Daily Program Schedule
Friday, April 27 / 18:00 - 19:00 / Dinner19:00 / Opening Ceremony
Saturday, April 28 / 9:00 - 10:00 / Breakfast
10:00 - 11:15
11:15 – 11:30 / Morning Lecture
Presentation of workshops
11:30 - 12:00 / Tea Break
12:00 - 14:00 / Early Afternoon Sessions
14:00 - 15:30 / Lunch
15:30 - 18:00 / Late Afternoon Sessions
18:30 - 19:30 / Dinner
19:45 – 23:15 / Evening Lecture
Sunday, April 29 /
9:00 - 10:00 / Breakfast
10:00 - 11:15
11:15 – 11:30 / Morning Lecture
Presentation of workshops
11:30 - 12:00 / Tea Break
12:00 - 14:00 / Early Afternoon Sessions
14:00 - 15:30 / Lunch
15:30 - 18:00 / Late Afternoon Sessions
18:15 - 19:15 / Facilitated Open space
19:30 – 20:30 / Dinner
21:00 / Evening Programming
Monday, April 30 / 9:00 - 10:00 / Breakfast
10:00 - 11:15
11:15 – 11:30 / Morning Lecture
Presentation of workshops
11:30 - 12:00 / Tea Break
12:00–14:00 / Afternoon Sessions
14:00 - 15:30 / Lunch
15:30 - 18:00 / Afternoon Sessions (continued)
18:15 - 19:15 / Facilitated Dialogue Groups
19:30 – 20:30 / Dinner
21:00 / Evening Programming
Tuesday, May 1 / 9:00 - 10:00 / Breakfast
10:00 - 14:00 / Afternoon Sessions
11:50 - 12:20 / Tea Break
14:00 - 15:00 / Lunch
15:30 / Closing Ceremony
Dear Participants!
Harmony Institute and all conference organizers welcome you at our International Conference “Self and Other: the Sacred Space for Dialogue “. This time we decided to take a risk and explore the idea of Diversity, Difference, and Otherness which we all deal with professionally and in our everyday life. With your help we would like to touch upon the complexity of relations between different cultures, traditions, and ethnicities, between people of different religions and opportunities. That is why it is so important for us to have participants from different countries and republics.
Some of you have been to Harmony conferences before, others are here for the first time - we are happy to see you all. During these days we will work together to build a community of colleagues and friends. We will share our experience and knowledge of how to overcome differences and celebrate diversity. We hope that our formal program and a lot of informal meetings will give you a chance to establish new personal and professional relations and get invaluable experience of friendship and cooperation.
The very existence of our Conference, the improvement of its quality and the development of its professional influence depend on your participation and commitment. One should not forget that all presenters use their own money and time to come here – we would like to express our deep gratitude to them for their devotion and contribution.
Let’s use this opportunity to create more harmony in our relations with ourselves, with the others and with the planet. We hope that you will share our belief that each person has strength and potential to bring about the culture of peace and positive changes in our lives and in our world
Conference organizers
Sponsored by HARMONY Institute for Psychotherapy and Counseling
Conference Coordinators / Sergey Valukhov,Anna Rodina, Irina RuklinskayaOrganizational Stuff / Tatiana Mikhailova, Maria Sakharova, Kseniya Zabludovskaya,Nataliya Kurbyko, Olga Golikova, Irina Lebedeva
Interpreters / Anna Valukhova, Tatiana Lebedeva, Sonya Barkova, DmitriyKaminskii,Mariya Gileva
Translation of programme: Marina Badkhen
volunteers / Sonya Badkhen, Marina Kepke, Dmitriy Minibayev, Anton Mitrophanov, Evgenia Uvarova, Tatiana Belova,
SUPPORTERS / Concord Institute, USA
Meta-senter, Norway
Uniterra Foundation, USA
Netherlands Consulate General in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
20th Anniversary of the International Conferences Project
I was one of the first Harmony people to come up with the idea of organizing a first international psychological conference of a “new type” back in 1992. International conferences had also taken place in Soviet times but those were scientific ones. Presenters would read their papers standing on a stage and the audience would sit in their chairs and listen. The most interesting things were said to have been happening in the lobbies. The atmosphere there was relaxed, unofficial and the participants weren’t separated by formality. We decided to organize a conference that would become an open space for people from different cultures, different visions, professional and personal experiences to meet each other. We wanted this conference to give rise to professional and personal growth and to let the participants get to know each other and themselves better.
