Frederic Dannay Papers
Finding Aid Prepared by Patrick Lawlor
September 2001
Date Range: ca.1920-1982
Size of Collection: 85 linear ft (ca.25,000 items in 190 boxes).
Date of Acquisition: Gift of Richard and Douglas Dannay, 1985 & 1987
Material on Microfilm: Pearl S. Buck letter; manuscript of "The Glass Village" and "Notes on Wrightsville" are on microfilm
Terms of Access: Available for faculty, students, and researchers engaged in scholarly or publication projects
Restrictions on Use or Access: Permission to publish materials must be obtained in writing from the Librarian for Rare Books and Manuscripts
Location in Stacks: In sequence
Processing Information: Processed by Patrick Lawlor and student assistants
BIB ID: 4079731
Born Daniel Nathan in Brooklyn, New York on 20 October 1905, Frederic Dannay and his cousin Manfred B. Lee created Ellery Queen in 1929. In a series of novels starting with The Roman Hat Mystery (1929), The Devil to Pay (1938), Calamity Town (1942), Ten Days' Wonder (1948), Cat of Many Tails (1949), and And On the Eighth Day (1964), Dannay and Lee established Queen as one of the most influential and groundbreaking mystery novelists. The cousins also produced a number of mystery anthologies, as well as publishing the acclaimed Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine in 1941. Manfred B. Lee died in 1971, and Frederic Dannay died in White Plains, New York, on 3 September 1982.
Correspondence, outlines and drafts, manuscripts, letters of agreement, contracts, photographs, artwork, and memorabilia. The collection is divided into two parts: 1. The Frederic Dannay Papers, and 2. Files of Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (EQMM).
The Dannay papers consist of extensive correspondence with most of the notable mystery writers of this century, as well as well-known authors who sometimes wrote in that genre: Isaac Asimov; Lawrence Block; Ray Bradbury; Perl S Buck; Edgar Rice Burroughs; James M. Cain; Raymond Chandler; Agatha Christie, etc. Most of the novels and short stories written by Dannay and Lee are represented in manuscript form: "The Roman Hat Mystery;" "Ten Day's Wonder;" "Cat of Many Tails;" "The Scarlet Letters;" "The Glass Village;" "The Player on the Other Side;" "And on the Eighth Day," etc. In addition, there are the manuscripts of books edited by Ellery Queen; manuscripts by Ellery Queen Jr.; scripts by Ellery Queen; poetry by Dannay; contracts between Dannay and Lee, as well as between them both as Ellery Queen and numerous parties. There are also manuscripts by such notables as Jorge Luis Borges; Erskine Caldwell; Raymond Chandler; Agatha Christie; Stanley Ellin; William Faulkner; Dashiell Hammett; O Henry; Nigel Morland; Georges Simenon; Muriel Spark; Julian Symons; Roy Vickers; and Cornell Woolrich.
The second part of this collection is the files of Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (EQMM). Containing some 4,600 manuscripts submitted to the magazine over a period of 40 years, it is an unrivaled collection of its kind. Nearly all of the manuscripts have Dannay's msnuscript corrections.
