Vicente Mayamaya


Professor Paul Pajo Jr. II

Voxiva Case Study Guide Questions

  1. What is the innovation of Voxiva?

Having real time data collection for early detection of outbreaks and other matters by providing web based solutions by the usage of telephones.

  1. What are the 3 ingredients of an effective system of disease surveillance and response?
  • Real-time collection of critical information from a distributed network of people.
  • Rapid analysis of data to drive decision-making and allocation of resources.
  • Communication back to the field to coordinate response

(Taken from pg 362, par 2)

  1. According to Meyer, what are his findings regarding ICT projects?
  • Most projects were deployed on a pilot basis and were fundamentally not scalable. Making a system work in one village in India is very different from making it work 600,000 villages in India.
  • Projects were overwhelmingly focused on connectivity and devices
  • There was too much focus on the internet and computer as a solution, particularly given the challenges of electricity, hardware and maintenance costs, training, and literacy.

(taken from pg 363, par 2)

  1. What is Meyer's observations regarding the use of telephones worldwide?

That people ignores the fact that telephones are many. Also, the telephones are much accessible and practical tool for most people in the world (pg 364, par 1)

  1. What was the problem that Voxiva was originally designed to solve?

Voxiva was founded to deliver practical technology solutions to important problems in the developing world. Voxiva sought to extend the reach of software applications to people and communities without access to the internet and to connect them in a systematic and meaningful way to promote health and development (pg. 364, par 4)

  1. What are Alerta Pilot's benefits?
  • It is intuitive to use and accessible
  • It allows for quicker, better informed decision making
  • It fosters better data quality
  • It allows for rapid feedback of information to the field
  • It reduces the paperwork burden
  • It promotes transparency and accountability
  • It is cost-effective relative to the current system and other IT rollouts

(Taken from pg 369-370, par 4, par 1)

  1. How can Voxiva help eradicate diseases?

This will allow the early detection of diseases and monitor it’s progress

  1. How can Voxiva be used for bioterrorism preparedness?

It was used to support an organization that helps in the disease surveillance.

  1. What are some of the lessons learned in Voxiva's deployment in other countries?
  • Foster two-way information flows.
  • Leverage existing infrastructures
  • Avoid stovepipes.
  • Software is not a system.
  • Technology alone will fail

(Taken from pg 374 – 375 par 1)

  1. What are some of Voxiva's challenges?
  • Have hit on a solution to a universal problem
  • Ensure its capacity to win new business
  • Focus on key opportunities and avoid distractions
  • Deal with the challenges
  • Develop recurring revenues
  • Manage diverse team

(Taken from pg 377, par 2)

  1. What is Meyer's beliefs regarding diversity? What is its connection to innovation?

He believes that innovation comes from bringing together people with diverse perspectives and forcing their minds to work together (pg 378, bullet 2)

  1. Can this system be implemented in the Philippines? What target disease would you recommend?

Yes. It can target the diarrhea outbreak.