Quorn Medical Centre PPG
Meeting / Patient Participation Group / Date / Thursday 25/4/12Chair / Sandra Clark / Time / 7pm – 8.30pm
Secretary/Minute Taker / Shirley Godber / Location / Quorn Medical Centre
PPG Representatives:Sandra Clark (SC), Kitty Dennis (KD), Neeli Katti (NK), Georgia Pathy (GP), Shirley Godber (SG), Geoff Smith (GS) Judith Smithard (JS)
Practice Representatives: Liz Well (LW), Louise Freeman (LF)
Geoff Hearn, Peter Lenthall, Mike Stead*, Dr Chris Barlow *(Mike has now moved to the Virtual group).
No / Actions / Who / By When
Agenda Items
Apologies. Noted as above. SC reiterated the group’s ground rules.
Matters arising were taken after the group had heard from the speaker for the evening; Item 2 re: calendar of events. This was to be discussed further as part of the set agenda. Item 3 re: raising the profile. SG said an article had been submitted to the Quorndon to introduce the PPG along with the practice news(submission circulated for information).
LW circulated website visit figures which showed consistently higher monthly ‘hits’ than Nov 2011 and averaged at 9400 per month over the first quarter of 2012.
Liz introduced Laura Feehan, who is a Chlamydia Promotion Specialist.
Laura explained that the service promotes testing to/for under 25 year olds. The service is always looking for feedback and ideas on how to make the service less embarrassing. Promotional leaflets/posters were circulated for discussion and feedback.
Suggestions were made re: poster sizes. An order was placed for materials for use by the practice; pocket-sized cards to be placed in the toilet and kits for the doctors rooms.
Laura gave details of the screening programme along with local area statistics on prevalence (data available to view on PPG notice board).
Laura said that engagement was crucial to the success of the screening programme and she had regular presence at LoughboroughUniversity and College along with other local schools including Welbeck college.
LW to speak to Welbeck’s Senior Nurse to confirm future screening sessions on 18th and 25th September.
LW asked how the practice could engage with more young people. Laura said the focus needed to be on simplicity and immediacy, suggesting a kit be given where appropriate at the end of a consultation.
Laura recommended that testing for Chlamydia take place once a year and on changing partner.
JS asked if there was a video available for youth clubs etc. LW said that there was a video link on the practice website.
Laura said that there was soon to be a new website, facebook link and a new mascot.
GS asked if there were materials available for people with learning disabilities. Laura said that they were look at step by step pictures. LW said the practice would be interested in receiving these materials. Laura said they also have materials translated into other languages. SC said that LoughboroughCollege have Braille making facilities which may be useful for extending the range of materials available.
Laura finished by re-stating that they were always happy to hear if anyone has further ideas of how the programme could reach other groups.
The group thanked Laura for giving her time to come and speak to them. / LW
Action Plan update. LW gave feedback on the action plan which was submitted to the PCT in response to the patient survey. Discussion took place around the action plan points:
AP 1. It was felt that raising awareness of the online booking system could be married with a more cohesive information giving poster which highlighted things for patients to take note of. If this was changed on a regular basis it could be more eye-catching and be more concise than another stand-alone piece of information. It was further suggested that important patient information for display in the surgery needed to be easily visible to waiting patients and that perhaps the current information board was not best placed.
GS suggested that using the space opposite the upstairs waiting area would be ideal. LW said this would be raised with the doctors however she felt that the doctors would not be keen to lose the pictures.
JS suggested a video loop on a screen in the waiting area. LW said that this had been previously looked at however it seemed that advertising is part of the package and the surgery did not feel that this was appropriate.
AP2 Patients being overheard at reception. LW explained that the project to move reception forward, thereby creating an additional consulting roomis currently on hold, awaiting Section 106 money, which was in the pipeline following building on Meynall Rd. If it is passed by Charnwood Borough Council, the builder advised that he could install a glass sound-proofed panel.
LW gave further information to the panel about the possibility of extending into the loft area creating storage and office areas.
AP3 Patients unaware of opening times. The group discussed various ways of highlighting these; LW said that the surgery was to look at amending the message options on the telephone system to include an option for the opening times.
AP4 Appointments for specific GPs. LW said that the GPs availability is on a rota basis and that this would be reviewed when the new (sixth) GP was taken on board this year. / LW
LW / Next meeting
Calendar of events: A list of awareness-raising dates for the next six months was circulated and the group was asked to select appropriate events for the group to promote within the medical centre. GS pointed out that it would advisable to choose those for which there was good support available. LW said that there was a very supportive contact within the West Leics CCG whom she could contact on behalf of the group.
After much discussions the following were agreed:
May 21- 28 - Mental Health Awareness Week
June 18 - 24 - NationalFalls Awareness Week
August - (left blank)
September 21 - World Alzheimer’s Day
October 29th - World Psoriasis Day
November - Mouth Cancer Action Month #
- Movember (Men’s Health Awareness Month)
Re: May event. LW said that she would speak to Debbie Wheatley (Mental Health facilitator) and also to the CCG to see what support was available. GS agreed that it was important to involve the CCG.
JS offered her support where needed. / LW / asap
New Clinical System. LW confirmed that the new clinical system was to go ‘live’ on 29th May; four IT members will be available to help surgery staff with two further supporting the system at Welbeck.
The group discussed the implementation day and LW asked for the group’s opinion on timings for appointments on the day. It was felt that the practice staff should take the course of action they felt would best help them and the doctors, as there will be a lot of pressure for all. All agreed that patients should be advised of the situation when bookings made for that day and, if patients wished, they could be offered an alternative day.
LW said that support staff would be available for as long as needed to ensure that the new system was working correctly. She also gave praise to Claudia, one of the centre’s secretaries, who had been working hard to help get the Practice ready for the launch.
Re: DNA’s, LW reiterated the fact that the new system will automatically generate a letter after a patient had missed three appointments (without contact).
7. / Premises. Proposed Practice alterations had been discussed earlier in the meeting (under Action Plan Update).
8. / AOBs:
Addendum - SC stepped down as Chair and as a member of the PPG.
Date of Next meeting:
GS suggested that, as there was still a lot of actions taking place, that the group meet again in May and then consider bi-monthly meetings.
Agreed to next meet 24th May at 7pm.
Patient Feedback / PPG/Practice Response
Get an online booking system. / The Practice has had an online appointment system in place for over 12 months. Details can be found on the Practice website or from reception.
You felt it inappropriate for receptionists to ask to be given an idea of the problem. / You do not have to give this information if you prefer not to. It does however give the GP the opportunity to check your medical record, to see if this is a new or an ongoing problem.
I have found the staff to be extremely helpful and polite. I have found the Practice to offer an excellent appointment system, always managing to get an appointment on the day required. / Thank you. These comments have been passed onto and discussed with the Practice team.
Suggestion that we reconsider the 0844 number / We are tied into a contract, however this is under review.
I am impressed with the service I receive. The reception team are friendly and caring. Every time I have rung the surgery, the medical team have subsequently phoned me back on the same day. All of your GPs are professional and sensitive in their approach. / Thank you. These comments have been passed onto and discussed with the Practice team.
Patient Participation Feedback Box
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