I. Cataloged Correspondence
Note: For complete entries see volume 1 of the Catalog
1 Alexander, David
1 Allingham, Margery
1 Ambler, Eric
1 Anderson, Fred I.
1 Armstrong, Charlotte
1 Arnott, Noeline
1 Arthur, Mildred
1 Arthur, Robert
1 Ashbaugh, Richard
1 Asimov, Isaac
1 Atkey, Bertram
1 Austin, Margaret
1 Avallone, Michael
1 Bachrach, Sylvia Farnham
1 Bailey, H.C.
1 Baldwin, Faith
1 Ball, John
1 Barker, Shirley
1 Barr, Stephen
1 Barzun, Jacques
1 Baxt, George
1 Beach, Stewart
1 Bell, Josephine
1 Bellamy, Ralph
1 Bennett, Margot
1 Bentley, E.C.
1 Bentley, Phyllis
1 Biggle, Lloyd, Jr.
1 Bingham, John Michael Ward, 7th Baron Clanmorris
1 Blochman, Lawrence
1 Block, Lawrence
1 Boileau, Pierre
1 Bond, Raleigh
1 Boucher, Anthony
1 Bradbury, Ray
1 Brand, Christianna
1 Brande, Anna Janet
1 Brandner, Gary P.
1 Brean, Henry
1 Breen, Jon L.
1 Breit, Harvey
1 Bretnor, Reginald
1 Brittain, William
1 Brough, James C.
1 Brown, Frederic
1 Brown, Wenzell
1 Buck, Pearl S.
1 Burgess, Gelett
1 Burnett, W.R.
1 Burroughs, Edgar Rice
1 Bush, Geoffrey
1 Butler, Gwendoline
2 Cain, James M.
2 Caldwell, Taylor
2 Cameron, Owen
2 Campbell, Oscar J.
2 Canby, Henry Seidel
2 Carr, Albert Z.
2 Carr, John Dickson
2 Caspary, Vera
2 Cave, Hugh
2 Cerf, Bennett
2 Chandler, Raymond
2 Charteris, Leslie
2 Child, Charles B.
2 Christ, Jay Finley
2 Christie, Agatha
2 Ciardi, John
2 Clemens, Cyril
2 Coe, Charles Francis
2 Cohen, Roy Octavus
2 Coles, Manning
2 Cornier, Vincent
2 Costain, T.B.
2 Crane, Frances
2 Creasey, John
2 Crispin, Edmund
2 Crofts, Freeman W.
2 Cronin, A.J.
2 Curtis, Richard
2 Curtiss, Ursula
2 Cushing, Richard Cardinal
2 Daly, Elizabeth
2 Daly, Carroll John
2 Daniels, Harold R.
2 Daniels, Norman
2 Dannay, Frederic
3 Davidson, Avram
3 Davis, Dorothy Salisbury
3 Day-Lewis, Cecil
3 Deal, Borden
3 Dedger, David
3 deFord, Miriam Allen
3 de la Torre, Lillian
3 Detzer, Karl
3 Dewey, Thomas E.
3 Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron
3 Eberhart, Mignon S.
3 Eckels, Robert E.
3 Ellin, Stanley
3 Elston, Ralph Vaughn
3 Erskine, Laurie York
3 Fairman, Paul
3 Ferrars, Elizabeth
3 Fish, Robert L.
3 Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
3 Fleming, Joan
3 Francis, Dick
3 Freeling, Nicholas
3 Freeman, C.J.A.
3 Fremlin, Celia
3 Gardner, Erle Stanley
3 Garfield, Brian
3 Garve, Andrew
3 Gilbert, Anthony
3 Gilbert, Elliot L.
3 Gilbert, Michael
3 Godfrey, Peter
3 Golding, Louis
3 Gollancz, Livia
3 Gollancz, Victor
3 Gordon, Arthur
3 Gordon, Richard M.
3 Gores, Joe
3 Goulart, Ron
3 Grant, Richard
3 Green, Charles
3 Greene, L. Patrick
3 Gruber, Frank
3 Gulik, Robert H. van
4 Haggard, Edith
4 Hale, Christopher
4 Halliday, Brett
4 Hammett, Dashiell
4 Harrington, Joyce
4 Harrison, Michael
4 Harvester, Simon
4 Hay, Jacob
4 Haycraft, Howard
4 Hayes, Brian
4 Hecht, Ben
4 Hellman, Lillian
4 Helu, Antonio
4 Highsmith, Patricia
4 Hilton, James
4 Hitchens, Dolores
4 Hoch, Edward D.
4 Hoffman, Banesh
4 Holding, James
4 Holding, Elizabeth Sanxay
4 Honce, Charles
4 Howard, John Hayden
4 Hughes, Dorothy B.
4 Hunter, Evan
4 Huston, John
4 Innes, Michael
4 Jesse, F. Tennyson
4 Jordan, Luis A.
4 Kantor, MacKinlay
4 Keating, H.R.F.
4 Kemelman, Harry
4 Kendrick, Baynard
4 Kenneryly, Mitchell
4 Kersh, Gerald
4 Kiernan, John
4 King, Frank
4 King, Rufus
4 Knowlton, Don
4 Kreymborg, Alfred
4 Krutch, Joseph Wood
4 Kummer, Frederic Arnold
4 la Cour, Tage
4 Lacy, Ed
4 Lathen, Emma
4 Lawrence, Hilda
5 Lee, Manfred B.
