important information on various farming enterprises and are mainly distributed to the small-scale and commercial agricultural sector. Information is also valuable for training and development of the previously disadvantaged farmer. / Printing costs plus 15% / Printing costs plus 15% / The selling price of depart-mental publications is based on the policy determined by the Government Printing Works (printing costs plus 15% to cover distribution and mailing costs).
2.1Replacement of identity cards in the case where an officer/employee loses his/her identity card due to negligence or any other action or damages it.
2.2Replacement of Multi-Lock (Euro Profile Cylinder) door lock key only as a result of negligence.
2.3Replacement of standard Viro Cylinder door lock and key as a result of negligence. / R 50,00 per card
R 758,00 per door lock
R 150,00 per door lock and key / R 50,00 per card
R 912,00 per door lock
R 175,00 per door lock and key / Cost for replacement of an identification card includes a proximity card, card holder and string.
With the installation of a Multi-Lock Cylinder door lock only the key must be replaced.
With the installation of a standard Viro door lock both the lock and key must be replaced.
3.1Various statistical series and publications:
-Crops and markets
-Statistics on Fresh Produce / Free
Free / Free
Free / On website
On website
-Economic Review of the South African Agriculture / Free / Free / On website
-Trends in the Agricultural Sector / Free / Free / On website
3.2Abstract of agricultural statistics / 100% of the actual printing costs plus 15% / 100% of the actual printing costs plus 15%
3.3Other information dissemination actions:
Electronic availability on computer disk (Abstract of agricultural statistics) / 100% of the actual printing costs plus 15% / 100% of the actual printing costs plus 15%
(Act No.53 of 1976)
4.1.1Issuing of export certificate under Section 27:
(a)Application for a certificate
[Reg. 45A(2)(a)] / R 56,00 per certificate / R 60,00 per certificate
(b)Inspection and sampling of plant and propagating material
[Reg. 45(3)] / R 240,00 per hour / R 260,00 per hour
(c)Purity analysis / R 100,00 each / R 105,00 each
(d) Germination / R 465,00 each / R 485,00 each
4.1.2Registration of premises under
Section 7
(a) Application for registration of premises in respect of a business
[Reg. 2(2)(b)] / R 230,00 for one type of business, plus R115,00 for each additional type of business / R 250,00 for one type of business, plus R120,00 for each additional type of business
(b)Application for renewal of a registration of premises in respect of business [Reg. 3(2)] / R 230,00 for one type of business, plus R115,00 for each additional type of business / R 250,00 for one type of business, plus R120,00 for each additional type of business
(c)Conduction of examination for a seed analyst to act as re-sponsible officer of a seed testing laboratory
[Reg 6 (i)] / R 75,00per person per day / R 110,00 per person per day
4.1.3Variety listing
(a)Application fee in respect of the recognition of a variety
[Reg. 16(b)] / R 860,00 each / R 900,00 each
(b)Investigation fee for variety list placement
[Reg. 17(1)]
Category A (Agronomic, vegetable, pasture crop and sweet corn)
Category B
(White and yellow maize) / R 990,00 each
R 1 200,00 each / R 1 100,00 each
R 1 300,00 each
Category C
(Fruit, wines and citrus) / R 2000,00 each / R 2 100,00 each
(c)Application for the alteration or supplementation of the deno-mination of a variety / R 1 500,00 each / R 1 600,00 each / The tariff is aligned with PBR
(a)Perusal of a document
[Reg. 52(1)] / R 380,00 per occasion / R 380,00 per occasion
(b)Application for a copy of a document
[Reg. 52(3)] / R 10,00 per application plus photocopy charge of R1,15 per copy / R 35,00 plus R 0,60c per A4 copy plus postage (where applicable) plus R 15,00 per hour labour cost.
