Mrs. Grover’s Honors English 10 Class Disclosure
· (which I check several times a day)
· In general, I am in my classroom to help students and meet with parents before and after school and during EO, but to be safe, please schedule an appointment.
The English 10 class includes literature (fiction and non-fiction), composition (creative, analytical, and reflective), grammar, research, and vocabulary.
o Spiral or composition notebook to be used as a journal
o 3-ring binder with paper and five dividers
o Pencil and a black or blue pen (no red pens, please)
o A novel for independent reading time (Students will be required to read and do a book report for atleast two novels per quarter. There will be a variety of book report styles from which to choose.)
*On the rare occasion that you forget one of these items, you may borrow from a friend or, in the case of the novel, from the classroom library. However, you will be docked citizenship points if I notice ithappening often. We will be writing in our journals and reading our novels every day. Journal entries may be written on a loose piece of paper and glued/taped/stapled into your spiral notebook at a later day, but you will be expected to have an entry for every school day, and in order!
1. Be on time. Please be in the classroom sitting, or on your way to your desk, when the tardy bell rings. Tardies will be marked.
2. Be prepared. Please come to class each day with the required supplies (see list above) and any assignments that are due.
3. Be on task. Do what you have been asked to do, whether that means sitting and listening, talking with a partner or a group, or reading and writing independently.
4. Be respectful. Please respect the time, feelings and property of your peers and the teacher. This includes your language and actions. Please respect yourself by not cheating or plagiarizing or allowing others to copy your work.
My cell phone and electronics policy? When in doubt, refer to Rules 3 and 4!Electronic devices such as cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, etc. will only be allowed when the teacher gives special permission or plans for their use in the lesson plan. Otherwise, they are to be put away during class.
Please be aware that all Weber School District and Weber High School policies, which can be found in the student handbooks, will be enforced as well.
In order to have a positive learning environment, students are responsible for their behavior. Citizenship credit will be based on the four classroom rules, as well as the student’s participation in class. Students are expected to contribute appropriate ideas and participate in class discussions.
B+ 87-89C+ 77-79D+ 67-69
A 93-100B 83-86C 73-76D 63-66F 59 and below
A- 90-93B- 80-82C- 70-72D- 60-62
I will offer extra credit assignment randomly during each quarter. However, extra credit will only be awarded to students who have turned in all of their assignments.
When a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed by checking my blog or the homework folder in the classroom. Late work for full credit will only be accepted on excused absences. Assignments that are due when a student is in class, but the work was left at home or not completed by class time, will receive full credit, minus 10% of the final score, if turned-in by 3:15 p.m. that school day; otherwise, it will be considered late and the work will receive 50% credit. I will not accept any late work within a week of the midterm or end-of-term deadline.
If there is ever a concern or question about any of the above policies, please feel free to email me or leave a message with the school secretary to have me call you. I will be happy to help with arrangements or explanations.
We will be viewing film clips and movies of some of the novels we read and to teach different language arts principles. Movies will be rated G, PG or PG-13; there is nothing offensive in the movies, but they may contain mature themes. In order to view these movies, parents need to check the approval box and sign the disclosure. If the student doesn’t have permission to view the videos, he or she will be given an alternative assignment to complete in the hall.
(Please print this page only, sign and return by 8.30.13)
Student’s name (printed): ______Period: ______
_____ (please check) We (parent/guardian and student) have reviewed the English 10 Class Disclosure.
_____ (please check) I (parent/guardian) give permission for my student to view G, PG and PG-13 rated films correlatedto instructional objectives as outlined by the Weber District video usage policy.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Name (printed) : ______
Signature: ______Date: ______
If there is anything else about your student that you would like me to know, please include it below: