Coach Poe

2016-2017 School Year


Tel: 256-741-4954


Each student will be required to keep a 3 ring binder containing 5 sections:

  1. Syllabus
  2. Vocabulary
  3. Handouts
  4. Notes
  5. Tests

** Students will be required to bring their binder to class every day, as well a writing utensil. They may use a blue or black ink pen or a pencil ONLY.

Tardy Procedures

Each student will have an assigned seat. Students must enter the classroom quietly and be seated before the tardy bell rings. If a student is not seated before the bell they will be marked as tardy and will be sent to get a tardy pass from the assigned period’s “hall sweeper.”


Students will be responsible to pick up around the area of their desk every day. Food and drinks will be not be allowed in my room for any reason. If a student enters the room with food or drinks they will have the option to throw the item away, or they may place it at the front of the room and pick it back up when the bell rings to transition to the next class.


Attached to your syllabus is your bathroom pass. You will get 3 bathroom passes for every 9 weeks. Every time you need to use the pass I will mark off an allotted time and initial. It should not be hard to keep up with your bathroom pass because it is attached to your syllabus which is required to be in your binder that is brought to class every day. You will be denied pass to the bathroom if you have already used your 3 allotted passes or if you failed to bring your pass.

Makeup Work

If a student is absent they will have three days to make up any missed worked. This will only be allowed if the absence is excused. This is a Calhoun County Board of Education policy. Located in the frontof the room is the “What Did I Miss Bin?” If a student misses an assignment or test (only due to an excused absence) they will need to locate their class in the “Missed Bin” as well as the date they missed. Located in the folder is the assignment. Assignments will only stay in the bin for a 9 weeks. After that they will be removed and thrown away, and you will miss your opportunity to make it up.

Grading Procedures

Each assignment will be graded on a 100 point scale. My gradebook is set up in the following way:

  • Test- 60% of total grade
  • Vocabulary- 20% of total grade
  • Quizzes- 10% of total grade
  • Classwork- 10% of total grade

** If a student is present in class but does not complete the work or chooses not to turn it in, it will be entered into the gradebook as a 1. If it has a grade of 1 they will not be allowed to make up or turn the work in. If it is a zero they may make it up as long as it is finished within the three allotted days.

** If a student claims that they have turned the work in but it was not graded they should locate the “Recorded Tower” and try to locate their assignment.

Bathroom Pass

1st 9 Weeks / 2nd 9 Weeks / 3rd 9 Weeks / 4th 9 Weeks
1. / 1. / 1. / 1.
2. / 2. / 2. / 2.
3. / 3. / 3. / 3.

“We are Indians, firstly, and lastly”- B.R. Ambedkar