The first hour is free of charge as it is included in the R 35,00. / Incorporated in the cost of Access to Information under General point 1.1
(c)Lodgement of appeal against ruling and or steps taken by the Registrar
[Reg. 53(1)(d)] / R 3 700,00 each / R 4 000,00 each
4.2.1Unjustified complaints concerning plants or propagation material
(a)Inspection, sampling and sealing / R 240,00 per hour / R 260,00 per hour
(b)Purity analysis (grasses excluded) / R 100,00 each / R 105,00 each
(c)Purity analysis on grasses(excluding where degluming or the blowing method is required) / R 225,00 each / R 235,00 each
(d)Purity analysis on grasses that require degluming / R 340,00 each / R 350,00 each
(e)Purity analysis on grasses that require the uniform blowing method / R 295,00 each / R 305,00 each
(f)Germination test / R 465,00 each / R 485,00 each
(g)Weighed replicate germination test
(h)Tetrazolium test / R 550,00 each
R 555,00 each / R 570,00 each
R 575,00 each
4.2.2Seed analyses and seed technological examinations
(a)Purity analysis (grasses excluded) / R100,00 each / R105,00 each
(b)Purity analysis on grasses(excluding where degluming or the blowing method is required) / R 225,00 each / R 235,00 each
(c)Purity analysis on grasses that require degluming / R 340,00 each / R 350,00 each
(d)Purity analysis on grasses that require the uniform blowing method / R 295,00 each / R 305,00 each
(e)Germination test / R 465,00 each / R 485,00 each
(f)Weighed replicate germination test / R 550,00 each / R 570,00 each
(g)Other seed determination / R 300,00 each / R 310,00 each
(h)Alkaloid test / R 75,00 each / R 80,00 each
(i)Moisture determination / R 145,00 each / R 150,00 each
(j)Tetrazolium test / R 555,00 each / R 570,00 each
(k)Preference testing (a) to (j) above / Double tariff / Double tariff
(l)Seed identification / R 100,00 per hour / R 110,00 per hour
(m)Seed quality investigation / R 200,00 per hour / R 215,00 per hour
(n)Annual courses presented in seed testing methods and techniques for a trainee seed analyst
(o)Specialist workshop presentedin seed testing methods and techniques for a qualified seed analyst / R 1 115,00 per person
R350,00 per person per day / R 1 300,00 per person
R 390,00 per person per day
4.2.3International certificates
(a)Issuing of seed quality certificates / R 100,00 per certificate / R 105,00 per certificate
(b)Sampling and sealing of containers / R 240,00 per hour / R 260,00 per hour
(c)Seals for sealing containers / R 0,10 per seal / R 0,15 per seal / Inexpensive paper seals will be used for sealing containers
4.2.4Seals for sealing containers of seed for which a certificate has been issued under Section 27 of the Plant Im-provement Act, 1976 (Act No. 53 of 1976)
4.2.5Application for the issue for an autho-risation to import unlisted varieties.
4.2.6Examination of samples to determine
Conformity with variety descriptions / R 0,10 per seal
R 65,00 per authorization for a maximum of 10 varieties.
R 950,00 (Category A)
R 1 150,00 (Category B) and
R 1 950,00 (Category C) / R 0,15 per seal
R 70,00 per authorization for a maximum of 10 varieties.
R 1 100,00 (Category A)
R 1 300,00 (Category B) and
R 2 100,00 (Category C) / Inexpensive paper seals will be used for sealing containers
The tariff is aligned to the import permit issued in terms of the Agricultural Pest Act, 1983 (Act No. 36 of 1983)
Moved from point 4.1.1 (e)]
The same tariff as for varietal purity evaluations
5.1Drilling undertaken for persons to whom assistance can be granted in terms of the Soil Conservation Scheme instituted in terms of Section 8 of the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, 1983 (Act No. 43 of 1983) as drilling undertaken in terms of section 11 of the said Act.
5.1.1Drilling costs. / R 1 200,00 per meter / R 600,00 per meter / Drilling costs have been re-duced through the purchase of new drilling rigs that do not require high maintenance cost. Old drilling rigs were more than 30 years old.
5.1.2Special drilling (e.g. Odex type and mud rotation)
5.1.3Pumping out test / R 1 800,00 per meter
R 10 000,00 per six hour pump test / R 900,00 per meter
R 10 000,00 per six hour pump test / Cost of drilling rigs reduced as explained above.
5.2Tariffs for drilling but not under-taken in terms of the abovementioned Act:
5.2.1Drilling costs
(a)Pneumatic drills / R 1 200,00 per meter / R 600,00 per meter / Same explanation as provided at 5.1.1
(b)Special drilling work (e.g. Odex type and mud rotation) / R 1 800,00 per meter / R 900,00 per meter / Cost of drilling rigs reduced as explained above.
5.2.2Work on existing drilling services
(a)Pneumatic drills / R 900,00 per hour / R 900,00 per hour
5.2.3Borehole casing
(a)Costs are recovered at the price at which it is delivered for the state, including VAT. / At cost plus 10% handling charge / At cost plus 10% handling charge
(b)Additional to the aforemen-tioned tariffs, an amount is added in respect of perforation of casing on site, if required.
5.2.4Pumping out test / R 60,00 per meter
R 10 000,00 per six hour pump test / R 80,00 per meter
R10 000,00 per six hour pump test
5.3 Rent tariff for the use of Squirrel B3 Helicopter / R 17 000,00 per hour / R 17 000,00 per hour / Fuel price decreased with the result that overall cost remains the same
Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act, 1970 (Act No. 70 of 1970) / R 3 700,00 per appeal / R 4 000,00 per appeal
6.2Eradication of invader / alien plants:
Performance of certain acts in accordance with the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, 1983 (Act No.43 of 1983) / 50% of herbicide average acqui-sition cost plus R 1 000,00 per hectare for operational cost. / 50% of herbicide average acqui-sition cost plus R 1 000,00 per hectare for operational cost.