5 Lerner, Max
5 Lewis, Richard O.
5 Ley, Willy
5 Lipsky, Eleazar
5 Little, Lou
5 Lochte, Richard S.
5 Lockridge, Frances
5 Lovesey, Peter
5 McConnor, Vincent
5 McCulley, Johnston
5 McCutchan, Philip
5 MacDonald, John D.
5 MacDonald, Philip
5 McGerr, Patricia
5 McGivern, William P.
5 McKelway, St. Clair
5 McNear, Robert
5 Martindale, Robert C.
5 Marsh, Ngaio
5 Masur, Harold Q.
5 Mathieson, Theodore
5 Matsumoto, Seicho
5 Maugham, W. Somerset
5 Mayberry, Florence V.
5 Millar, Kenneth
5 Millay, Edna St. Vincent
5 Miller, Wade
5 Morland, Nigel
5 Morley, Christopher
5 Morrell, David
5 Narcejac, Thomas
5 Nebel, Frederick
5 Nevins, Francis M., Jr.
5 Nielson, Helen
5 Niven, David
5 Norman, Charles
5 Nolan, William
5 Oboler, Arch
6 Pachter, Josh
6 Palmer, Suart
6 Parry, Henry T.
6 Patrick, Q.
6 Paul, Elliot
6 Peirce, J.F.
6 Perelman, Sidney Joseph
6 Perowne, Barry
6 Peterson, Charles Alden
6 Pierce, John
6 Plumb, Jack
6 Pollock, Channing
6 Porcelain, Lidney E.
6 Porges, Arthur
6 Porter, Joyce
6 Powell, James
6 Prather, Richard S.
6 Priestley, J.B.
6 Priestley, John Boynton
6 Prince, Jerome and Harold
6 Pronzini, Bill
6 Quick, Dorothy
6 Rascoe, Burton
6 Rawson, Clayton
6 Reach, Alice Scanlan
6 Redman, Ben Ray
6 Revesz, Etta
6 Rice, Craig
6 Richter, Joan
6 Rinehart, Mary Roberts
6 Roberts, S.C.
6 Robinson, Jackie
6 Rockwell, Norman
6 Rogers, Joel Townsley
6 Rohmer, Sax
6 Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt
6 Rosten, Leo
6 Roth, Holly
6 Rubin, Rick
6 Rukeyeser, Muriel
6 Rutledge, Nancy
6 Salinger, Pierre
6 Serling, Rod
6 Schier, Norma
6 Seeley, Mabel
6 Shellabarger, Samuel
6 Sherwood, Robert E.
6 Shiel, M.P.
6 Shore, Viola Brothers
6 Simenon, Georges
6 Slater, Elaine
6 Slesar, Henry
6 Speed, Jane
6 Spivak, Lawrence E.
6 Starrett, Vincent
6 Steele, Frederic Don
6 Steele, Wilbur Daniel
6 Stoughton, Arthur A.
6 Stout, Rex
6 Stribling, T.S.
6 Sturgeon, Theodore
7 Suter, John
7 Symons, Julian
7 Targ, William
7 Tey, Josephine
7 Thurber, James
7 Treat, Lawrence
7 Tucker, Luttrell
7 Twohy, Robert
7 Tyre, Nedra
7 Ullman, James M.
7 Untermeyer, Louis
7 Updike, John
7 Upfield, Arthur W.
7 Van de Wetering, Janwillem
7 Van Doren, Carl
7 Van Doren, Irita
7 Van Doren, Mark
7 Vickers, Roy
7 Walsh, Thomas
7 Watson, Colin
7 Waugh, Hilary
7 Weiman, Barbara Owens
7 Weir, Charlene M.
7 Wellen, Edward
7 Westlake, Donald E.
7 White, William
7 Whitehall, Joseph
7 Wilde, Percival
7 Wodehouse, P.G.
7 Woolrich, Cornell
7 Wylie, Philip
7 Wyndham, Martyn
7 Yaffe, James
7 Yates, Donald A.
7 Young, Alan K.
II. Cataloged Manuscripts
Note: Alphabetical by author. For a complete description of each manuscript see volume 2 of the printed catalog
Boxes 8-63B:
8 A
Christie, Agatha "Death . . ."
9 Christie, Agatha "Double . . ."
Dannay, Frederic "The Golden Summer."
10 Dannay, F. "The Golden Summer."
11 Dannay, F. "The Golden Summer."
Dannay, F. "A Group of Poems."
12 Dannay, F. "The International Poll to Determine the Ten Best Living Mystery Writers."
See also Box 89 & Box 23A of the EQMM Series following.
13 Dannay, F. "The Macquarries."
14 Dannay, F. "The Macquarries"
Dannay, F. "O Lost and Lonely Star."
15 Dannay, F. "O Lost and Lonely Star"
de la Torre, Lillian
16 Dower, Yasuko
Kyne, Peter B.
17 Lambert, Gerard
Perowne, Barry
18 Queen, Ellery "The Adonis . . ."
Queen, Ellery "The Adventure of the Four."
20 Queen, Ellery "The Adventure of the Needle's"
Queen, Ellery "The Adventure of the Yang Piece."
