Reading Tasks / Comprehension
I. Define the statements as follows:
A. TRUE B. FALSE C. NOT STATED (no information about it in the text)
1. Cinema is an available form of art
2. Films help people to feel relaxed
3. People find in films excitement
4. In a motion picture we are bound to increase our knowledge of technology
5. The heroes of a film are often role models for the younger generation
6. The older generation admires films about history
7. Film stars are famous and celebrated people
8. Those who act in a film are film stars
9. Viewers often imitate film actors
10. Costume design is a piece of art
II. Choose the right variant
1. Cinema is a form of art which
a) is interesting b) is popular c) always gives people aesthetic pleasure
2. People spend a lot of time watching films because
a) it is fashionable b) they can imitate film stars c) it is available
3. A film provides good recreation because
a) people can live the lives of the film heroes b) viewers can learn a lot of things c) people can see famous people on the screen
4. Films are sometimes instructive because
a) they provide relaxation b) they can help people to imitate films stars c) they teach people moral lessons
5. The younger generation enjoys watching films especially because
a) they get acquainted with the cultures of different countries b) they admire celebrities greatly c) films prove to be instructive
6. A masterpiece is
a) a piece of art b) any film c) a perfectly-made piece of art
7. People get aesthetic pleasure when
a) they enjoy a masterpiece b) they are taught moral lessons c) they watch an amusing movie
Vocabulary tasks
I. Find the equivalents in the text
1) популярная и доступная форма искусства; 2) на экране; 3) игровая картина; 4) предлагать разрядку, расслабление; 5) переживать страдание и счастье героев; 6) мы непременно найдем что-то захватывающее и занимательное; 7) поэтому; 8) молодое поколение – поклонники знаменитостей; 9) кинозвезды; 10) пример для подражания; 11) подражать в манере держать себя; 12) суждено стать шедевром; 13) надо заметить; 14) эстетическое удовольствие.
II. Make up sentences using the parts from each column
We imitate / Moral lessons / About lifeWe are bound / Our knowledge / With interesting facts
A movie teaches us / To find something interesting / Of history
It helps us to increase / acquainted / In clothes
We get / actors / In a movie
III. Match the words with their definition and translation
celebrated / beautiful in a way that makes you think about love / поучительныйfamous / extremely exciting / знаменитый
popular / much admired / доступный
well-known / giving useful and interesting information / волнующий, захватывающий
available / recognized or accepted by many people / популярный
instructive / able to be bought or reached / романтический
romantic / known by many people / хорошо-известный
thrilling / liked, enjoyed or supported by many people / известный
IV. Insert the words above into the following sentences
1) Walking is …with people from the older generation 2) Tickets are …free of charge 3) It is …that never gives interviews 4) He became internationally … for his role in the movie “Terminator” 5) I think this is a very …experience for me as I learnt a lot of useful things 6) He was soon one of the most …actors in England 7) The music being played now sounds very … 8) The plot of the movie is a …adventure story.
V. Find possible synonyms
a motion picture; entertaining; to be on the screen; a piece of art; amusing; famous; to watch; well-known; to be bound to do; celebrated; to get acquainted; to be sure to do; to learn more; exciting; a movie; to see; to be shown; to be on (идти (окино)); a film; thrilling; to get to know; to increase knowledge; funny; a work.
VI. Find the English equivalents for the following Russian expressions in the text and pick out the sentences where they are found and translate them
Model: Надозаметить – it should be noted (it should be noted that any film is a piece of art – надозаметить, чтокаждыйфильм – этопроизведениеискусства).
Надо заметить; таким образом; вследствие этого, поэтому; следующий пункт, момент; первая причина-это…; во вторую очередь; в конце концов; само собой разумеется; к примеру; в действительности; а также; или…или (либо…либо).
VII. Fill in the blanks with the words given
therefore thus as well as either …or
1) They lost the bet, … they must pay 2) Chamber orchestra is a small orchestra consisting of about 25 players, used for the authentic performance of baroque and early classical music …modern music written specifically for a small orchestra 3) The dress must be …black … brown 4) We have failed. … we have to take the consequences
Word-Building tasks
I. Find word-building patterns (related words)
actor; popular; activity; thrilling; fun; to excite; entertaining; imitate; romantic; exciting; famous; to speak; actively; entertainment; action; excited; inimitable; worldwide; speech; celebrated; motion; to thrill; motility; imitative[′imitətiv]; world; romance [rou′mæns]; inactivity; funny; motionless; excitement; celebrity; to act; fame; popularity; thriller; acting; imitable [′imitəbl].
II. Find the English equivalents of the following Russian words
Подвижность, знаменитость, слава, забава, взволнованный, волнующий, захватывающий, захватывать, актер, актриса, играть, по всему миру, речь, романтика, неподражаемый, популярность, неактивно, подвижно, неподвижно, взволнованно; игра (актера); переимчивый.
Grammar Tasks
I. Pick out all the nouns in the possessive case and transform them into of-phrases. Translate them into Russian and make up your own sentences
Model. share others’ emotions = share the emotions of others. I enjoy to share others’ emotions because I am sentimental by nature.
What is the difference between others’ emotions and other’s emotions?
II. Fill in the blanks with either of the following constructions
provetobe(оказываться) beboundtodo (tobe) (суждено, непременно, обязательно) tendtobe (todo) (иметь склонность, быть склонным, иметь тенденцию)
1) The film I saw yesterday …to be very boring and dull 2) I thought you didn’t …to watch lots of movies in the cinema theatres. But you …to be a real moviegoer! 3) Things …to get lost when you move house! 4) I am …to feel nervous about the first night of my comedy 5) Don’t worry! Your piece of art is …to succeed 6) Today we … to rely on the figures of a box-office to consider this or that film successful.
III. Fill in the gasps with a word where necessary
1) The recent masterpiece by Eastwood has … to be popular …the younger generation 2) I really consider this film …an amusing one 3) Bred Pitt is famous … his charming appearance, all the films where he … the main part are … to succeed 4) Today thrillers that are …the big screen shock audiences with scenes of violence 5) Mariel Streep is a …model for me, I … to imitate her …everything 6) With the help of a good film I can either escape …my own life for two hours … think about it more carefully 7) This situation has …me a good moral lesson.
IV. Translation
1) Многие известные и популярные фильмы содержат сцены насилия. В них мы не можем найти ничего назидательного, следовательно такие фильмы обречены стать неудачными (tofail). 2) Если все в игровой картине сделано превосходно, она обязательно станет шедевром мирового искусства. 3) Таким образом, это кино учит нас подражать знаменитостям во всем лучшем, что они делают. 4) У этой кинозвезды манера держать себя превосходна. 5) Я восхищаюсь этой актрисой и нахожу ее игру неподражаемой.
Comprehension I: 1a 2a 3a 4b 5b 6c 7a 8b 9b 10b; II: 1b 2c 3a 4c 5b 6c 7a.
Grammar tasks IV: 1) Many famous and popular films contain scenes of violence. In them we can find nothing instructive, therefore, such films are bound to fail. 2) If a motion picture gets everything done perfectly, it is bound to become a masterpiece of the world’s art. 3) Thus, this film teaches us to imitate celebrities in all the best they do. 4) This film star has a perfect bearing. 5) I admire this actress and find her acting inimitable.