7.1.1(i)Application for registration of a farm feed:
Kind of farm feeds (Groups and kinds of farm feeds)
(a)Importers for own use
1Raw material of plant, animal origin and their by-productsincluding blended raw materials of plant and animal origin and their by products / R 665,00 per application / R 840,00 per application / Registration is valid for 3 years
2Feed Additives
(i)Technological additives / R1 330,00 per application / R 1 685,00 per application / Registration is valid for 3 years
(ii)Sensory additives / R 1 330,00 per application / R 1 685,00 per application / Registration is valid for 3 years
(iii)Zootechnical additives / R 1 330,00 per application / R 1 685,00 per application / Registration is valid for 3 years
(iv)Unmixed nutritional additives / R 1 330,00 per application / R 1 685,00 per application / Registration is valid for 3 years
3Nutritional additives premixes / R 1 330,00 per application / R 1 685,00 per application / Registration is valid for 3 years
4Complete Livestock feeds / R 1 330,00 per application / R 1 685,00 per application / Registration is valid for 3 years
5Livestock concentrates / R 1 330,00 per application / R 1 685,00 per application / Registration is valid for 3 years
6Livestock supplements / R 1 330,00 per application / R 1 685,00 per application / Registration is valid for 3 years
7Pet foods
(i)Complete dogs and cat foods / R 1 330,00 per application / R 1 685,00 per application / Registration is valid for 3 years
(ii)Complete miscellaneous pet foods / R 1 330,00 per application / R 1 685,00 per application / Registration is valid for 3 years
(iii)Complementary pet foods / R 1 330,00 per application / R 1 685,00 per application / Registration is valid for 3 years
(iv)Pet-Neutraceuticals / R 1 330,00 per application / R 1 685,00 per application / Registration is valid for 3 years
(b)Importers for retail
1Raw material of plant, animal origin and their by-productsincluding blended raw materials of plant and animal origin and their by products
2.Feed Additives
(i)Technological additives
(ii)Sensory additives
(iii)Zootechnical additives
(iv)Unmixed nutritional additives
3.Nutritional additives premixes / R 665,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application / R 1 535,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application / The renewal cycle for applica-tions has been amendedfrom a 1 year to a 3 year cycle. As a result the fees have also in-crease to reflect the changes in the registration cycle due to the high number of registration applications received by the sub-directorate and the limited number of personnel, the regi-stration cycle has been amen-ded to three years in order to mitigate the high level of appli-cations and also reduce the administrative burden on internal staff and clients. Clients will no longer have to renew their products every year.
4Complete Livestock feeds / R 1 330,00 per application / R 3 070,00 per application
5Livestock concentrates / R 1 330,00 per application / R 3 070,00 per application
6Livestock supplements
7Pet foods
(i)Complete dogs and cat foods
(ii)Complete miscellaneous pet foods
(iii)Complementary pet foods
(c)Local trader / distributors / seller / R 1 330,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application / R 3 070,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application / The renewal cycle for applica-tions has been amendedfrom a 1 year to a 3 year cycle. As a result the fees have also in-crease to reflect the changes in the registration cycle due to the high number of registration applications received by the sub-directorate and the limited number of personnel, the regi-stration cycle has been amen-ded to three years in order to mitigate the high level of appli-cations and also reduce the administrative burden on internal staff and clients. Clients will no longer have to renew their products every year.
1Raw material of plant, animalorigin and their by productsincluding blended raw mate-rials of plant and animal origin and their by products / R 665,00 per application / R 1 535,00 per application
2Feed Additives
(i)Technological additives / R1 330,00 per application / R 3 070,00 per application / -do-
(ii)Sensory additives / R 1 330,00 per application / R 3 070,00 per application / -do-
(iii)Zootechnical additives / R 1 330,00 per application / R 3 070,00 per application / -do-
(iv)Unmixed nutritional additives / R 1 330,00 per application / R 3 070,00 per application / -do-
3Nutritional additives premixes / R 1 330,00 per application / R 3 070,00 per application / -do-
4Complete Livestock feeds
5Livestock concentrates
6Livestock supplements
7Pet foods
(i)Complete dogs and at foods
(ii)Complete miscellaneous pet foods
(iii)Complementary pet foods
(iv) Pet-Neutraceuticals / R 1 330,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application
R 1 330,00 per application / R 3 070,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application
R 3 070,00 per application / The renewal cycle for applica-tions has been amendedfrom a 1 year to a 3 year cycle. As a result the fees have also in-crease to reflect the changes in the registration cycle due to the high number of registration applications received by the sub-directorate and the limited number of personnel, the regi-stration cycle has been amen-ded to three years in order to mitigate the high level of appli-cations and also reduce the administrative burden on internal staff and clients. Clients will no longer have to renew their products every year