Back in 1992 our idea could seem quite insane and risky – we had neither experience, nor any special resources. But we had a huge wish and we were convinced about the importance and the usefulness of our work. We believed that if we managed to create such a space - it would become a place for authentic dialogue, experience exchange and growth. After the idea of the conference had been first discussed it took us only nine months to realize it. We succeeded right away – there were around 400 participants at the first conference that took place in Repino in May 1993… Since then Harmony has organized over 40 international conferences in Russia, Norway and the USA. Thousands of people have participated in them. And most important is that they’re still popular today as well.
That’s why today we have every reason to celebrate the right initiative that we took 20 years ago.
Alexander Badkhen, one of the founders of the “Harmony” Institute for Psychotherapy and Counseling;director of the InternationalSchool for Psychotherapy, Counseling and Group Leadership.
saturday, april 28
Time / Room N10:00 - 11:15 / MORNING LECTURE / White Hall
The Practice of I and Thou: Love and Power in relations
Mark Horowitz
11:30 – 12:00 / TEA BREAK
“What’s Our Life, but A Game!”
Ludmila Shekholm
Sexological Issues in Counseling
Victoria Winter, Marina Fedotova
Identity Modeling: Varieties of The Social-Cultural Interaction
Aleksandra Sergeyeva, Elena Lukyanova
The Holotropic Breathwork in Modern Psychology
Vladimyr Emelyanenko
Leaving as A Way to Meet Oneself
Inna Rezvova
Art-Therapy with Children and Their Parents in a Megapolis
Larisa Dmitrieva, Angelina Bobok
Liminality: Living On the Threshold. Dominating Symbols Of Transition Rituals
Galyna Fedorova, Viktorya Bazhurina
14:00 – 15:30 / LUNCH BREAK
15:30 – 18:00 / late afternoon sessions
Initiative Management in Organizations
Alexander Khvatov
”One Ticket to the Childhood, Please”
Maria Soloveychik
A Path of the Hero – Personal Growth Metaphor
Sergey Tiulenev
Personal Folklore a Gate to Eternity
Ludmila Nazarova
Love or Codependency? What Kind of Relations Do I Choose and How?
Yulia Labastova
Love Meetings
Dmitry Zotov, Yulya Bogacheva
18:30 – 19:30 / DINNER
19:45 – 23:15 / EVENING LECTURE / Conference Hall
Process of Psychosynthesis
Thomas Yeomans
Saturday, APRIL 28
10.00 – 11.15
Mark Horowitz, Boston, M.A.,USA
The Practice of I and Thou: Love and Power in relations (lecture, discussion)
Martin Buber says, “All actual life is encounter.” Mark Horowitz asks, “What is required in order to truly ‘meet’ another?” Buckminster Fuller says, “What I am trying to do is to discover why God included humans in the Universe.” Mark Horowitz says, “Sounds like a great question to me!” Buber also said, “Persons appear by entering into relation to other persons. . . For as soon as we touch a Thou, we are touched by a breath of eternal life.” Horowitz also asks, “What the *&!@!*++! does this mean?! This conference is about relationship and is a safe place to experiment with those relational behaviors that are that are new to us or difficult for us. Mark will particularly call our attention to the qualities of Love and Power and invite us to experiment with and to practice these qualities with the people we ‘meet’ for the duration of the conference.
Mark Horowitz, M.A., trained with Abraham Maslow and Roberto Assagioli. He is a licensed individual and family therapist, and an organizational development and management consultant. He is also the founder of The Uniterra Foundation, an international non-profit committed to the practical application of spiritual values to social change. Teaches at the InternationalSchool for Counseling, Psychotherapy and Group Leadership HARMONY (St. Petersburg).
12.00 – 14.00
Ludmila Shekholm, Finland
“What’s Our Life, but A Game!”(seminar)
Have you ever felt uncomfortable while interacting with another person? Asking yourself afterwards “Why does it happen to me again?” Have you ever been confused when understanding that it’d been happening to your over and over again? According to transaction analysis (E. Bern “Games people play”) you were playing psychological games – old strategies of the past that keep influencing people’s behavior “here and now”.
The participants will be introduced to the theory of transaction analysis, Carpman triangle: Prosecutor, Rescuer, Victim, and get an opportunity to learn why people play games and what they gain by doing so. We do have other more effective ways of achieving our goals in our mature life.
Ludmila Shekholm, psychologist, psychoanalyst, member of European and SPb-Finish Transactional Analysis Association. Works with inter-ethnic couples.
