WoodruffRidingSchool is accepting students for this year’s Young Rider andYouth Horsemanship Camps.

Young Rider Camp – ages 5 – 9

9:00 – 12:00 Tuition: $250.00

This camp isdesigned specifically for the young rider. Students will receive an introduction to Horse Care and Riding in a safe and happy environment. Students will have a Riding Lesson every day and a camp craft to remember their fun. Bring a snack!

Youth Horsemanship Camp – ages 9 & up

9:00 – 3:00 Tuition: $375.00

All levels are welcome. Focus of this camp will be the full spectrum of horse care, with a daily Riding Lesson, Stable Skills and more. This course will offer training in a variety of skills, depending on the level of the rider. Instruction will be given in Stable Management, Grooming, Health Care, and Riding. The Rider will develop an understanding of the responsibilities involved in caring for your own horse. There’s much more to horsemanship than just riding! In the afternoons, we will treat ourselves to some swimming pool fun. Bring a bag lunch!

To confirm your space in camp, a completed Application, Release and Tuition must be received.


Susan Knox

Woodruff Shires & Warmbloods, LLC

4335 Jeffersonton Road

Jeffersonton, Virginia 22724


Student: Age Height Weight
Parent’s Name:
Address: Home Ph#
City/State/Zip: Work Ph#
Email address: Cell Ph#
Emergency Contact: Ph#
Physician Name: Ph#
Insurance Provider / ID#
Allergy or other Medical Information:

Payment is due at time of enrollment. Please mark the session you wish to attend

Week of / Hours / Camp / Cost /
June 21 / 9 - 12 / Young Rider Camp / $250
June 28 / 9 – 3 / Horsemanship Camp / $375
July 12 / 9 - 3 / Horsemanship Camp / $375

T-Shirt Size: (Youth sizes) S, M, L, XL _____ (Adult Unisex) S, M, L, XL, XXL______

Please enter the level of riding that best describes the Student: ______

Beginner: Little or no experience

Beginner +: Can Post the Trot

Adv Beg.Learning to Canter & Jump

Intermediate: Can Walk/Trot/Canter & Jump

Woodruff Shires & Warmbloods, LLC

Release of Liability

Release of Liability, State of Virginia, County of Culpeper

I (we) the undersigned student, parent, or legal guardian of a student of the Woodruff Shires & Warmbloods, LLC and the Woodruff Riding School Lesson Program and Summer Camp(hereinafter referred to as “Woodruff”), for and in consideration of my child, or a student for whom I have been granted legal custody, hereby voluntarily and knowingly execute this Release with the express intention of effecting the extinguishments of, and complete release from any and all claims, actions, demands or rights to monetary judgment arising from any and all injury or physical or emotional or mental harm which may arise from or be sustained as a result of my participation or the participation of my child and/or legal ward, in the various programs of instruction, practice, clinics, open riding, camps and physical activity or from observing the activities associated with the study of English riding, driving or horsemanship and related activities conducted by Woodruff and its owners and any of Woodruff’s employees. I hereby agree to hold Woodruff, Susan Knox, Woodruff owners and employees, free from all damages or liability for any injury to the person or property arising out of the use of horses or equipment while riding at Woodruff or while attending or observing any horse shows, camps, clinics or while performing chores, whether voluntarily or for compensation, or other horse related activities while on the premises of Woodruff or while away.

I agree to wear/agree to assure that my minor child will wear a regulation ASTM approved hard hat (helmet) at all times while mounted on a horse.

I confirm that I or my minor child has current medical insurance coverage.

I agree to allow photographs of me or my child taken during lessons and/or camp activities to be posted on our website.

In signing this document, I acknowledge that I am waiving legal rights that I or the person for whom I am guardian might have under Virginia law, and that I have done so freely, under no compulsion or duress, and have gotten such advice concerning this waiver as I consider to be appropriate. I further acknowledge that handling, riding, or even being in the vicinity of equines, such as horses, mules, ponies and the like, is considered a dangerous activity and that there are inherent risks in the handling, riding, or being in the vicinity of equines, including, without limitation: (i) the propensity of an equine to behave in a dangerous way which may result in injury or death; (ii) the inability to predict an equine’s reaction to sound, movements, objects, persons or animals’ and (iii) hazards of surface or subsurface condition. I assume the full risk of any personal injury or property damage to my person, the person for whom I am acting as legal guardian, my personal property and the personal property of the person for whom I am acting, arising from or in connection with the handling, riding, or being in the vicinity of equines in connection with the activities which I or the person for whom I am guardian are participating at Woodruff Shires & Warmbloods. This document is intended to be a waiver of rights to sue and an assumption of risk with the meaning of the Virginia Equine Activity Liability Act, Virginia Code Sec. 3.1-786.130 and following.

Executed by :______


Student Name:______Phone______

Address: ______
