The Ministers: Pastor (His Virtues)

MESSAGE: The pastor of the church of the living God must be a man of impeccable moral standard.

WHY SHOULD I CARE?1 Timothy 3:1 (KJV) 1 Thisis a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.

  • Bishop= literally “Overseer”. Was used in ancient times of leaders of any type, from political to religious. Commonly used of the one upon whom the responsibilities of the synagogue lay.
  • The original language of the sentence indicates that men will be actively, ambitiously aspiring to be pastors. The office of pastor that he is intensely wanting is an office that depends upon quality works. Therefore, those who desire it, must be quality men 1st of all.
  • The right kind and the wrong kind of man can aspire to be pastor.

ACTIVITY:Imagine you have the opportunity to design a boss. Make a list of the top five qualities this person would have with number 1 being most important to you.

  • How many of these have to do with their character?
  • How many of these have to do with experience, know-how?
  • How many have to do with likability?

Most people today do not care much about character or experience, but rather they prioritize the charismatic personality first. This is not God’s way.


  • Context-
  • Human author? Recipient? What is its relevance?
  • There were many false teachers around who were a menace to the churches. God provides information which stresses a man’s virtues when considering candidates.
  • Text- 1 Timothy 3:2-7 (KJV)

1)His Concern
2 A bishop then must be blameless….

7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without;


i)Blameless- Above reproach, not able to be apprehended, no baggage

ii)Good report- a quality testimony or witness. Not a person who has moral shortcomings.

b)The one who wants to be an overseer must first be of good moral character. There must be no track record otherwise.

i)This is bookended in God’s list for emphasis

ii)Moral character is a concern for the man who would aspire or who would occupy this office.

iii)What things do you think a man might wrongly focus on who want to be a pastor?

2)His Competitor

6 lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil

…7 lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.


i)Devil- Slanderer, Accuser

ii)Condemnation- Judgment. The judgment sentenced against the Devil for his pride

iii)Reproach- Disgrace, Insult

b)He has an enemy in the Devil who wants to exploit any flaws in his character. This enables the Devil to smear the church’s reputation and stunt its effectiveness.

i)The church should remember this most obvious weakness.

ii)Your pastor has a target on his chest. The Devil will attack him. That is why he must be a man who has a proven lifestyle of godly morality.

3)His Character

…2 the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
6 Not a novice,


i)“husband of one wife”- In Ephesian culture, polygamy was frowned upon. He must be the husband of one woman at a time. Demonstrates the office is a male leadership position.

ii)Vigilant- Aware, watchful, knows the dangers of things

iii)Sober- Self-controlled, sensible, follows sound reasoning, restrains passions

iv)Of good behavior- orderly in behavior, therefore presents a good decorum.

v)Given to hospitality- Fond of guests, Loving strangers who were recommended by letter from one church to another. Normally “inns” were houses of ill repute and therefore it was needful for the early Christians to extend this grace to one another.

vi)Apt to teach- Skillful in teaching. They willfully and faithfully study and carefully explain the Holy Bible.

vii)Not Given To Wine- Not a slave to alcohol

viii)No Striker- Not prone to hit people

ix)Not greedy of filthy lucre- he is not one who would use his position for dishonest or personal gain.

x)Patient- Not one to insist on rights to which they think they are entitled.

xi)Not a brawler- He is uncontentious. Not one who looks for fights.

xii)Not covetous- Not fond of money. Not materialistic.

xiii)“Ruleth well… all gravity”- He morally manages his family & affairs. He maintains proper authority over his children while maintaining the dignity of all concerned.

xiv)Not a novice- Not a new believer.

b)This man must be a person who possesses characteristics that represent a quality, godly morality.

i)This means he doesn’t have to be popular, pretty, or a natural at anything the office usually is known for.

ii)Lack of character is a terrible smear on the office of pastor today: womanizers, naturally dominating personalities who like to use and abuse others for their own ends, sociopaths, money manipulations & masks

ACTIVITY- Make a list of all the things people look for in a coach for their favorite football team. How is this list like the way people look for pastors? How is it different from what God teaches?

FUNCTION: See a pastor as God does

1)Expect moral excellence out of him.

2)Ponder: If God expects this out of His leaders, what kind of man must their leader (Jesus) be?