Victoria Winter, Marina Fedotova, St. Petersburg, Russia
Sexological Issues in Counseling (seminar)
The value of sexual relations is noticeably increasing as well as the number of clients presenting sexual issues in therapy.
What kind of sexual problems are brought to therapy? Should a therapist dare to deal with them on his (her) own or should he(she) send the client to a sexologist? How should one work with them?
We will have 2 hours to discuss all these questions and to share our experience in this area (sexual misbalance in couples lives, homosexuality and transsexuality, sexual abuse consequences, incest, sexual activity recovering after somatic illnesses, sex education for children and teenagers).
Viktoria Winter, clinical psychologist. Works in the field crisis intervention (Russian Emergency Ministry hot-line) and counseling (and providing psychocorrection to victims of emergency and EMERCOM employees), individual and couple therapy since 2002.
Marina Fedotova, psychologist. Works in the field of crisis intervention, individual and family therapy, children-parents relations, providing support for women in difficult life situations, psychological work with children and teenagers since 2003.
Aleksandra Sergeyeva, Elena Lukyanova, St. Petersburg, Russia
Identity Modeling: Varieties of The Social-Cultural Interaction(seminar)
Cross-Cultural, Psycotherapy
Our workshop deals with the features of acculturation of migrants, the role of the “ethnic aspect ” in a social interaction and the conditions for possibility of developing a specific skill of “auto-ethno-awareness”.
Aleksandra Sergeyeva,cultural anthropologist, ethno scientist, art-therapist, teaches at the Institute of Practical Psychology and at the chair of Practical Political Science at the NationalResearchUniversity – Higher School of Economics in St.Petersburg.
Elena Lukyanova, psychologist, deputy headmaster at the Institute of Practical Psychology at the NationalResearchUniversity – Higher School of Economics in St.Petersburg.
Vladimyr Emelyanenko, Rostov-na-Donu, Russia
The Holotropic Breathwork in Modern Psychology(lecture)
Psychotherapy, Transpersonal
We will speak of the invention, history, theory and practice of the Holotropic Breathwork. Our workshop will be based on the 12 years of experience of practicing this method (with addictions, depressions, neurotic and psychosomatic disorders and in crisis). And we will discuss how to combine health and spiritual recreational techniques (Russian sauna, chi gung and Zen meditation) with psychological help.
Vladimyr Emelyanenko,psychotherapist, councilor since 2005. Supervisesaprogramforchemicaladdicts.LeadsaHolotropicBreathworkStudio.Teachestranspersonalapproachatpsychologicaldepartment.
Inna Rezvova, St. Petersburg, Russia
Leaving as A Way to Meet Oneself(seminar)
Leaving is one of the most important and difficult experiences of all. It is never an easy one. We always loose something important and we often try to avoid this hard test. And yet we have to say goodbye to people, places, particular life stages, work, things and even dreams again and again. (This way we get a more or less positive experience of parting.)
Participants will have an opportunity to face their own story of separations, to find something new about our ways of leaving things behind and about the way it influences our lives, to find a resource in separation by seeing it from a new a perspective.
Inna Rezvova, psychotherapist, group leader. Practices individual and couple therapy, manages trainings since 2001. Executive director of ANIMA Association.
Larisa Dmitrieva, Angelina Bobok, St. Petersburg, Russia
Art-Therapy with Children and Their Parents in a Megapolis (workshop)
Art and Creativity, Psychotherapy
All children are creators according to humanistic psychology approach, and art-therapy provides for it better than anything else. We will introduce you to several interactive therapeutic techniques and a workshop including native traditional crafts.
Larisa Dmitrieva, mathematics and physics teacher, psychologist, member of an Art-Therapy Association, works at the Saint PetersburgStateUniversity and at the DistrictSocialYouthRehabCenter.
Angelina Bobok, member of Russian Arts Association and International Arts Association. Teaches at ethno club at the RussianMuseum of Ethnography “Paraskeva”.
Svetlana Churakova, St. Petersburg, Russia
Seven Skills of High Performers
Participants of this workshop will be introduced to self-organizing and planning skills and to an integrative step-by-step approach to personal and interpersonal efficiency.
Svetlana Churakova, head of the psychological support group of the HR department of GAZPROM TRANSGAZ in St. Petersburg. Has worked in HR departments of GAZPROM for more than ten years. Graduate of HARMONY’s InternationalSchool for Psychotherapy, Counseling and Group Leadership.