21 Queen, Ellery "Af"
Queen, Ellery "And on the Eighth Day."
22 Queen, Ellery "And on the Eighth Day."
23 Queen, Ellery "And on the Eighth Day"
Queen, Ellery "Bi"
24 Queen, Ellery "The Black"
Queen, Ellery "The Body"
25 Queen, Ellery "Br"
Queen, Ellery "Cam"
26 Queen, Ellery "Camp"
Queen, Ellery "Cas"
27 Queen, Ellery"The Cat on Many Tails."
28 Queen, Ellery"The Cat of Many Tails."
29 Queen, Ellery"Cop Out."
30 Queen, Ellery"Cri"
Queen, Ellery "The Crooked Road."
31 Queen, Ellery "The Crooked Road."
Queen, Ellery "De"
32 Queen, Ellery"Di"
Queen, Ellery "Do"
33 Queen, Ellery"Dr"
Queen, Ellery "E"
34 Queen, Ellery "Face to Face."
35 Queen, Ellery "Face to Face"
Queen, Ellery "Fat"
36 Queen, Ellery"A Fine and Private Place"
37 Queen, Ellery "A Fine and Private Place"
Queen, Ellery "The Finishing Stroke."
38 Queen, Ellery "The Finishing Stroke."
39 Queen, Ellery "Fir"
Queen, Ellery "The Fourth Side of the Triangle."
40 Queen, Ellery "The Fourth Side of the Triangle"
Queen, Ellery "The Glass Village."
41 Queen, Ellery "Gr"
Queen, Ellery "The House of Brass."
42 Queen, Ellery "The House of Brass"
Queen, Ellery "Hu"
43 Queen, Ellery"Id"
Queen, Ellery "Ino"
44 Queen, Ellery"Int"
Queen, Ellery "Its"
45 Queen, Ellery"J"
Queen, Ellery "King"
46 Queen, Ellery"King"
Queen, Ellery "Kr"
47 Queen, Ellery"Kry"
Queen, Ellery "The Last Woman"
48 Queen, Ellery"The Last Woman"
Queen, Ellery "Lo"
49 Queen, Ellery"Losers"
Queen, Ellery "Mu"
50 Queen, Ellery"Mu"
Queen, Ellery "Ob"
51 Queen, Ellery"The Origin of Evil."
52 Queen, Ellery"The Origin of Evil"
Queen, Ellery "Ou"
53 Queen, Ellery"The Parisian"
Queen, Ellery "The Player on the Other Side."
54 Queen, Ellery"The Player on the Other Side"
Queen, Ellery "The Roman Hat Mystery."
55 Queen, EllerySample permission letters
Queen, Ellery "The Scarlet Letters."
56 Queen, Ellery"The Scarlet Letters"
Queen, Ellery "A Study in Terror."
57 Queen, Ellery"Stu"
Queen, Ellery "Ten"
58 Queen, Ellery"Ten Days' Wonder."
59 Queen, Ellery"Ten Days' Wonder"
Queen, Ellery "The Thin Man's Son."
60 Queen, Ellery"To Vincent Starrett"
Queen, Ellery "Where Is Bianca?"
61 Queen, Ellery"Whe"
Queen, Ellery "Who"
62 Queen, Ellery "Who Spies"
Queen, Ellery "Wr"
63 Queen, Ellery and Lowell Brentano
Queen, Ellery, Jr.
63A Queen, Ellery, Jr. - Si
63B Sk To Y
III. Arranged Correspondence
Note: Arranged by date [Boxes 64-72]
64 1930s-1949
65 1950-1954
66 1955-1959
67 1960-1965
68 1966-1969
69 1970-1973
70 1974-1977
71 1978-1979
72 1980-1982
IV. Arranged Manuscripts
Note: Boxes 73-78 & Boxes 89-90
73 Introductions to Department of First Stories and anonymous manuscripts.
89 "The Ten Most Famous Fictional Detectives of all Time"
Hilda Dannay's death: correspondence and funeral registers
The Queen's Awards: 1947 and 1948..galleys, proofs, etc.
90 Miscellaneous notes and signatures collected by Dannay.
74 Photocopies of manuscripts.
75 Photocopies of manuscripts.
76 Fragments of manuscripts.
77 Fragments of manuscripts.
78 Fragments of manuscripts.
V. Documents
--Cataloged and Arranged Documents
Note: Arranged alphabetically [Boxes 79-81]
79 Dannay, Frederic
2 Jan. 1965 & April 1977
79 Dannay & Lee