14.00 – 15.30
lunch break
15.30 – 18.00
late afternoon sessions
Alexander Khvatov, St.Petersburg, Russia
Initiative Management in Organizations (workshop)
While undertaking operational tasks leaders of a company have to focus on certain tasks which provide for the development of their organization and its personnel. Initiative management is one such area which insures organizational development presenting a motivational resource for the employees. The participants of this workshop will be introduced to the initiative management tools and will get a chance to experiment with them.
Alexander Khvatov, business trainer, organizational development consultant, director of the PRAKTIK-CENTER (St. Petersburg). Graduate of the MedicalAcademy (Riga, Latvia), has been working as a trainer since 1994, as a consultant since 1996.
Maria Soloveychik, St.Petersburg, Russia
“One Ticket to the Childhood, Please”(workshop)
In our speed and business oriented culture the word “child” when used to describe a grown-up person sounds nearly offensive. This may be one reason for the adults to try to forget the Child they have been. Oblivion may create an illusion of annihilation. But the Child we have been does not disappear; it continues to live in us, keeps influencing our life. It’s just that we lose touch with it.
I invite everyone to take an imaginary trip to your childhood. To visit your Inner Child, to meet the Inner Parents, to think of how you can support your Inner Child and get some help from it..
Maria Soloveychik, clinical psychologist, counselor, trainer, supervisor. Teacher and trainer at the InternationalSchool for Psychotherapy, Counseling and Group Leadership HARMONY (St. Petersburg).
Sergey Tiulenev, St. Petersburg, Russia
A Path of the Hero – Personal Growth Metaphor(workshop)
If you are walking a path of the hero changing your life and overcoming difficulties you need to become aware of the barriers and challenges awaiting for you at each stage of this long way.
Sergey Tiulenev – coach, psychotherapist, consultant, member of the International Coach Federation, trainer, teaches coaching and organizational development at the Coaching Institute (St.Petersburg).
Ludmila Nazarova, Orel, Russia
Personal Folklore a Gate to Eternity(workshop)
Art and Creativity, Health and Healing Arts
The folklore of every person comprises three major categories: universal stories, stories we hear from other people and stories we tell other people about ourselves. The interplay of these three and the part they play in shaping and reshaping our lives as well as the memories other people will keep about us after we are gone are the focus of this workshop.
Ludmila Nazarova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Orel State Technical University and Institute for Arts and Culture; currently graduate student (PhD) of the University of Alberta, Canada; journalist; folklorist; ten years in art-therapy and healing practice; the author of the books «Folklore Art-therapy», «Arts Methods in Teaching Various Disciplines”, etc.
Yulia Labastova, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Love or Codependency? What Kind of Relations Do I Choose and How?(workshop)
Gender, Psychotherapy
The Real Love, so desired by many, can often become a Codependency that destroys couple’s lives and personalities. The participants will investigate their own way of constructing relations, widen their perspective of Love and Codependency and learn new ways of quitting codependent relations.
Yulia Labastova, works at the Institute for Organizational and Personal Development I (Chelyabinsk), psychologist, trainer, leads a program “School of Counseling”
Dmitry Zotov, Yulya Bogacheva, St.Petersburg, Russia
Love Meetings(workshop)
The main goal of the workshop is to get in touch with Love as it was experienced during different stages of their lives .
They will have a chance to become aware of their relation and feelings towards Love, to see how they’ve been developing and changing and to share it with other participants.
Dmitry Zotov, psychologist, existential psychologist.
Yulya Bogacheva, psychologist, gestalt-psychologist. Head of psychological studio Orientis, assistant and member of the board of the East European Institute of Psychoanalysis.
18.30 – 19.30
19.45 – 23.00
Evening Lecture
Thomas Yeomans, USA
Process of Psychosynthesis (Lecture, demonstration session, dialogue, video followed by Skype conference)
Moderator: Alexander Badkhen
Italian psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli is known as the author ofPsychosynthesis, a theory and related practices whose purpose is toinclude and integrate the “Higher Self” with other dimensions of humanexperience. But he also spoke about psychosynthesis as a naturalprocess of maturation, integration, and synthesis that happens in allpeople and which is in fact the process of “Life living itself moredeeply and fully”. He called this second process “psychosynthesis witha small letter “p”.In his video presentation Thomas Yeomans shares his vision of how theprinciples of psychosynthesis are realized in therapy. The lecture isfollowed by a video of a therapy session. Both the lecture and thesession have subtitles in Russian. After watching the video materials the participants will be able to discuss the topic with Thomas Yeomansonline by Skype.